I just wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I don't remember how I discovered this, but when I am taking a shower, I have found that if I soap up my dick, then begin rubbing the top side of the head with my finger or thumb, that before long I feel the need to piss begin to build. However, the feeling is more intense - it is almost the same as you feel when jacking off and that feeling of impending climax starts to build. Anyway, at that point, I will increase the speed and the amount of pressure until I reach the point that I begin pissing. But with that piss, comes a feeling of sexual release, again feeling a lot like the climax of cumming.
Oh, I have done this while not in the shower by using a lube of some kind and achieving the same results.
If you have never done this, you might try it sometimes. - SURE FEELS GOOD.