BigBob wrote:If you like them look at them, if not why keep coming back?
People are turned on by all sorts of things, and yeah, I understand the issue about posting them here, but once you post them on MySpace then they become public domain. You do have to be careful what you put up on the internet, it's amazing where stuff will end up.
If they girls do complain, or we find out the girls are underage or pics are not kosher, we do take them down.
The law's not very dependable beyond the solid legal system of rights. We tend to manipulate the shrouded material on top.
Even if these pictures are put into a place where they would become infinitely reproduced, it's up to the courtesy of the reproducer to either grant them their dignity or feed them their vanity. I haven't seen what pictures were posted here, but if it were that he didn't know those girls, then shame on him for posting the pictures, and shame on you for defending the inevitability of this. The sanctity of one's body is something that they should hold dear and utilize as best as they see fit. If some random person comes by and violates that out of your jurisdiction, then it's unfair, even if it's bound to happen.