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Men with big balls

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Men with big balls

Postby PINKBUNNY21 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:58 pm

My favorite pics to masturbate to is older guys with huge low hanging balls.I was at my friends house a couple of weeks ago and saw her granddad sleeping on the couch.He was wearing loose shorts and when she left the room I sat on the floor right by him so I could see up his shorts.He had the biggest low hangers I have ever seen on a man.I stared for 5 minutes and I have masturbated to them about 30 times since.
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Postby Tazz41 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:46 pm

Im 43, and have avg sized bag berries,when im not horny they hang low,but when I get erect, and the more I get turned on, they slowly start drawing up very tight. I like when they are still low cause as have sex or masturbate they slap around and feel great.
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Postby Doma » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:35 pm

Wow pink bunny that is pretty damn hot. Did you find him attractive or just his balls lol. I'm sure he would have loved to know that you were gawking at his balls.
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large balls

Postby shady41 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:50 pm

It seems the older I get, the lower my balls hang. Even when I am really aroused, as long as the room temp. is comfortable, mine sag low until I am about to shoot, then they do tighten up. I too love when I feel them swinging back and forth and all around. I'm bi, and judging by the ones I've gotten up close and personal with, mine are fairly large.
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Postby rickster » Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:41 pm

I'm reasonably average, as near as I can tell. My stepdaughter hasn't seen me (that I know of), but accidentally saw her dad when she was about 5 and swears up and down that all older men's balls hang down to their knees.

I go to a russian bath house in town. There is a man there (prob. around age 35 or so) whose balls and scrotum are HUGE! They don't hang down very far but are more "in front" and almost are the size of small apples. I'd think they would hurt at that size.....
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Postby raincoaster » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:18 pm

Our city has a legal nude beach, and I hang out there quite a lot (pun intended). This past summer, I watched a guy walk the full length of the beach at the water's edge, and couldn't believe the low-hanging sack on him. Why was I looking? Because despite what everyone says about nude beaches not being about sex and everything, EVERYBODY looks at EVERYBODY, cocks, balls, cunts, boobs, butts, part of the fun for everyone is seeing and being seen, though I'm sure lots would deny it.

Anyway, this guy was maybe fifty or fifty-five, and had a pretty large soft cock (as in long), but his sack hung down WAY below the end of his cock. Seriously, his bag was like a sock with two plums in it. And as he walked, his sack actually swung from side to side. Looked like he knew it too and was enjoying it himself, as he seemed to exaggerate swinging his bag on purpose.

Man on man, would have LOVED to have seen him with a boner too. Probably unbelievable.
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Postby dicklion » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:10 pm

Gifted in the cock dept and also have nice peaches in a lunch sack.

A problem in sports- thank god for brief supporters to hold everything up nice and tight- toucgh with a cup{when I played baseball-cathcer)

my dick is almost 5 inches soft but the balls hang below that. Very full as well.... get comments in locker room and at beach- nude or otherwise...
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
Have relationships and have regualr frequent sex and this makes me jackoff more.
write to : [email protected]
Love to jackoff in front of a group of ladies, outside anywhere
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Postby raincoaster » Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:02 pm

rickster mentioned the guy's nuts hanging down in the russian bath. As I have mentioned in other posts, my JO-buddy has a really big cock (probably 8" soft). When he gets a boner, it doesn't get any longer, it just gets hard and stands up. His sack hangs down at least as low as his cock and sometimes lower and he has very big balls as well. But we often share a sauna at his place after the hot tub. In the sauna, his sack hangs down like a sock with a couple of plums in it. Seriously, his nuts lay on the seat in a puddle of excess soft skin. Sometimes he sits forward so his sack is just hanging down in front of the seat, and its unbelieveable. I don't have a low sack, but it does hang down more when we are in the sauna, so the high heat surely has something to do with it.
sex: male
orientation: straight, married 28 years
cock: little over 6 inches hard, 4 1/2" soft
interests: home and beach nudist
circumsized: yes
jerk off: once daily, naked
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Postby happystroker » Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:39 am

Wow, I think this thread is VERY hot. My did and I often went to the beach, and I remember seeing his balls up his shorts. Then when I was sixteen I played with an older man, and he had a big cock and very long low balls. I'd never seen anything like it, and remember the first time watching him bang his wife with his balls slapping. The first time we had an 'orgie' a woman went down on him and sucked his balls like crazy. When we would strip naked in his living room to have sex, I got so excited seeing them emerge from his boxers.Later, he introduced me to cocksucking and I loved to get down and feel them and (yes) suck on them.

Often we'd lie outside in the sun, and his sack would get relaxed and loose and hang across his thigh, such a sight! The only thing better was when his legs were spread and his balls rested on the chair.
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