I'm nearly sure that I read about this on this web site, but I can't find it. Someone posted that they had good results with L-Arninine-1000 to help with erection. I finally located this product in a local store, but I can't remember how many capsules to take per day. I think I remember that whoever posted the information said they took four per day. The bottle says not to take more than three per day, but I know that sometimes they give those instructions on the side of caution. I also seem to remember that the guy who posted this said it would take a couple of weeks before getting a good hard dick with this.
I would appreciate any informaiton that anyone knows about this supplement. I have a pretty major problem with getting/keeping an erection. I have found out that I can cum with a semi-hard and even sometimes with a completely soft dick, but I miss that full feeling of a good hard erection.