Hi Everyone,
Has been a while I know. Just getting back into the swing of things. Thought I would jot down a little about what i am up to right now...
i started by sitting at my desk, pouring a local red and checking out some messages that i received months ago, but havent checked until now. hmmmm. there's a jump start to my evening.
after a few sips of my wine, i top up and get down to "it". sliding my hand under my nightie, i softly just ran my fingertips along my pussy lips through my panties. im taking things slow. i type a few friendly replies to my messages (thx guys btw, i love your messages and try to reply to everyone

after a while, i slip a finger inside my panties and softly nudge and tickle my clitoris. i am starting to feel warmer now, even though a/c is on. it is at this point i start to sense my wetness. i swig down the last mouthful of wine, before filling my glass once again. i am feeling very relaxed.
at this point, i hear hubby comes down the hallway. i quickly pushed my nightie down and tried to regain my composure. he gives me a kiss and tells me he is off to bed. poor bugger has been working so hard lately. i was going to tempt him with a few of my feminine fuck me signals, but decided to let him rest. he can work for me tomorrow instead.
i hear the door close and see the light go out. i stand, and pull my nightie up past my hips, while i slowly slide my fingertips under my panties waistband, and begin to tug at them as they trickle off my hips. they r white bikini briefs with mickey mouse on the front. sorry mickey, but no pleasure for you tonight. i continue to glide my panties down until they are past my hips and the waistband dangling over my theighs. at this point, i notice that the crotch is sticking to my pussy lips, and were somewhat damp you could say. i return to my chair, leaning back and pull my panties from my lips and slide them almost to my knees.
i start to rub my pussy up and down with my fingers and things start to tingle a little. i spread my legs wider, but due to my state of bliss, realise that my panties with my theighs widening, to keep from stretching too far, have started to slide back towards my pussy. i feel the wet patch of them on the top of my hand.
i decide to liberate myself from my cotton mouseears and slide them back past my knees, where they then dropped to my ankles. ill leave them there, just in case i need to cover up quick enough.
More to cum....