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Postby gold47 » Fri May 02, 2008 3:18 am

Last saturday night i was parked in the wallmart parking lot close to the gas station after dark,a car pulls into the parking lot and parks out in front of me two parking isles away.Then another car pulls up beside it and everybody in the first car gets in the second car,ther was two guys and a slutty but very sexy curly haired blond in very short jean shorts,as she walked behind her car to get in the other car i got a good look at her ass cheeks and long sexy leggs.When she got in the other car i was thinking about what i just saw and started getting a hard on.I sat there a long time just holding my semi hardon hoping she would get out of the car again then the door opens on her side and she steps out.
She goes back over to her car and opens the trunk and bends over looking for something,i quickly scooped up some lube from a cup and started stroking like crazy while i stared at her exposed ass cheeks,but in just a minute she grabbed a duffel bag and got back in the other car,another minute and i would have erupted but she left to soon.The car did not leave and they all sat there in the car.After a while the girl and the two guys got out and back in there car and the other car drove off.The girl started her car up and slowley drove out of the parking lot,but she did not go far because she drove over to the gas station to the left of me with only a entrance road between me and the gas station,they pulled up to the pump and just sat there.
My heart is now beating double speed knowing she was parked in the bright lights of the gas station while i was in total darkness in the parking lot.The anticipation was giving me a throbbing erection but i also new she may not even get out of the car and one of the guys would probley put gas in the car.Her door opens and it is the only door to open and she gets out and walks around to the pump,i wispered to myself< oh sweet baby> and i wrapped my hand around my still slippery lubed erection and started stroking,she stood sideways while the gas was pumping showing me her long smooth legs,her soft looking thighs,and her deep crack between her ass cheeks.My pants were down to my knees and my shirt pulled back as my hips started shaking,i slid down a little in the seat to give me more stroking room as i looked at her bare leggs and ass,about the time i got slid down in the seat i felt the pressure of cum forcing its way up through my hardon,i let out a shaking moan as hot cum spewed out on my belly.
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Postby Doma » Fri May 02, 2008 8:15 am

Phew what a rush!! haha, I should do that one day. Its like watching a drive-in porno movie ;)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Status: Single
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Postby gold47 » Sat May 03, 2008 1:35 am

Hey doma,you should try this sometime.I will admitt it gets frustrating some times parked for a long time and not getting the veiw you want but when it works out there is no other form of masturbation that compares,i have been doing this for years at tourist spots,car washes,parked out in front of womens clothing stores and so on,look up my past posts,they are all true stories.
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Postby OnSexuality » Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:11 am

Wow, I have never done anything like that. I have jacked in the car when I knew nobody was near and without looking at any person but this seems particularly daring.
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Postby Tazz41 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:35 am

One time about 1 yrs ago, I went biking alot along this trail. Well after getting done one day,late afternoon,I had got back into my truck, just kinda relaxing. When recounting some girls I had seen at a apartment pool near the trail, I starting getting a hard on. Well This parking lot was across from a eatery. I was parked behind a row of bushes, and a car on either side.Not much chance being seen except from behind. But I could see people coming and going from the steak house. I pulled my bike shorts down, and released my hard on. I stretched out as much as I could, and kept an eye out for anyone walking up. Every now and then someone would ride by behind on their bike. I was really getting into and just about to
cum when a couple stopped behind me on thei bikes. I freaked, pulledup my shorts and they proceeded to load up in the car next to me. I pretended to drink from my water bottle, and waved as they pulled out. After a couple minutes I was still hard and proceeded to dump a load on the floorboards. Good times.
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