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A Violent Orgasm!

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A Violent Orgasm!

Postby Doma » Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:17 pm

This is just a regular masturbation story but yesterday I had quite possibly one of the best orgasms in a long time.

So I was surfing around facebook checking out these new pics of a girl that she had just put up and I was rubbing my hard on through my pants, it felt great because it took a long time. I was finished saving the pics into my hard drive that I went to her folder and put it on slideshow mode. I then got out my homemade lube (which I used only recently), which consists of Vaseline (to make it oily), Conditioner (to make it slippery) and Toothpaste (for that tingly feeling). I put it on the shaft and mostly on the head and then I did an unusual technique one which I never tried before. I put two fingers at the base of my cock and my left hand was on the head almost like I was trying to take a bottle cap off and at the same time rubbing it. I did it really hard and fast, imagining her sucking me hard and nasty. It took a while to get to that "point of no return" but it was worth it as the cumshot was explosive!
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Status: Single
Physique: Chubby but sexy
Circumcised: Yes
Cock Length: 6 in. (Approximately)
Cock Girth: 5 in.
J/O Frequency: 1-2 times a day
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Location: Cairo, Egypt

Postby TheMature1 » Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:32 am

One of the most violent and ecstatic ones I ever had occurred when my wife was giving me a blowjob. Just as I started to come, she bit (lightly but firmly) into the head of my cock. I exploded into her mouth like I've never done before, and haven't experienced anything like it since.
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bi- and married 36 years
Cock: 7-8 inches erect, 3" flaccid
Circumcised: Yes, unfortunately
Jerk Off: When the urge hits me
Fetishes: Facials, puffies, B&D, oral creampies
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Postby str8mate » Wed May 21, 2008 1:30 pm

...i had one last night, and yes, it was amazingly explosive and violent, in the sense that my entire body shook, my knees and legs buckled (a lot), and i let out more than one moan...
Captain ImaCummin'
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