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Signs of orgasm

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Signs of orgasm

Postby YanksTodd » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:39 pm

When you cum what happens to your body, toes curl, body flush, do you feel faint? What else. I personally go crazy when I see a women's toes point and curl as she cums.
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Postby hrnygrl2289 » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:43 pm

Usually for me it all comes down to these things...
-Feeling a wave of pleasure/excitement come over my body
-Feeling sorta faint (but in a very good way)
-Having some parts of my body shake such as my legs, or hips
-And as my boyfriend pointed out I wiggle my toes hehe
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Postby Tazz41 » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:54 pm

Breathing becomes quicker, a moan or 2, whether masturbating of having sex my strokes speed up till climax, then I collapse in complete exhaustion for about 5 min.
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Postby SavoryIce » Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:42 am

Whenever I finally cum, what usually happens is that my legs bolt much further apart than however much it was before, my knees curl in intensely so that my pussy is fully exposed, and my fingers almost instinctively rub faster and harder, even if it won't amplify the feeling. Of course, this happens in the instant before it all comes squirting out. By the time it all actually happens, my eyelids close, but I can tell my eyes just roll back in my head a little bit, because the rush is so immensely captivating that it makes me a little delirious for a few seconds, and in that, the whole feeling of an orgasm is very surreal and, quite frankly, heavenly, because I'm not partially ensnared by the hot and humid personal environment, but rather released from it, but not so much that the feeling of an orgasm is absent. Call this quirky or over-analytical, but it's much like an instantaneous retreat from reality into a...realm of pleasure.
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Postby footage » Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:42 pm

my legs flex and feet point out and I feel a chill or two in my body. Then I have spasms and arch my back while I shoot my load.
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Postby cearul » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:43 am

As I orgasm I feel pleasant sensation at the head of my cock and I can also feel the muscles at the base of my cock tense up. I can feel my testicles pull up a bit, , my whole body will tense up, and then go into spasms. I feel my hot cum squirting out of my cock as all of the muscles in my pelvis contract forcing my pelvis up in to the air. my vision blurs sometimes, my legs arch a bit and go rigid and I grunt. afterwards I feel a refreshing wave of pleasure, and also exhaustion. my body relaxes, I realize that my arms and legs are tingling a bit, and as I lay there I feel my body twitch every now and then.
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Postby Wanker023 » Mon May 26, 2008 3:42 am

If the orgasm is a good one, I tense up, my head tilts back, I gasp, all the while I'm shooting cum out.
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Postby Smartie » Mon May 26, 2008 5:55 pm

When it's growing I feel like electricity (don't know how to describe it) from my tights to my knees, the sensation in my legs keeps growing as the orgasm gets closer, my body tenses but my mind is in peace and when I finally come I totally collapse. I'm of the quiet ones, no moanings.
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Postby raincoaster » Thu May 29, 2008 10:14 am

Signs of orgasm? Well, probably like most here, I prefer to be bare naked when I masturbate, so I'm pretty aware of the physical changes as I approach orgasm. Usually when I'm jacking off, I start fairly slow, with long slow full length strokes, probably one back and forth per second (you know, one-one thousand, two-one thousand per second). Hard to describe, but that gets that "nice" feeling going the length of my cock. After a while, the "nice" feeling seems to move up towards the head of my cock. I move my fingers up then and just masturbate the top inch or so of my cock, so most of the movement back and forth is against the sides of the head. I'm circumcised, so I pull enough of my cock skin up to cover the back of the rim of the head of my cock, going back and forth. At this point, I speed up to about 4 short back and forth strokes per second. As I approach the point of cumming, the "nice" feeling starts to become a really focused "tickling" in the head of my cock. Pre-cum usually starts at this point, and the tickling in the head of my cock intensifies. I masturbate right-handed, and tend to hold my balls in my left hand. At the pre-cum point, my balls move up into my body and I can feel a pressure in my sack. Almost there, so I slide the hand under my balls behind my sack and press up against the root of my cock, while I keep the four-per-second back and forth rhythm going on the end of my cock. Just before I cum, the tickling in the head of my cock becomes almost unbearable, and its like electricity in the head. I start breathing heavier. Just before I cum, my toes curl and my ass cheeks contract together quite hard. I get about three or four seconds of what I can only describe as a pulsing action in my cock, and then I cum. When I was younger, I just spurted five or six times, but I'm now in my fifties and its changed a bit. Its more a flow of cum, probably the same total amount it always was, but no longer projectile. When the cum stops, my cock goes through probably 20 to 30 seconds of contracting and pumping all on its own, which feels really good. My erection lasts probably another 4 or 5 minutes after I cum, and my cock is REALLY sensitive during this period. I start slow full length stroking again, just to keep that "nice" feeling going in my cock, and as the sensitivity subsides, I change to rhythmically squeezing my cock until the erection is gone. If I had to describe the one sign of oncoming orgasm, I would say its a "nice" feeling, changing to an intense tickling in the head, then an almost electric surge.

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Postby feetluvr » Thu May 29, 2008 6:13 pm

Toes point (if I'm laying down) and my legs tighten up (standing or laying)
I always audibly moan or exclaim something as I cum.
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Postby brendan » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:04 am

i can't enjoy cumming without making a lot of noise! neither can my wife - our neighbours must hate us!

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Postby PlsBKind » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:11 pm

Wow, how did I miss this topic before???

This is hot enough to serve as inspiration for a nice session, isn't it?

I'm definitely a toe pointer/curler. And I'm noisy. And if I'm with a guy, I like it when he's noisy too.

Now is it hot in here, or is it just me? :oops:
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Postby lou50 » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:35 pm

I'm a moaner and toe pointer too, and when my wife is stroking me, I like to thrust my cock into her hand as I cum
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