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My first time..

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My first time..

Postby Matthew » Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:07 pm

I'm going to be frank: I'm a loser. I'm that kid at school who hangs out with the nerds and we all play video games.

I was very surprised to meet a girl who had an interest in me. I'm not going to say her name, since I'm skeptical, but let's call her May.
Anyways, I had told her about my previous sexual experiences (All with guys), and she was more-or-less entertained. She's the type that thinks gay guys are hot.
So we started dating at around March Break a few years ago, two I think. We go to the Rideau Centre in Ottawa, and end up going to her place a few hours later. Bored, we just watch CSI. After a bit, she goes off to take a shower and her dad came out. He was pretty cool-- he still is, actually. Not too long after that, she comes back with a thick blanket for us to cuddle under. Mind you, this was the first time I've ever gotten serious with a girl, so we would just cuddle closer. CSI, you romantic dog~![/sarcasm] Into a few episodes, we begin to kiss and make out on the couch. At the end of.. I think the third straight episode, we went back to her room (She had work the next morning).
But who really sleeps after that? We continued to make out on the mattress I was laying down on (Right beside her bed). I began to finger her, and she started to suck me off.. Then we'd make out some more. This went on from 1:00 to about.. Maybe 4:30? I think I can honestly say that was the best night of my life, even though I had blue balls when the morning came. Didn't matter, though, since I think we just passed out.
After we get back from her work, her dad and little brother (I think there were two) were sitting around watching Shrek. So I ordered us all a pizza. After eating, we decided to go back into May's room, since we were dead tired. Instead, she finished what she was doing the night/morning before and I blew a load in her mouth. We continued to kiss, then I fell asleep.
I woke up at around 10:30 or 11, I'm not too sure. So she came with me to the bus-stop and I had to go home. She broke up with me three months later, but we're still close friends. We've had sex maybe.. Once? I don't mind though, since I just like being around her.

But yeah. That's probably the only story you're able to get out of me, since I live a pretty boring life. How upsetting.
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Postby Doma » Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:58 pm

Don't feel bad man, I've had a very similar experience to that with my girlfriend. The important thing is you got a relationship.
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Postby Alexandra » Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:22 am

Great story. Not boring at all, except for the part about the Rideau Centre (LOL). Sounds alot like one of my first times in college, just down the road in Montreal. The guy ended up in my apartment, cuddled under blanket to watch a movie...except he was too scared, I think, to make a move, and I wasn't too sure what to do either, so nothing ever happened that night. He left at around 3:00 am, and all I got was a kiss on the forehead. Was so horny and frustrated after he left that I started to masturbate and actually used a banana (for the first and only time) like a dildo.

The next time we hooked up, though, was different, and ended up giving him a blowjob on a street corner at 2 a.m. and swallowed his load in sub-zero weather.

The things you do when you are young!
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Postby Matthew » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:48 am

... Where were you when I needed you? :P
Yeah, she means quite a bit to me. But she's in some relationship now, and it's hard to move on, I guess. :/ Really, I'm a pretty lonely guy, though I do my best to hide it.
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