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jacking off in car

Postby bebob75006 » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:52 pm

When I was in the marine corps years ago I would come home on the weekends then I would leave on sunday afternoon and would have to drive about 8 hrs. to my base. I would be thinking about my girl friend and woud get hard so I would start rubing my cock and I would cum in my pants and under shorts.
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Postby takeout » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:37 pm

I used to drive and masturbate a lot when I was younger. I had a 1980 Pinto that had no AC and summers found me driving wearing only a pair of shorts. My family often stayrd at a lake camp and I had to drive 200 mile alone on my way back home to go to work. I almost always dropped the shorts as soon as I was out of sight, and kept stroking all the way home. I kept my eyes open for discarded magazines and whenever I found one, I stop at the next rest area and have a good slow JO as I looked at all the pictures of naked women. Then I kept the magazine to use all thru the next week.
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car jacking

Postby Redrick » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:37 pm

We were both 12 years old and attending some boring event at the country club our families belonged to. So we got permission to go outside and amuse ourselves. We happened to pass a pond on the olf course, abd saw a pair of ducks mating. This got my friend to talking about sex, and we both got hard. He suggested we go sit in my parents car and jack off which we did. I was night so no one saw us. We sat nest to each other and watched the other dick getting beaten closely. That night I had the biggest orgasm I'd ever had.
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the hitch hiker

Postby showoff60m » Fri May 11, 2007 5:38 pm

It was early morning in Seattle and I had been working all night. I was horny as hell and had a long drive ahead of my...back to Bellingham. I took out my cock as i drove north on Aurora. It was a slower street with more opportunities to be seen. After about twenty minutes i saw a woman walking down the street. She looked like she wanted a ride so I went around the block (putting away my cock for the time being :-) ).

She did flag me down and ask for a ride so I invited her to get in. When she did I asked where she was going and she said "how far are you going?" I said Bellingham and she said "cool". My cock was hard, she was very pretty, and I said I usually make a stop on the way and I would let her out if she wanted or she could come with me. When she asked what the stop was for I got embarassed, but said "I always need to masturbate on the way home". The look in her eyes was delicious. She said "I'd like that a lot".

Soon we were earnestly looking for a secluded spot. She was very friendly and we were having fun, teasing each other about our perversions. She asked if I liked to show off while driving and I said yes, so she said "Let's give some lucky lady a show". Her suggestion was for me to take out my cock again and she would help me flash women driving past us. "It'll look like we don't know" she said. It was great...I kept getting harder and hornier and when we did find a spot, she said "Do it for me now....please" as she lowered her jeans and panties to masturbate with me.

Her name was Diane and I still get very hard remembering her and that morning. I hope she is out there and knows how special she is to me.
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car jacking

Postby meagain » Thu May 17, 2007 6:00 am

i have done it in my car while parked at the train station...
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car jacking

Postby jackoffnow » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:14 pm

i jack in my car at work while sitting in parking lot before going inside,i do this frequently!! i was seen by a co-worker recently!! he had tinted windows,but i cud see him look aty me,i never had my cock fully exposed,but he saw enough to know what i was doing,i then noticed his car rocking somewhat!! i knew he was enjoying it knowing what i was doing!! i cud see his face in the tinted window,he was watching me intently!! it was hot indeed!!
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Postby SavoryIce » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:31 am

A few weeks ago, I was hanging around my apartment and realized that the day was empty and I had nothing on my schedule. I figured I'd go about town and see what there is to do, and after I got into my car, I began to feel quite cozy. I stretched, as I hadn't when I woke up, and in doing so, I raised up the abdomen area of my body to stretch my legs. But, inevitably, my pussy pressed against the steering wheel with a somwhat comforting pressure. As I relaxed my body and fit myself back into the seat, I felt a soothing rubbing on my clit. That was the smooth silk of my panties doing its job.

Unable to resist, I took off my pants on the spot and slid my hand down my panties. From there, I began masturbating as usual, and I eventually got a towel from apartment, went back to the car with it and finished the job...It wasn't one of my better experiences, but any cum is a good cum. What was nice though was that I was still tired, so I fell asleep on the spot, with a cooling breeze relaxing my legs and pussy. When I woke up, I still had that feeling, so I spent the rest of the day without any panties or pants.
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Postby LoveThyself! » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:01 pm

Great story, SI! Wish I could have walked by your car and looked in to see you dozing post-climactically! Would've put an even bigger grin on my face than the one there now.

I have to drive my wife to the airport here in a bit. About two hours each way. Taking the Fleshlight with me and I'll slip in a plug as well. It'll be a nice ride home (so to speak) just so long as I don't pass out after climax!

Postby ozzy4490 » Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:40 pm

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Postby Knight » Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:02 pm

I've jerked off while driving many times. It's about a 20 mile drive home from shopping, and sometimes I just don't want to wait.

You know, it's been quite a while . . . I'll have to rub one out next time I head to town!!
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Postby footman » Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:37 pm

Only did this once while on a long trip by myself. Though it be fun to try to climax while driving. I waited until I was on a stretch of road where there was no traffic around me then slid my pants and underwear down and went to work. Had a great climax. Cleaned up with some napkins I grabbed at a rest stop restaurant.
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Postby CWOOD » Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:49 am

I am very glad to hear the different stories. They give me good ideas. I am just starting to get into car jacking. I wish I would have got this urge before the summer ended. I missed alot of car washes . I am currently looking for a good safe place that I can do this. Checked a local grocery store but they had cameras in the parking lot but I will continue to look until I find a good place. Until I find that spot I will J/O on the way home from work.
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Postby gold47 » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:41 am

Hey cwood,try to find gas stations that stay open all night.On friday and saturday nights they can be full of sexy girls filling up there cars.Go after dark and park where you can see the gas pumps about 40 to 50 feet away.Just sat there and wait and watch,occasionaly in the summer you can watch a girl in short shorts with her ass towards you or her front showing a cameltoe,the winter is just as good,you see a lot of girls in skin tight jeans.You will be in the dark so nobody can see in your car and the girls will be in the light.If they are filling there tank up that gives you time to stroke and get a full hard on while looking at there body.sometimes they will lean up against there car sideways with one foot up on the platform the pump is on causing there legs to be spread with there ass cheeks really showing and this will have you pumping cum.
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Postby troy95 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:51 am

just jacked off in the car at the park tonight. I have done it several times when driving home from work or on long trips. Not really brave enough yet to purposely drive by people and let them see, with my luck they'd call it in.
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Postby leatherlover » Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:10 am

I absolutely LOVE to jack off in cars, especially sportscars and big trucks. In fact, I have a story to go with that.
When the '04 F-150 came out I absolutely fell in love with it. I HAD to drive one to release some tension. I went down to the local dealer wearing a T-shirt and board shorts. I had a plan...

The dealer I went to is known for letting you take vehicles for joyrides. Nobody with you and you can be gone as long as you want. I picked out this big, lifted, F-150 with deep window tint off the lot. As soon as I left the lot I got super-horny. I pulled behind a grocery store, pulled my shorts down and rolled on a condom to stay clean. Then, I got back on the road with my bare butt cheeks in the truck's soft seat and the tunes turned waaay up. I filled two condoms in the course of about 5 hours of driving and wanking.

When I returned I felt really cool, it was so risky. The salesman had NO idea what I had done in that truck and he'll never know, because I didn't leave a trace. In fact, the risk turns me on so much I've done it a couple more times in a Mustang GT and a Cadillac DTS. :twisted:

The Caddy was tough. The seat is so soft and deep it's hard to wank and drive at the same time. You keep sinking down. Suprised I didn't get pulled over for "drunk driving" for that one. :P
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