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Who taught you how to masturbate?

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Postby OnSexuality » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:15 am

I clearly remember having orgasms as young as 6, just laying down and rocking back and forth until my legs would stiffen up and this feeling that we all know would pulse through my body and I didn't know what to call it and I wasn't sure if anyone else could do this and really I didn't associate it with my penis but more with my stomach because that is where the good feeling was at it's strongest. I did this not knowing until I was 12 and when I was 13 had my first ejaculation in the bathroom, the main thing I remember about that day was that I knew something was going to come out of my penis but I just didn't want to see it so I scrambled to get my pants up but it was to late. I wiped it up really fast but I wish I would have looked at it longer because I swear I remember that first one being army green not at all white.
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Postby raincoaster » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:58 pm

A bunch of us boys used to sneak off to the bush area near our houses to take off our clothes and run around naked. Kind of a "club", with dares, etc. At that age, 10 or 11, seemed we all had erections most of the time. I know mine was always up before my clothes were off.

I think I mentioned in other posts that the term we used for our penises was "dink". Don't ask me where that came from, just the "local term" everybody used. Going naked in the bush was called "showing dinks", that sort of thing. If your penis was soft, you had a "little dink". An erection was a "big dink". During one of these "showing dinks" sessions, of the older boys told us that he knew how to "make his dink feel good" and could make "stuff" come out of it. Well we had to watch that and try it for ourselves. Strangely he wasn't stroking back and forth, but was rolling his penis back and forth between his palms. Anyway, after what seemed like a real long time, we were rewarded with a bit of milky fluid came out.

So everybody was trying it. We called it "rubbing dinks" but most of us couldn't get any "stuff" to come out at first, but it was easy right off the bat to make your dink feel good. It wasn't quite the classic "circle jerk" of legend. We took turns. We would all be standing there naked. One of us would be rubbing our dink, while the others stood around and watched. If you didn't get any "stuff" after a while, somebody else took a turn.

I don't even remember when the rolling between the palms changed into back and forth stroking, but eventually that's how everybody did it. "Rubbing your dink" became "pulling your dink". And I'm certain I was pulling my dink, not rubbing, when I first "got stuff" (came). And when you did cum, it was different than when you were older. Instead of pumping spurts or even a flow onto the ground, you got a bit of milky fluid, then a thicker white drop about the size of a pencil eraser that sat there on the end of your dink.

Anyway, that's the way I learned to masturbate, standing naked in the bush with a bunch of friends, each of us rubbing or pulling away while the others watched.
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Postby SIAworld » Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:40 pm

first time for me was around 11. My friend and I were playing basketball outside and we had to pee. Instead of going inside the house, we just went in a back alley behind the garage. after doing our business, we thought it would be cool if we touched our dicks with each other. So, we did. Then we both started getting "stick dicks" (erections). we didn't know what it meant. so we just decided to touch dicks again because it felt fun. We got even harder after that. It felt pretty good, but we had no idea what it was. Then, he came up to me and held his dick against mine. I didn't care, as it felt good for me too. Then he started moving up and down, and i just stayed quiet because it felt sooooooo good. after several minutes, this white milky fluid came out of his dick, and was dripping all over my dick.

we later went inside. after a few hours, i complained that only he got the milk out of him, and i didnt. So, in the sense of "fairness", he dropped his pants and I rubbed my dick on his until i cummed.

We did this like 5 more times, until one day we figured out we could just rub our own dicks.
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Postby jackin73144 » Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:11 am

self-taught...went from rubbing the head when i was younger, but never really going anywhere with it because it was an overwhelming sensation, to one night when i was 10, of continually touching it, and finally getting the nerve up to go beyond the strong sensations, which led to a very wide-mouthed, and newly-minted masturbator.
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Postby hoodieninja » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:29 pm

when I was young I would rub myself with a remote, or my knuckles and it would feel great. Then my brother taught me the proper way when I was about 10 or 11.
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peeping helped

Postby jacklong » Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:58 am

I came from a very prudish family where sex was never mentioned. One day when I was about 13 (this was a long time ago) I was standing at a railway station near a pedestrian overpass and looked up and saw right up a woman's dress. she was about 40 and standing there waiting for someone. She didn't know I was looking and i could see her white panties. She musta stood there for at least 10 mins and i could feel something exciting happening down below. I didnt know what it meant but i just knew i wanted to keep looking up her skirt. Finally I exploded in my pants without hardly touching anything. It was so thrilling I began looking for opportunities to hide and watch and gradually improved my technique though not without getting into trouble. I only told one schoolfriend about this and he made fun of me so I never told anyone else, least my parents. As I got older I got bolder and started to take my dick out while perving on them. But it was very difficult to find places where women would stand over me while i watched. Libraries were one of my favorite. Later I discovered in books what masturbation meant but I always felt isolated by what I was doing.
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Postby soaked rose » Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:24 am

nobody taught me. Just something that comes and came naturally. Remember doing as a kid and getting in trouble at school about it.
Masturbating is just something I do its part of me wouldnt go a day without. Life's too short.
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Postby andiwinters » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:09 pm

I'm relatively new to this - i didn't have my first orgasm until I was 19 when my bf went down on me and I learned what an orgasm was.

It was a few months after that that I first masterbated myself (I just wrote a blog entry about that very story!)
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Postby JerkingJ » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:57 am

Friends at school always talked about penis size and one day someone mentioned jacking off and how to do it. I went home and tried it and thats how I learned.
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Postby 69loverx » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:45 am

I don't think I was taught, I do recall friends talking about it, of which I knew nothing. I remember one night my cousin spent the night, he and my brother were playing the tent game, it did nothing for me. I guess I fell asleep and they did what ever they did...which of course I now know.
My first time I was 14, so around 71. I was reading the godfather in my bedroom and I don't really recall but I guess my dick got really hard. I went into the bathroom (I lived in the second floor of my parents two apartment house with my bro/2 four of us) I really don't recall the exact situation (but I would like/love to get that memory back) but I think I went in the bathroom and held the book in one hand and stroked with the other. No memory of how much cum, also, not sure where this placed with my wet dreams. I didn't have a lot so they aren't hard to remember.
Thinking back to the wet dreams, they didn't teach me anything since they were really weird...but made me blow my young load.
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Postby jackinpal » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:01 am

Heh, I don't think anybody really "taught" me. I was up late one night watching a fuzzy channel of porn. You know, when the parents have long been gone to bed. So I started to hump the couch. Before too long, I started to get this "weird" feeling down below, and I came for the first time. Heh, I guess it's more of a first time story, but after that I started to get the hang of jacking off.
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Postby wrus » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:07 am

i "learned" to do it by myself when i was about 10 years old, maybe year younger dont know and till that moment im dedicated to it and i will be for long time
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Postby andiwinters » Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:19 am

It was wonderful being taught how to cum by my bf, but looking back i do with that I could have 'learned' with some of my schoolfriends as I now realise how cute they were (and it would have made breaktimes *so* much more interesting :)
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Postby n3xus13 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:27 pm

I pretty much found out on my own, as far as I know.
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Postby Hornymale » Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:36 am

One day I tauched my hard penis and it felt nice. I never stopped since.
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