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Postby gold47 » Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:26 am

Lat weekend after dark i went to the wallmart gas station and for the second time now at this place had a sucsessfull masturbation.I parked at the outer parking spaces of the wallmart parking lot with the gas station accross the entrance road about 50 feet away.
After sitting in my car and watching for a while this little car pulls up and a sexy blond wearing skin tight faded jeans gets out and starts filling her car up,so i quickly lubed up and started stroking,her ass was towards me and i easly got a full erection,i got close to cumming then a car got behind hers blocking my view,well i sat there hoping for another chance,then a car pulls in the next row of pumps and out steps this big overweight blond,i am usually not attracted to large girls but i still had a partial hard on from yhe other girl.This girl even that she was large her pants were so tight i dont know how she could walk,she started filling her car up standind towards me showing a deep cameltoe and from still being excited from the first girl i started stroking.Well her tank filled up in just a few minutes and she drove off.
I just sat there holding my dick as it went soft and thought about going home then another car pulled in and a guy got out to fill the car up,then two girls got out.One was a tall slim black girl wearing very tight jeans,the other a short white girl,a brunette wearing very tight jeans also.I quickly got an erection again.The blak girl had a delicious ass and the white girl was showing a deep pussy cameltoe.They both had on shiney lacey tops and were probuly going to a dance club.The car filled up quick and the guy went to pay for the gas and i thought my chance was over but the girls stayed out of the car,i started slow stroking then went faster so i could cum before they left,then the white girl opens the door and gets a cammera and they walked to the edge of the intrance road about 25 feet from me and the white girl started taking pictures of the black girl as she posed.
This was unbeleivable,i was looking at the black girls ass as she posed and at the white girls pussy cameltoe as she took pictures,i was getting close to cumming,my legs were tightning up,i was starring at sexy ass cheeks then pussy cameltoe,then i started shaking and i felt the cum spurting out of my throbbing erection as i starred at the short brunettes deep cameltoe as she stood legs spread ,then as i finished i was starring at the delicious ass cheeks as two more pumps of cum shot out.
Masturbater Sergeant
Posts: 63
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:12 am

Postby CWOOD » Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:43 pm

You are the man everytime I read something from you I want to try. I haven't got up enough nerve yet to do this one but I have more then enough Walmarts around so I'm going to try this. I'll let you know what happens
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Postby gold47 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:45 am

Just make sure it is after dark,and do not get discouraged if yuo do not get the chance the first night,sometimes it takes a couple of nights sitting there before you get the chance.
Masturbater Sergeant
Posts: 63
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:12 am

Postby lykope » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:07 am

Be careful though, I know the Walmarts around here have video surveillance in the parking lots. Check the lighpoles for cameras first.
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