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Actual Meetings

Places to Meet, and People to Jack or to Jill

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Actual Meetings

Postby str8mate » Wed May 21, 2008 4:10 pm

Does anyone actually hook-up for j/o sessions using this forum? Or do people never really find anyone to jack or jill with?

And if you do hook-up, why does no one share their experiences very often?

This thread is an attempt for people to report on their experiences (good or bad) and let the forum know what the mutual j/o session(s) was like.
Captain ImaCummin'
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Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:42 pm

Postby NocturnalE » Thu May 22, 2008 10:19 pm

I actually did meet someone off this forum. We chatted online for a while and got to know each other but didn't meet up until months after we started chatting. We got together 3 times because it's hard to meet up. The first couple of times we just watched porn and jerked off. The third time we jerked each other.

I'd also like to hear some success stories.
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Postby rxk106 » Fri May 23, 2008 5:15 am

NocturnalE wrote:I actually did meet someone off this forum. We chatted online for a while and got to know each other but didn't meet up until months after we started chatting. We got together 3 times because it's hard to meet up. The first couple of times we just watched porn and jerked off. The third time we jerked each other.

I'd also like to hear some success stories.

That's pretty fucking hot!
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Joined: Fri May 23, 2008 4:11 am

Postby str8mate » Fri May 23, 2008 10:20 am

Hi Nocturnal,

Thanks for sharing the story about your experiences. It sounds like they were fairly successful, at least, if mutual jerking is what you were eventually intending.

I've noticed that most of the people on this forum are either in the U.S. or Australia, and not Europe, so I was just curious to see if the forum was "all talk" and no "do"...though by your experiences, it appears as though there are normal people out there just looking to hook up and jerk off, without any other strings attached.

Thanks for sharing!
Captain ImaCummin'
Posts: 252
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:42 pm

meeting someone

Postby letsplay » Fri May 23, 2008 1:24 pm

This is an interesting topic because i have had both successes and failures here. I did post several times a year ago and after multiple responces to others ads on thie site, plus a few to my own, I had 4-5 different guys who said they wanted to meet. Several were married like me and two were single. None claimed to be gay and we all only wanted to meet up for a little mutual jacking. So far I have only met one of them. I do think most guys chicken out when it comes to going thru with the meeting for real even though they all sounded very interested. Out off all the guys I responded to and the ones who responded to my ad, I had only one follow thru and actually meet with me. But he was a great guy and we hit it off pretty good. We both got naked and jacked off in front of each other. Pretty awesume. Then my wife caught me and freaked out. Guess she thought I was turning gay. I assured her I wasn't. Tthe experience was harmless and I didn''t see a problem with it as long as I don't neglect her. But I haven't met with him again. I am thinking about just being more careful and hooking up with someone again. I love to masturbate and like the idea of stroking with a buddy, even stroking each other, maybe with our wives panties. Anyway, good luck to all, if you do actually meet someone I don't think you will be sorry. If you posted here, you're definitely curious and I am telling you it is a great feeling to be with someone who feels the same way you do about masturbation, whether its a man or a woman. But be totally honest with him and yourself if you have any gay thoughts, it is never a good idea to decieve someone. My fantasy is to find a woman who wants to watch a guy jack off in person, but I really doubt I'll have any success there, and i can't blame a lady for being cautious with all the weirdos out there. Keep strokin guys, and if you post enough, you will probably find someone brave enough to meet who isn't just a bunch of hot air with no balls.
NC, married, male. I love to share stories and even cam online.
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