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Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare

Postby OnSexuality » Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:39 pm

Growing up for me this game almost always ended up becoming x rated. I always associate this game with being somewhat sexual even though I realize now that for a great many people this game can be innocent enough or may focus more on stunts or causing mischief. I had lots of semi-sexual, erotic experiences with this game.

It would always start out fairly innocent, G-rated but usually within a few minutes somebody would say something like "I dare you to show your..." or "I dare you to run around NAKED and say 'I'm naked, I'm naked!' "

Then after the first barrier was broken and we had already exposed ourselves the dares would become increasingly sexual until at some point we got bored or felt "guilty" and stopped.

Later I will share some specific instances but right now I want to know if "truth or dare" or a similar game has meant something sexual to you.

Oh and as for the TRUTH part, that would also become pretty explicit if you chose "truth" it was an 80 per cent chance that you would get asked about something very private and personal.
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Postby Tazz41 » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:16 pm

I did as a early teen, this girl down the street and I would play it,but it never went farther than showing each other our yummy parts and touching ourselves. I usualy jacked off later at home. Like to think she did too.
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Postby jonr424242 » Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:23 pm

My friends and I ALWAYS started our time together with Truth or Dare. In fact, I initiated mutual masturbation with a very good friend whom I thought would NEVER try it with TorD. But that's for later ... My great friend "D" always did our sleepovers in his basement in our sleeping bags. We had a few rules, no more than 2 truths or dares in a row. We'd start by daring one to get naked in his bag. We were quickly both naked. Next there'd be a dare to stay naked for the whole game. Things would progress from there ... a dare to sneak outside ... a dare to go upstairs ... a dare to dance with the flashlight on you ... until eventually we were touching each other. We'd even dare each other to feel all over one another and do oral. Wow! I'm very hard now just thinking about it!!

Eventually the game would end with us cumming. Once in a while, usually while camping out, we'd zip our sleeping bags together and sleep naked ... ah! We had some GREAT times together!!! :D
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Postby Alan » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:49 am

Not exactly the same game, but a story worth telling;

When my girlfriend's daughter was about 19 or 20, she asked me if I would take her and several of her girlfriends boating for the weekend. I agreed even though it was on a weekend that my gf had to work and couldn't go with us.

After a long day of boating and drinking, the girls wanted to play a game called "I Never". Basically, each person would take turns making a statement that started with "I never........"; and if anybody in the group was guilty of the act they would have to down their beer. The game turned sexual in a hurry with statements like "I have never sucked a cock"; which of course all the girls were guilty of so they would chug their beer. Anyway, one of the girls said "I have never had anal sex"; as I started to chug my beer to admit my guilt I realized that none of the girls were drinking. My gf's daughter gasped and her jaw fell open as she was blindsighted with the thought that I had fucked her mom up her ass. Game over.
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Postby Paul2 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:36 pm

Anyway, one of the girls said "I have never had anal sex"; as I started to chug my beer to admit my guilt I realized that none of the girls were drinking. My gf's daughter gasped and her jaw fell open as she was blindsighted with the thought that I had fucked her mom up her ass. Game over.[/quote]

I thought she might have been blindsided by the fact that my drinking you are indicating you have had anal sex. The first thought that came into my mind was someone had poked you in the ass. However, I can see why her jaw would be open when she learned he had done it to her mother.
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Postby Paul2 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:38 pm

As for the original topic, truth or Dare was initially pretty innocent when I was younger. Although, when my brother and I used to play the game together it definitely was more risqué. One particular time led to my first orgasm.

Still brings back the smile to my face.
Last edited by Paul2 on Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby oojazzoo » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:37 am

Truth or dare ALWAYS led to something matter what.
When I was younger I was at a sleepover with 2 other guys, and we played.
It was about 2am and things started to get sexual. Like, I dare you to take it out.
And it started as simple stuff like that, then I was dared to makeout with the other guy...and someone else was dared to run around the house naked, knowing that his parents were right in the next room sleeping.
Then I was dared to do the unthinkable...suck my best friends dick. :twisted:
I acted like I didnt want to, but inside...I wanted it. :roll:
So, I started off slowly then went faster and faster, and without warning he came in my mouth...tasted so good. :wink:
I acted like it was nasty tho. By the end of the night, everyone had cum at lest 2 or 3 times.
We slept naked huddled up against each other. And I woke up with cum all over my face...I still dont know who did that, but I think it was the other guy.
Good times...
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Postby countryboy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:18 pm

I've never played Truth or Dare, let alone an explicit version. :(
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Postby Buffalo_Connection » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:28 am

ahh truth or dare
in my life it played a very important role in the hot tub parties my friend julie used to have
it was a double date sort of situation, but we were all friends
the first couple of time out of our own horniness we ended up just daring off most of our clothes and making out in the hot tub
but as time when on the dares progressed to things like me having to do a lap around her back yard naked
which sucked cause it was winter and there was like half a foot of snow
but eventually it got to the point where the girls were sitting on the edge fingering each while me and my friend matt watched
unfortunately he's always been very hetero so we never got into jacking each other, if only though
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Postby jawani05 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:29 pm

countryboy wrote:I've never played Truth or Dare, let alone an explicit version. :(

I hear ya
but never too late to start! and it sounds like a lot of fun
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Postby sdh123 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:39 am

Only played once... In 8th grade. First time I ever made out with a girl and saw a girl naked, though. :P

I actually ended up making out with my best friend's girlfriend (and he was the one who dared me to) and a week later she dumped him and went out with me :lol:
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Postby lubed_left_hand » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:49 pm

I played years ago and got to kiss my gf's best friend too. When we didn't let up my gf grabbed my balls. That just made me kiss her best friend harder!
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Played once with Neighbor Girl

Postby Much2Fun » Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:43 am

It was kinda fun. I was about 15 and the neighbor girl was with a friend who was 15 to. Her friend dared me to stand up and drop my pants. Her friend was wearing a bikini top and had some boobs going on already. I was aroused just thinking about it. I stood up trying to decide if I was going to do it. Then the bikini girl said, "I'll show you my boobs". I was down with that. I dropped my pants to the floor and out came her boobs. They took turns touching it and rubbing it.

Then the neighbor girl said, "Do all guys play with themselves?" She then told about how she watches her brother masturbate all the time but had never seen him ejaculate. I denied doing it. Then the bikini girl said, "my mom said it's natural for everyone to touch themselves". She had a talk with her mom about some kid on the school bus who kept rubbing himself.

I finally said, "Yes, I do it sometimes." Sure as all hell, the next thing the neighbor girl said, was "I dare you to jack off and let us see it shoot". I was going to say no but they were still rubbing my dick. It felt so good. I just grabbed my dick and went to at it. I told them to stand up and step along side of me. I shot a wad about 4 feet away and it just kept on shooting. They were amazed. They watched as I went limp. The bikini girl said "Thats gross!" The neighbor girl reached up and wiped the tip of my penis with her thumb. She looked at me and said,'s really cool.

She mentioned something to me about 10 years later. She said, "I masturbate all the time thinking of watching you jack off that day. That was so hot."
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Postby tony_108 » Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:16 am

my first ever gay experience was like this, when I was around 13. a friend and I played when I slept over and wound up rubbing each other's asses and jerking off.
that was long before I came out as bi, though.
18yo male bisexual switch.
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true or dare

Postby bigsixer2 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:58 pm

when i wasabout sixteen i went over to my girlfriends house for the day(summer holidays so there was no school)/anyway she also invited one of her friends around and they then decided to play this game of dare with me as the object . my girlfriend told me to lie down on the bed.
then the two of them dared each other to touch me in different areas of my anatomy.i still had all my clothes on but very soon i was shirtless . they started off by kissing me and stroking my arms and chest. suddenly my girlfriend dared her friend to rub my balls and cock through my pants -at first she was reluctant but then she sat next to me and started playing mith my balls-needless to say i had an instant erection and her reaction to this was for me quite surprising -she pulled my shorts down and started tickling my hard dick and she then dared my girlfriend to suck my cock- something she had never done with me before/.anyway she seemed to hesitate a bit until she noticed that her friend was about to go down on me- she then sat down on the other side of me and the two of them preceded to suck my dick alternately -i was iin absolute ecstasy and wanted to cum all over thei faces -this went on for about five minutes until my girlfriend pushed her freind away and sucked me until icame in her mouth -she swallowed it all and clened me off with her tongue / needless to say to this day it is probably the very best sexual experience i have ever had.
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