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Whats the longest worthwhile time to try edging?

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Whats the longest worthwhile time to try edging?

Postby alienaa70433 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:51 am

I discovered the concept of edging thanks to lurking on this board. I wish I would have known about this when I started masturbating 16 years ago (age 10).

The longest I've ever managed to edge is a few minutes. I want to go longer, but I'm still working on my timing & control. I always end up thinking or seeing something too sexy, or doing that 1 fatal stroke.

I have a few questions, but I'm having trouble wording them. Hopefully I can get my thoughts out clearly enough.

1. How does edging over a few days work? Edging is about keeping my body in that pre-orgasm state as long as possible, right? It's about raising that orgasm plateau. So if I edge over a few days, wouldn't I just keep going over the same plateaus? If my body gets out of that pre-orgasm state for long enough, wouldn't it be like I'm starting a brand new edging session?

2. If I go for a marathon edging session, about how much cum should I expect to produce? I understand that everyone's body is different. But I want to be prepared for cleanup - wouldnt want to track drops of cum through the house. :D

3. At what point does edging become more about denying an orgasm than it does with increasing the eventual pleasure? Will edging for 2 weeks give me just as strong of an orgasm as if I edged for 4 weeks? Or will that eventual pleasure just keep on increasing & increasing with each edging session?

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Postby OnSexuality » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:47 pm

I have edged literally for days. It's not that you masturbate for 36 hours or whatever without orgasming but edging more than one day is all about making sure that each day you masturbate but not orgasm. When your balls start to ache (if you are male) that is when you constantly keep getting erections and your body is turned on by everything, it's like it's saying; PLEASE ORGASM. It's a very good and yet strange feeling.
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Postby JoeLong8 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:17 pm

I love to edge for days at a time. I rub my cock to the point right before orgasm then hold off. My cock is very thick so it stays pretty plump and leaks precum like crazy. Once my balls get too filled, some cum will shoot out in that pre orgasmic state. That makes great lube to continue jacking. Sometimes i taste that bit of cum that leaks out. My nipples are usually incredibly hard when i edge. They are hotwired to my cock. When my balls get sore enough then I usually end up exploding. By this time I am off the chart horny. That is a good time to find someone to sit on my cock.
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Postby str8mate » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:15 pm

with the exception of the sensitive nipples, i'm with you mate!
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Postby alienaa70433 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:15 am

This may be a dumb question, but how often do you edge? Do you just do it once or twice a day? And when you do edge, how many times to you bring yourself to the brink? Ive tried edging for 2 days - but didn't really notice any difference.

JoeLong8 wrote:I love to edge for days at a time. I rub my cock to the point right before orgasm then hold off. My cock is very thick so it stays pretty plump and leaks precum like crazy. Once my balls get too filled, some cum will shoot out in that pre orgasmic state. That makes great lube to continue jacking. Sometimes i taste that bit of cum that leaks out. My nipples are usually incredibly hard when i edge. They are hotwired to my cock. When my balls get sore enough then I usually end up exploding. By this time I am off the chart horny. That is a good time to find someone to sit on my cock.
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