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Ever picked up a hitch hiker???

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Ever picked up a hitch hiker???

Postby OnSexuality » Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:26 am

I have once or twice nothing sexual happened and I wasn't expecting it to happen but my friend's dad said that when he was a teenager and occasionally up until his early 30's he would hitch all the time and that the majority of people who picked him up would want him to do something. Like showing his penis or even jacking in front of them and sometimes even mutual jack off sessions, he said eventually he started holding out for money. Like they'd say I want to see your dick and he'd say give me 5 dollars and they would actually do it.

He says in his mid teens, he tried to hitch hike unsuccessfully to his fathers house in another part of the state and during his adventure one of the guys he met paid him 20 dollars for the privilege of watching him urinate.

I don't know what's true as far as those stories go but I've read similar things before so has anyone been a hitch hiker and had this happen or picked up a hitch hiker and asked for "special" favors?
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picking up a hitch hiker

Postby jtxxxjt » Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:07 pm

i was jammin down the road and saw this girl walking on the side one night. she was looking at me, but didn't actually have her thumb out like she was hitching to get somewhere in particular. it was pretty chilly out, probably mid to upper 30s so i turned around and went back. i put down the window and asked if she needed a ride. she was hesitant, but eventually said yes and got in. i cranked up the heater for her, you could tell she was feeling the cold. i asked where she was headed and she said that she had broken down and that her car was on a side road a couple of miles back. 'that sucks,' i said, then followed that with, 'well, you know what they, gas or ass, nobody rides for free.' i know its really supposed to be 'grass', but im not into it. keep in mind, im not a fuggin asshole, i mean it was cold, i would have given anyone a ride for free...unless, of course, you were covered in shit...or blood...or smelled like you were. anyway, she said, 'i don't have much in the way of cash'...'well, you know what that means,' i interupted. i was smiling and laughing with each comment to make sure that she didn't get scared and jump out of the damn car. she looked at me for a minute and then said, 'i don't really like the idea of a total stranger touching me, but i'll let ya take a peak if you want.' of course i said, 'hell yeah i'll take a peak...or two...or forty seven!' she said ok and took off her top to show me the firmest 34c's on the planet. she played with them some til i said, 'so, do i get to see the goods or what?,' and looked to her crotch. she looked into her lap and paused, then she goes, 'hey, its the least i can do.' she took off her jeans--no panties--to show me the prettiest little perfectly symmetrical pussy i have ever seen. i go, 'very nice...' she said thanks and asked if i minded if she touched herself because she was getting pretty hot. i said, 'MIND.....I INSIST!!' it only took a minute of me squirming and she said, 'go ahead and rub yourself, you know you want to.' so im rubbing my dick through my jeans watching the hotbody rub her pussy. then she looks at my cock straining against the denim and says, 'you might as well pull it out, i don't want to see you hurt yourself.' so, i pulled over and slid my pants down. i asked her to put her finger in and she did, i asked her to put in two and she did, i asked her to do three and she did. all the while im stroking madly. she goes, 'oh my god, you are so hard...i don't think my boyfriend has ever been that hard before.' i said, 'can you get all four fingers in?' she said, 'i don't know, but im sure as fuck going to try!!' it took her a couple of minutes, but she did get them in and really seemed to like it too. i could feel that i was about to start cumming and started looking around frantically for a napkin or paper bag...just something to save my clothes. she goes, 'whats the matter?' i said, 'im going to cum and i don't want to soak my clothes.' she goes, 'i got it,' and instantly grabbed my cock with her free hand. then she leaned over wrapped her mouth around my cock, all four fingers still deep in that gorgeous pussy. i came for days and she never missed a beat or a drop for that matter. once we got ourselves sorted, i dropped her off at the next gas station. she said thanks and blew me a kiss as she walked away.
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Postby OnSexuality » Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:16 pm

Wow, I guess you both won, huh? She got a ride and you got... a show.
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Postby Alan » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:49 am

I picked up a hitchhiker once when I was about 20 years old. I was driving home from my girlfriend's house at about 2:00a.m. when I noticed a female hitchhiking. She was about my age and hot as hell. However, she was so high, drunk and stupid that I couldn't stand it. I dropped her ass off at the next corner.
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Re: picking up a hitch hiker

Postby slohands4xtc » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:09 pm

Damn, I forgot to put on my boots this morning :wink:
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Picking up hich hickers is like a box of chocolets :)

Postby slohands4xtc » Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:59 pm

I'v travled all up and down this country in an 18 wheeler and stopped to pick up quite a few Fem. hitchers, most were quite pleasureable. A few were quite scary from the start and so I'v found that You can always tell what your in for if you ask one very important question before putting it in gear, "where are you going?".

Once the women started saying that "a (REAL MAN) dosen't ask THAT until we start driving" and then began to curse me, call me a fag and remove her belongings and then say that she was writting down my lic. plate num. to turn over to the FBI. (; See why the ? is important?.

There was one other that came up to me when, I was unloading, and asked me if I would "take her down the road". Asking her, "where ?" and she said that "it didn't matter just as long as it was away from there". Goddamn, she was a 9 1/2 out of 10 but that statement told me that either: 1.) she just wanted some money, or 2.) she was in the kind of trouble that nobody really wants to get mixed up in, if there smart.

But now on the other side of the coin there have been others too that have been anything from quite pleasent to quite erotic for me, I'm always a gentelman first and through conversation see where things may lead.

I Picked up a nice looking little brunette while traveling down through the state of Missouri, she was from Mississippi and on her way to Arizona, she was walking out from a rest stop with her bags of clothes in her arms and seeing this I immediately pulled over and asked if she needed a ride? "yes" she said and after I asking her where she was going I realized that it would be two days, at the least, to get there.

After putting her things in the truck we started down the road and we started talking about our lives, I found out that she had a boyfriend in Az. and that she was going back from a visit home in Mississippi. After some more general Chit-Chat I began engaging her in more provocitave questions like why her boyfriend would let her go by herself? and weather she wanted to get dropped off before I had to stop and sleep.

She said that If she could stay in the truck with me for the night that that would be great. (:

Most Fem.s will, I'v found, but it's always polite to ask up front. Anyway we carried on with more conversation and I started asking her things like clothing likes and dislikes, music, vidieos prefrences and attractions about the oppisite sex. Then I managed to slip in the question "what kind of sexual pleasures do you enjoy?", she said "sucking Dick", ~O:

OHHH, My tounge got hard (: she said the second most wonderful thing that you just love to hear from a womans mouth, the other being "I swallow", I told her that I too love Oral sex and that I also loved shaved beavers. She said that she wasn't too smooth, but that I could shave her if I promissed not to cut her and so I eagerly agreed, I replied that "I have never cut anyone yet", that set her mind at ease.

The rest, as they say, is history. When we stopped for the night I bought a box of (3) rubbers and used them all up during the night, WOW she tounged my boddy all over, sucked my cock dry a couple times in between using the rubbers and me eatting her over and over.

Yes, the life of a truck driver is uasly quite boaring but if you keep your eyes open and your mind constintaly working, oppertunity can come knocking at the most unusal places and times.

Last edited by slohands4xtc on Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Buffalo_Connection » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:19 am

i gotta start keeping my eyes peeled
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Postby slohands4xtc » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:36 am

Last edited by slohands4xtc on Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby happystroker » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:30 pm

I used to hitchhike between Berkeley and UCLA pretty often to see my girlfriend, and also all over Europe and the USA. Being out on the open road always makes me horny, and plenty of times I've jo'd between rides along the road (hidden, of course). I love meeting people, and always liked sharing their lives for a while. Decades ago hitching was safer and a big variety of people picked you up.

There were quite a few men who had particular interests in mind. I always felt safe to accept or reject any advances, and men were always very polite. The first time I accepted, the man pulled off the road and I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down so that he could suck me. I was so excited I came really fast. He took me all the way up the state, and we stopped a couple of times more along the way.

After than, I kinda hoped more guys like that would pick me up, and a few did. After talking about life, women and sex, one guy showed me pictures of his wife naked and asked if I liked her. Yes (she was pretty sexy). He got around to asking me to jo to her pictures while he watched--kind of kinky, and I figured why not. It made him happy, and to tell the truth, made me hot, too.

A wealthy businessman in LA was intent on impressing me about the virtues of greed (I was a hippy), and took me on a tour of his car collection, and then brought me for dinner with his trophy wife. The cars didn't impress me but the wife was hot and very interested in young cock. He gave here the OK and after dinner she disappeared for a while and came back in her lingerie, "for desert" he said. She was quite a treat (and very nice and fun), and it turned out that his desert was 'clean-up.

In Italy a couple picked me up, and as I was enjoying looking down her blouse from the back seat I noticed that they were exchanging words I couldn't understand but were definitely both encouraging and enjoying her tease, and her blouse opened a little more and a little more until someone finally asked if I was excited. YEP! She opened all the way and began playing with herself until he pulled off the road, and she hopped into the back seat to suck me off while he masturbated in front. We all had a happy and relaxed hour the rest of the trip and waved happy good byes.

I've hitched a lot with girlfriends, and it's always been great; people are great!
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Postby slohands4xtc » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:27 pm

:wink: In my case, I'v always durned down the advances by other men and yes luckly they all have been understanding enough to back down respectfuly too.
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