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Condoms While Driving

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Condoms While Driving

Postby raincoaster » Sat May 03, 2008 3:26 pm

Don't know if its been covered here before, but I know a lot of people here like jacking off while they are driving. Next time you get gas, just pick up a condom in the washroom dispenser. I would open the package and remove the condom before you start driving. Once your on the open highway, pull out your cock and get it hard. If its hard enough, its pretty easy to put on a condom, particularly since you only put it on over the head. Then stroke away all you want. When you cum, its a quick and easy cleanup, and saves your upholstery. Anybody else use a condom to jackoff when they are driving?
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orientation: straight, married 28 years
cock: little over 6 inches hard, 4 1/2" soft
interests: home and beach nudist
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jerk off: once daily, naked
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Postby Bellend » Sun May 04, 2008 5:29 am

i use a condom sometimes when im jerking off somewhere and trying to be sly about it. like on planes or whatever.
5x5, cut.
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Postby Bill9661 » Sun May 04, 2008 11:57 am

Been doing that for years. Once the pre cum builds up in it the slippery feeling is sooooo gooood..... Cleanup is a breeze but a word of caution, don't put it in the empty McDonalds bag in the back floor board...... It's difficult explaining to your wife that you were just jacking and not screwing...... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Condoms While Driving

Postby fuzzyt » Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:01 am

Just adding my two bits to an ancient post. I masturbate a lot while driving, always have! In the beginning I used a condom a few times but found that it was more of a mess to cleanup than without. Because of the quantity of semen, when I pulled it off it would run out, or sling itself somewhere that I wasn't prepared for it to go! Besides, part of the masturbation experience for me is feeling my hand against the skin of my cock and directly on the head as I rub it. I've never liked condoms and only used them a couple of times when fucking and found the touch sensation to be lacking. It's almost impossible to feel the soft skin of a woman's inner thigh, or the warmth of her pussy, with a rubber glove on! Another thing that gives me pleasure is seeing my cum squirt, or drool, from my cock when I climax. (I know, I know, I shouldn't take my eyes off the road!) And the sensation of the warm semen running down my hand, well...I enjoy that too. I have lot's of little hand towels, that I "steal" from the gym every night, that I use to protect my upholstery. Since I always push my pants past my knees and let them fall to the floor, it's easy to spread my knees and stuff a towel between them to keep the seat clean. The steering wheel is all vinyl so it's easy to clean up. The only real use I've ever found for a condom is to bite a hole in the little bubble, poke my finger through it and expand the hole, and then stretch it until I can put it around my cock and balls. They make GREAT impromptu cock rings!
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Re: Condoms While Driving

Postby harcos2007 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:17 pm

I agree with Fuzzy t that condoms haven't made it easier for me to clean up if I cum while I'm in the car. In years past I used to masturbate quite often while driving, even driving through towns. I kept it safe so I wouldn't get caught. I don't do that (masturbate while driving) often now, but at times it's great fun to get myself hard and stroke while the car is moving. I like to glance down at my hard cock from time to time, but I'm very careful to pay attention to the road. I don't let myself cum while the car is moving. If I just can't stand it I pull over and let things fly. It's a wonderful feeling. I keep a couple of small towels handy and I cum on one of them, use that one and if necessary the second one to clean up completely.
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