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what was your first orgasm experance like?

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what was your first orgasm experance like?

Postby palmers9000 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:42 pm

well mine was like well one day wile alone i was feeling quite horney after several days of abstaining i was watching some porn and i started to get hard well i was hot to i went to rubing my cock then i striped down neckid and went to strokin my cock until i exploded the sencation was a warm glowing tengleing feeling that felt good i was wondering what other peoples orgasm fells like? let me know.
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my first

Postby MI jackin » Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:35 am

my first orgasm came a while after i had began playing around, i was ten or twelve and i was at a friends house, we were looking at internet porn and talking about girls and jacking off came up, he seemed more experienced than me to i said that of course i jack off, all the time. he told me to feel free cause he was going to and he pulled his dick out. I followed suit and pulled mine out and i just did what he was doing, basic one hand pumping. But sure enough after about 15 minutes of some serious jacking i had my first orgasm, only a little clear cum came out in comparison to his handful of thick white cum. We did it a bunch more times after than and eventually we jacked each other off, but another story for another time.
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Postby jocelyn.secret » Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:41 pm

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Postby Doma » Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:56 pm

Okay ummm this might take a while :roll:

Well I've been a horny little kid ever since I remember really. I recall going through magazines of bikini models and then read them in the bathroom. You think I'm horny now you should see what I was like back then. At a time when seeing a woman in bikini made my day, and when I see a naked woman I become ecstatic lol. Hell I used to read the definition of strip tease in the dictionary and get hard by that. :lol:
In my early days I used to take my sisters dolls and undress them imagine myself fucking them, I remember my mom caught me sleeping with one lol. Since then my horniness hit an entirely new level, I discovered porn for the first time through the internet, happiest day in my life (at the time). IT WAS HEAVEN, all these hot naked women doing all these nasty kinky things oh my god this was something else. It became an addiction, I just had to see a naked woman someway somehow. I used to tune in to the TV to see if there were any random nude or semi-nude scenes, I remember squeezing my hard dick (not exactly masturbating) when I was watching Fashion TV, more accurately the bikini models, oh boy were they sizzling (*getting hard as I write this*)
Later on I became something of a nudist. I walked around my room naked and since I had no servants or anything and my parents were out of the house I would walk around the house naked, which probably doesn't seem like much now but at the time it was pretty kinky lol! :lol: I used to imagine all those hot bikini babes touching my dick, and being naked with me (I didn't now how sex worked at that time) Just being naked in a presence of a woman was sex or so I thought lol.
Of course the days went by my unbelievable horniness got the better of me time and time again. One day I was taking a bath and while in there, I started playing around with my cock. Eventually the playing around led to tickling my cock until I started getting tingly feelings, but they would come and go. I remember saying "god that felt great" I must try that again so I continued tickling until one time I felt this sweeping, refreshing orgasm from my ankles to my head. My tickling had led to me cumming but at that time I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that it felt great. After a while I started feeling a bit guilty, would my parents know? Is it wrong? Am I gonna get AIDS? Was that sperm coming out of me? I was an ignorant child, I didn't know anything about sex up to a certain age. Problem for me was nobody really told me about these things. Not my parents, my friends, my religious advisers they said nothing even when I used to take health education about sex they never mentioned masturbation....sad really. But I'm proud to say I have developed a lot since then, I've become a lot more mature (Sexually) and this site has helped me a lot, and has kept my mind open about sexual matters. Seriously the support we have for eachother on here is so heartwarming, it makes me realize the wonders of human sexuality.

Here is something funny, since I didn't even know what it was called I named it "Dick Massage" it made sense it was on my dick and it felt great.
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Postby gold47 » Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:58 am

I remember the details of my first orgasm and i also remember what led up to it,which was many years ago because i am 47 yaers old.I do not know how old i was but i was starting to look at girls.I remember the other boys talking about getting a hard on but this has not hapened to me yet at that time.When i would look at girls i would get a feeling down below but not a hard on,then one day i was laying in the living room floor watching tv while my parents were sittig on the couch,i do not remember the name of the show but it was in the 60's,it was about a family with a teen daughter and son.On this day the girl and boy are having a pillow fight in the girls bedroom,the girl was laying on her bed on her back wearing a little short dress and the boy was hitting her with a pillow,every time she would roll sideways to dodge him her panties would show for just second and you could see her thighs all the time and i started getting that feeling down below only this time something else was going on,i could feel my dick pushing against the floor and it scared me and i was afraid to move and my parents were sitting near me on a couch,the show ended and my hardon went away,later i went to bed
When i went to bed i woke up late in the night thinking about the girl in the show and i got a hardon,i reached down and held it in my hand and i just naturaly started rubbing it,then i wanted to see it so i secretly went to the bathroom and turned on the light and i was amazed at how stiff my dick was.It felt real good to rub it so i put some wet soap on it and continued to rub up and down it,then all the sudden i felt tingling then throbbing and then muscles in my body behind my balls started pulsing and it felt incredable but nothing came out.After about two months of doing this one night while jacking off in my bed everything happened the same but i felt like something was being pushed up through my dick and it felt so good that i moaned,which i had not done before,yhen i felt something hot on my thumb,i went to the bathroom and there was a little bit of cum on my thumb,i just stood there and rubbed my finger in it,i was amazed at how slick and sticky it was.
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Postby footman » Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:58 pm

Mine was nice, but dry (no ejactulation). I remember folding over the edge of my blanket over, putting my erection between the folds, and holding the blanket with my hands on both sides of my cock, sliding it back and forth until I came. Once I started ejaculating I moved to using my bare hand.
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Postby Doma » Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:27 pm

Some awesome stories there, always nice to hear about first orgasms.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Status: Single
Physique: Chubby but sexy
Circumcised: Yes
Cock Length: 6 in. (Approximately)
Cock Girth: 5 in.
J/O Frequency: 1-2 times a day
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Location: Cairo, Egypt

Postby Punter » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:02 am

Was about 13, uplate watching naughty tv after awhile my penis began to hurt and i lent over and thought i had pissed was an orgasm.
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Postby jamiegirl » Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:09 pm

Mine was when I was 12. I was getting a shower and for some reason I rubbed my pussy against the spout in the bathtub and about instantly had an orgasm. So from then on....I had showertime fun hahah. After my first orgasm I found my shaving cream bottle (the cap has ribs on it, you girls know what i'm talking about, and you guys are gonna look now at the store) so I would lay the bottle down in the bottom of the tub and grind my clit over the ribs till I orgasmed.
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Postby rdl30 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:41 pm

When I was about 12, during the summer my mom would leave me at home and go to work. I had masterbated many times, but never long enough to cum (nor did I know it could even happen). So one day I got the idea of using my moms lotion. I got completly naked and layed on the living room floor, put some lotion in my hand and started jacking. After about what seemed like a long time (but I'm not sure it was that long), I felt an electricity all over my body and my cock started spitting cum all over. It felt so good, but also scared me as I did not know what had happened. Well from that point until now, I'm turning 40 I have been jacking about once a day.
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My unique early-age orgasms!

Postby slick'nthickinmd » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:49 pm

Well, I just gotta share my first orgasmic experience (which I still dutifully practice from time-to-time) - but now I really enjoy lubing myself up with Crisco and hand/finger-workin' myself off long and thick and slow when I feel the need (often 2-3 times per day...).
I was in 5th or 6th grade, and loved to watch the girls back in the early 60's wear their mini-skirts to school, and as they sat across from me in the classroom, they'd often spread their legs apart (and I'm hopefully thinking back now they were knowingly doing so...) as they reached down to get their books, or saw my attentions from the other side of class, or just felt like a little tease!
I would think of this as I took my showers at bedtime, and found myself becoming quite addicted (at such an early age... so nice!) to the tingling sensations of our adjustable showerhead (ESPECIALLY so when it was put on full rough setting!)!
So, being quite mechanically adept at that early age (10-11 years old), and feeling the raw need to experience the full-monty roughness of the water pounding the head of my ultra-sensitive glans with the showerhead off and I went to the garage and got vise-grips and removed the showerhead, then hid the grips inside my wet towel to return to the garage later on...

I'd always just screw the showerhead back on just until it didn't leak after that... Smile!
Once I dropped it and almost gave my secret away...

After taking the showerhead off, the stream of warm, almost-hot water was SO very intense on my (back then...) small cock and I got SO hard and let the water play it's rough but soothing joys on my cockhead - and it took but a few minutes for me to experience my first and VERY special full-body-trembling orgasm, which I continue to have until this day (56 now...). I loved to watch my deliciously thick cum stream from the head of my cock up onto my chest and often into my mouth...

If I coulda screamed I would, and now when I cum either alone, with my woman, or special bi-curious type of guy locally who enjoys the best of both worlds (both stroking AND orally ONLY pls... :o ), I really get off and let loose as I cum with my extended release!

So there's my first-time true story, and I'd REALLY enjoy hearing from some special friends (either M or F) in the DC/Balto area who'd enjoy sharing daytime delights naked together!

Please PM me...
Let's share our hot cums in our unique, so-hot and raw ways together!
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Postby happystroker » Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:22 am

I remember two things I did when I was very young, and both of them gave me orgasms, though I had no idea at the time what was going on.

I discovered in the shower that putting hot and cold water on my dick made it hard and felt really good, and if i did it just right (whatever that was), it twitched and felt REALLY good. So I'd run to the sink and get cold water in a cup...hehe.

Then, our backyard was above a girl's athletic field, and also I used to play in a backyard pool and would get excited little erections. Then I'd run to the fence and expose myself. Of course, it was too far for anyone to see, but I sometimes got really excited by this, and would watch in amazement when my hard thing would start twitching.

I think it was not long after I discovered this that my best friend showed me how to stroke....and we played together all the way to puberty!
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Postby bugleone » Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:16 pm

I find it surprising when I read about boys 'suddenly' getting an erection and wondering what was happening because some of my earliest memories are of getting hard. When I was about 10 I started to get more interested in the differences between girls and boys and then my friend at school relayed a conversation that he had had with his dad about "how babies get inside women". This basic set of information about reproduction used to make me strangely excited when I thought it all over, and I could now understand what the erection was for but had no real idea of orgasm or how things actually worked so the excitement was a sort of private feeling which I thought was just about having this 'forbbiden knowledge'.

Because of the 'big secret' that I now new part of, I got much more interested in my erections and discovered that although I could pull back my foreskin when soft I could not get it back more than halfway down the head when erect. The feeling was a curious mixture of pain and soreness as I stretched the hood back over the head but mixed with a tingly and very exciting sensation. After much experimentation I eventually discovered that by rapidly easing and stretching the hood over the head my excitement would reach an incredible level and then suddenly end in a mind blowing climax of feelings which took me to places in my mind that I had never been to before! This was followed by a feeling of great embarrasment and disbelief at what I had just done and I would stuff my softening penis away with a mixture of guilt and disgust!

After doing this for some weeks I discovered that after the first climax I could freeze all movement for about a minute and then when I restarted the manipulation of my hood, there would be another climax almost immediately provided that I timed it right. This second 'orgasm' (being only 10 I had not heard of this word at the time) was quite different to the first but no less pleasurable. I was still years away from ejaculation.

After some months of nightly adventures I was able to push my foreskin right back but found the surface of the glans far to sensitive to properly touch and my method of lightly easing the hood back and forth remained my prefered method for a couple of years until this also became the focus of a new set of adventures. This is probably why I still to this day use a varied repertoire of methods to reach orgasm
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Postby soloro(m) » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:10 am

One day my cock became erect and I had the need to do something about it... in the bedroom, I began stroking it. With no lube it didn't feel quite right, so I added some Johnson's Baby Oil... this felt like heaven. My cock hurt better and better and eventually I came,,, I still remember how big my glans became,,, it was a deep pink, with purplish around the edge... I immediately wanted to do it again....
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Postby OnSexuality » Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:58 am

I have already posted my first experience... but these are very insightful, especially the person who mentioned the feeling of guilt. I used to feel the exact same way after almost every orgasm when I first started but eventually I came to accept it as a normal bodily function. I never felt guilty about pissing so why should I have about cumming?

I don't know but I remember having orgasms long before I even knew what they were, I'd lay on my stomach and sort of rock back and forth until this great feeling went through my body. I'd do it at least once every day I may have been in First Grade or even younger when I started doing this. I remember that when I was 13, I had went into the bathroom and I had an erection that just begged for me to "inspect" it further so I felt the "ribs" on my penis and looked at the color of the head. When after a while this feeling started to come over me and by then I knew a little about sperm and when I felt that familiar feeling taking over my body this time I knew it would be different. I just knew something was going to come out of my penis and I didn't want to see it so I tried to pull my pants up. Before I could get them up this greenish (as I remember it) goo came out of the head of my penis and dribbled down onto the toilet seat. I wiped it up quickly and looked down at my penis and saw a little bit of this gooey stuff left on the tip. After that I was freaked out, grossed out, scared and avoided touching my penis for a few days, except for urination and cleaning. However I saw a friend ejaculate during a game of Truth or Dare and and after that I figured it wasn't a big deal even still for a short while after I started masturbating to orgasm again I was afraid to pee right after having an orgasm because I really believed that I was peeing the sperm out and I'd see them swimming around in the toilet. I'd pee and avoid looking down and then I'd flush the toilet as quick as possible.
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