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My First Time Jacking Off

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My First Time Jacking Off

Postby rxk106 » Fri May 23, 2008 5:07 am

Spring 1981

I was in the eighth grade and I did not know where babies came from. It was not something you talked about at home. I was enrolled in a Catholic school and the nuns had been working their magic on me. One day all the boys and girls were separated and sent to different classrooms. The boys were introduced to a child psychologist who was very active in the Catholic Church. We were told where babies came from. To my horror, it wasn’t the Stork! The recipe was simple, you take one part egg, one part sperm, shake vigorously and let ferment for nine months. But how do you get the sperm and the egg together? You do WHAT? Now that’s crazy talk! I know for a fact that my parents didn’t do anything like what this doctor was suggesting, after all, I had ever even seen my parents kiss, hug, or hold hands. In my case, I know that the sperm just walked across the bed to “the other side”.

Now it was time for the question and answer session. The boy sitting next to me asked about masturbation. Master who? What the hell is that? The good doctor explained that masturbation was “just a fantasy”. It was not real sex and therefore, it was immoral. A fantasy? Immoral? You meant to tell me that every time I daydream about holding hands with Suzy Q that I am being immoral? Well then, I am hosed. I am going straight to hell. I am not even supposed to be daydreaming about girls. Shit! I did not get that memo.

Lately, I had noticed that I would have “funny” feelings at night. Not ha-ha funny, more like peculiar funny. Under the covers, I would like to get naked in bed and feel the sheets on my skin. At the same time I had butterflies in my stomach and an erection. Often, I would take my T-shirt and glide it between my legs. In the dark bedroom with my eyes closed I would feel the soft fabric caressing every nerve ending from my thighs to my stomach. Eventually I would fall asleep and in the morning quickly put my clothes back on before my mother came into my room to walk me up. Was this masturbation? It couldn’t be. I wasn’t fantasizing about anyone or anything.

That summer, I went to a Boy Scout Jamboree. After a day long hike in the rain and mud, we were all spent. The event took place at an Army Proving Ground and they were kind enough to allow us to use their tents for the event. The tents were set up like a city complete with grass “roads”. Each tent was big enough to sleep at least four scouts. One of the great pleasures of that night for us was taking off my hiking boots and rubbing our feet. We laughed as we saw the steam rise from the socks and feet. The four of us talked about many different topics, but mostly girls. Then one of the older boys brought up the topic of masturbation. He was telling us how he really enjoyed it. So, I asked…How do you do it?

The following week, as I lay in my bed in my room, I got that funny feeling again. I slowly took my clothes off, and with the tip of my fingers caressed my nipples. That sent electric shocks throughout my body. My cock immediately became rock hard and I could feel it throb. My skin touched the sheets. I ran my shirt across my thighs and up my body giving me the feeling of a gentle breeze on my balls and thighs.

The excitement was mounting within me. I wanted more. There had to be something else. Then I remembered the conversation at the Jamboree. I guess it can’t hurt to try it I thought to myself. Slowly, nervously, I placed my right hand around my stiff cock. Just grabbing it felt good. I was not sure what to expect. So far so good. I felt a strange sensation like I had never felt before. I slowly slid my hand up and then down once. Hmm, that was interesting. Again, I slowly slid my hand up and down, and again. Oh! There might be something to this. I was in the very beginning stages of ecstasy. This was amazing! I'd never felt anything like it. I continued to move my hand and the feeling built like nothing I'd ever known.

By now, my hand did not need to be told what to do, it was moving involuntarily. I felt very light headed. I squeezed my cock tightly and then loosely to feel the variations in sensation. As my hand slid down my shaft, I noticed that my balls were rock hard as well. I slowly ran the tips of my fingers over my balls. My skin was so tight being around my hard cock and balls that even though I was caressing my balls, I could feel it all the way to the tip of the head of my cock.

My breathing was very rapid and as much as I tried not to, I could not help moaning. I tried to not be too loud so my parents would not hear me but it was very hard to do so. I pulled my foreskin back and placed a few fingers at the tip of the head and rubbed it. It felt similar to when I was stroking myself except magnified 1000 times. The feeling was too intense for me as a first experience so I slid my hand back down to my shaft and began stroking it again. My nipples were also very hard and sensitive to the sheet brushing up against them. I took my free hand and placed in on my nipple. I began to flick the nipple back and forth. My entire body felt warm and electrified. My brain was completely blank except for the pleasure I was giving myself.

I felt so light headed that I thought I might faint right there in bed, but I did not care! This was too good to stop. The feeling of pleasure was indescribable. I discovered that the pleasure would increase the faster I went. I decided to take my level of pleasure to “high” and rapidly moved hand up and down my rock hard cock.

OOOh Shit! Something’s happening! I need to go to the bathroom really really bad. My brain is trying to stop it until I can get to the bathroom, but nothing seems to be working. The feelings suddenly grew and overwhelmed me. I felt an electric shock go through me. My legs jerked and my butt was completely off the bed. My penis pulsed once, and again, and AGAIN!!!

Oh My God! What is that? That’s not urine. Is that seamen? Nobody told me it was white. Oh shit, what have I done. But at that point, I did not care. That feeling was so incredible that it was worth it and I did it several times a day from that point on.

After that experience, I found that I was not able to get an erection. For two weeks I was tortured by impotence and I could not tell anyone especially my parents. I must have done something wrong, I thought. God is punishing me. I prayed constantly. “Please God, let it go up.” I had heard the word “erection” but thought it was supposed to be a “dirty word” so I did not use it at the time. I tried every way to get aroused. I read Penthouse Letters, I saw the pictures. Nothing seemed to work.

One evening, while watching TV, I prayed to God to give me a sign. The show One Day at a Time came on and the topic was male sterility. Thanks, but that was not the sign I was hoping for. Finally, I told my dad that I thought something was wrong and that I needed to go see the doctor.

After I told the doctor what was happening, he looked at me and asked “Is there any reason why you should not be having an erection?”

For a split second, I thought about it and then said “No.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” He said. And with that my problem was over. Not only did I have nothing to worry about, but also the word “erection” was ok to use. It must be a medical term I thought, since the doctor used it.

I still experienced tremendous guilt every time I masturbated, but it only seemed to stop me for 24 hours at the most.
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Postby OnSexuality » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:31 am

Good story, I remember very well that post masturbation guilt. I liked how you used humor to highlight a very important time in your life.
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Postby Doma » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:47 am

"Please God, let it go up" lol.......I love your sense of humor dude!!

I'll try to write a masturbation story one day.

When I was young and I first started to masturbate, I didn't even know it was called "masturbation" so I called it "dick massage."
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Status: Single
Physique: Chubby but sexy
Circumcised: Yes
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Cock Girth: 5 in.
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Postby raincoaster » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:31 pm

Doma wrote:"Please God, let it go up" lol.......I love your sense of humor dude!!

I'll try to write a masturbation story one day.

When I was young and I first started to masturbate, I didn't even know it was called "masturbation" so I called it "dick massage."

Hey Doma, I first learned to masturbate with a bunch of my friends at about 10 or 11 years. Something one of the older kids said he knew how to do. We didn't know it was called "masturbation" either. We called it "rubbing dinks".
sex: male
orientation: straight, married 28 years
cock: little over 6 inches hard, 4 1/2" soft
interests: home and beach nudist
circumsized: yes
jerk off: once daily, naked
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Postby jb1000 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:22 pm

My first time, I didnt even know what I was doing. I was about ten or eleven and hadnt heard about it at all. I was finishing on the toilet and just started pulling my foreskin up and down slowly. It was quite tight as I didnt pull it back much before, except to wash. After a short time it became really nice and I just kept going, the feeling kept getting better. After a while it was so tickley as I though back then, I eventually came all over myself. I was shocked, it was the best feeling i've ever had. I kind of knew it was something not to mention to my parents. I did it again that night and have been very regular ever since. Best discovery of my life.
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