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Eating your own cum

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Postby cumSplatter » Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:03 pm

Precum is delicious. A little creamy and salty - but very very delicious. I like my regular cum, too. But I don't eat it very often. Maybe today!? :wink:
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Postby hand_solo » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:03 pm

Like a lot of people in here I have used the method of positioning myself upside down and cumming into my mouth, but this loses it's appeal after a while and I don't do it anymore and whenever I ejaculate now I don't feel the urge to taste it because i'm not as horny. Occasionally when I've been edging I have almost ejaculated but not fully, only a small amount of cum leaves my cock and I lap it up straight away before I ejaculate properly!
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Postby dickhardy » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:19 pm

From the number of responses I would say that this is a popular subject. As with most everyone, the fantasy of eating your own cum is something that is very appealing while you are hot and jacking.
Several times, I have followed through and "eaten" my own cum. It's not something that I would want to do on a regular basis, but if I do it the moment I start cumming, it seems to add to the excitement of the moment.
I do however as has been stated by most, enjoy eating my pre-cum.
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Postby jamiegirl » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:47 pm

This is an interesting topic, and one of interest to me!!
This is something that I wanted my husband to do and would turn me on so one night I was talking about new things we could try and mentioned that I would be really hot if he would do that for me. He literally got pretty upset with me and said I was discusting. (For those that are not familiar with my situation, I am very very sexual and horny all the time but the hubby is more of a cuddling/straight laced kind of guy) Does anyone have any suggestions on how to bring it up again without flippin his wig or should I just let it go?
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Postby strk88 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:06 pm

Unfortunately, I think that some straight guys view this as some sort of "gay" behavior, which may turn them off. In my opinion, if your lover asks you to do something that will turn them on, you should try to indulge their passion if you can. Maybe if he sees that this would really get you off, and that it would make you happy, he'll come around. In my case, when I saw she wanted it, I had no problem with it. It completely got her off. Keep trying, and good luck!
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Postby blklabel » Sat Nov 17, 2007 11:25 am

jamie- The first time I did it was when I had just tittie-fucked my girlfriend at the time and when I was done she told me to lick it off, in that state and situation I didn't even hesitate.
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Postby Kevin_1 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:54 pm

You could always let him cum in your mouth, and then kiss him. This is how I tasted my own for the first time. Have never looked back.
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Postby jamiegirl » Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:37 pm

Kevin_1 wrote:You could always let him cum in your mouth, and then kiss him. This is how I tasted my own for the first time. Have never looked back.

I've tried this but he won't let me near him, I always swallow but he won't kiss me until I've taken a drink or brushed my teeth or something to that effect. I've always wanted him to cum in me and then go down on me afterwards (I have had guys do this in the past) but would like it if he would. He is just very turned off by it and doesn't want to budge on his stance. I always feel that if your partner wants you to do something you should at least try it. Then if its not your thing, then its not. But I don't like the close mindedness
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Postby moonknight82 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:23 pm

I've eaten my own cum a couple of times...was creamy and salty. I can never bring myself to lick it off my fingers so I had to lie with my back against the wall and shoot my load over my face. I then licked it off around my mouth...turned me on, and i'm certainly not just tasted good and felt good!!! I haven't done it in a while though...
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Postby Cordwainer » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:20 am

If he really seems freaked out by it, I would firmly state that it doesn't taste bad and tasting it would not make him gay, and then I would just drop it.

Freely speculating, I suspect he has a big fear of doing anything that could be taken as homosexual. By late elementary school, being called gay is a common insult among boys. By the time they have graduated high school, they have heard "that's gay," or "you're gay," or "don't be gay," or similar phrases using fag or faggot hundreds of times. Being thought of anything less than a conventional straight male stud or, at least, would-be stud given the opportunity can have real social costs among young male peer groups. In short, I speculate that your husband has been most thoroughly conditioned.

By way of example, from my above post it is obvious that I would be unfazed if an SO wanted me to eat my semen for her. Nevertheless, I would never admit to my liking of consuming my semen to any male I know in 3D, not even my brother or best friend. The social risk would simply be too great.
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Postby Alan » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:26 am

Cordwainer wrote:If he really seems freaked out by it, I would firmly state that it doesn't taste bad and tasting it would not make him gay, and then I would just drop it.

Freely speculating, I suspect he has a big fear of doing anything that could be taken as homosexual. By late elementary school, being called gay is a common insult among boys. By the time they have graduated high school, they have heard "that's gay," or "you're gay," or "don't be gay," or similar phrases using fag or faggot hundreds of times. Being thought of anything less than a conventional straight male stud or, at least, would-be stud given the opportunity can have real social costs among young male peer groups. In short, I speculate that your husband has been most thoroughly conditioned.

By way of example, from my above post it is obvious that I would be unfazed if an SO wanted me to eat my semen for her. Nevertheless, I would never admit to my liking of consuming my semen to any male I know in 3D, not even my brother or best friend. The social risk would simply be too great.

Well said.
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Postby jamiegirl » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:36 pm

Hubby did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been a week of two firsts (and two of my fantasies) for hubby!!!!!!! Buttplay and yesterday afternoon we had some awesome sex and afterwards he went down on me after he came in me!!! He said it was alright and he wouldn't mind doing it for me if it was a turn on!!!!!!!! :D :D
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Postby moonknight82 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:06 pm

Anyone able to tell me the best way to feel like eating it? As I said, I have a couple of times by masturbating while my penis is pointing at my face, but I don't want to have to keep doing that, it's uncomfortable lol. I think part of what puts me off it that it tastes good warm, but it goes cold quick, plus I lose the desire when i've ejaculated...
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Postby Cordwainer » Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:53 pm

In my opinion, the best way is to learn how to ejaculate without having a full orgasm. Briefly, if you want to do it, you need to get very good at edging. Then to have a partial ejaculation, you need to edge to just before the point of orgasm several times, say for at least a half hour. After that you can stimulate yourself to where you have the cum-rising feeling and then stop. If you do everything right, you can ejaculate three or four times--with rests in between--without having a full orgasm.

It takes practice, but knowing it can be done is half the battle, and once you learn how, it's not that difficult to do. When my plumbing was still undamaged, the only times I had trouble doing it was when I hadn't ejaculated in a while and was hair triggered.
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Postby footman » Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:56 pm

Hubby did it!! ... yesterday afternoon we had some awesome sex and afterwards he went down on me after he came in me!!! He said it was alright and he wouldn't mind doing it for me if it was a turn on!!!
Good for you JG, although in total honesty I've done both and would say that doing oral on my wife after cumming inside her is very different than directly eating my own cum. Maybe it's because she gets so wet, but I've never experienced a really strong taste of cum when doing oral on her. Taking the cum straight during/after masturbating is a whole different ball game IMHO because you get the full tase and effect directly. Glad he did it though and glad you enjoyed it.
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