I was standing in line waiting while they did a price check on something when I felt this presence very close behind me. Too close, in fact. I figured somebody was getting a magazine off the rack and would soon give me my personal space back. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a hand touch my leg briefly. I almost moved, thinking it was some toddler bumping against me. I slowly stood more erect and took a glance out of the corner of my eye.
There was this amazingly hot woman in her early 20's standing directly behind me, staring at my butt. I felt her hand again, gently, softly touching the inside of my left leg. She ran her hand up to my crotch, then over my butt cheeks. She was feeling the soft leather that covered my butt. I relaxed a little, and she ran her hand from my shoulders back down to my butt, rubbing it gently.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I looked over my shoulder and said: Would you like to peel me out of them? She looked startled and blushed a deep red. She stuttered something about "I forgot the milk!" and trotted off before I could even get her number. By this time the person in front of me had been checked out, picked up there stuff and left the building. I was standing there, wondering what just happened, with the old lady cashier smiling at me. I must have blushed as I walked up the counter, as she said: "She'll be back."
I waited there, hoping she would come back. She never did, and I rode home thinking about how amazing it would be to be peeled out of my hot, sweaty leathers by her amazing hands.