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Postby Susie » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:59 am

Why the aggression? I was just saying that if the photos were for your own private use, maybe you should have asked her permission first. That's all.

Would you want full faced naked pictures of yourself spread over the world without your permission?
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Postby Pineapull » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:39 am

No aggression honestly :]
just thought u were making me to be ab asshole..
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Postby Alan » Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:34 pm

Pineapull wrote:No aggression honestly :]
just thought u were making me to be ab asshole..


If in fact you are posting nude pics of your ex-girlfriends without their consent, Susie's comments are warrented and you are (at a minimum) an asshole.

On the other hand, if you are simply posting some internet pictures that you jerk off to, you are a liar for suggesting that you dated them.

Personally, I think concluding you are an asshole is giving you far too much credit.

Just saying.
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Postby Pineapull » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:28 pm

First thing you dont me or the girls i dated.
How i talk to them, what we have done together, what we do.
I would not have posted the pictures if I didnt know i would have consent
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Postby Tazz41 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:10 am

I agree, she should give permission, but damn am I happy to see that ass. Keeps me erect.... :D
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Postby Martin1110 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:51 pm

I have commented on this matter a few times. It really troubles me that guys post pictures up of their (girl)friends, clothed or otherwise with their faces showing. These same guys NEVER post their own faces. Some guys are lying as some pictures are obviously from other sources.
Pineabull, you said in a post: "they fuckin post naked pictured of there selves..i doubt they would care." The fact that you used the word "doubt" indicates to me that they don't know what you are doing. It is hard for me to fathom anyway that an "ex" would give a guy permission to do what he wants with her picture. The other problem is how do we know what the ages are: 16 or 17?
I really wish the webmasters would set up some guidelines and that the rules be clear. Too often guys think with their little heads rather than use discretion or they are having some pretend time by saying that they are people they know.
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Postby Pineapull » Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:33 am

They ARE my ex-girlfriends.
They sent me those pictures.
They ARE 18.
They didnt give me permission to post them on the internet.
For that I guess i could feel like an asshole if they werent so damn beautiful and fun to look at
but seriously fuck off and mind your own buisness
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Postby Phantasmo77 » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:21 am

They ARE my ex-girlfriends.
They sent me those pictures.
They ARE 18.
They didnt give me permission to post them on the internet.
For that I guess i could feel like an asshole if they werent so damn beautiful and fun to look at
but seriously fuck off and mind your own buisness

Grow up.

Maybe you should think next time.

Also, it would be in your best interest to take those pictures down asap.
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Postby SavoryIce » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:13 am

I do have a very personally protective opinion on this matter, but given that its singularity would be a detriment to the clarity of my point, here's the deal:

Even if she was your current girlfriend, you would still need to ask her permission to put these up here on a forum and on the Internet, and it's worrisome that you would compromise her identity by showing a shot with her face in it, no less. There's an exorbitant audience of people on the Internet who crave pictures like these, and so when her body, something that is utilized at her discretion, is being showcased by her supposed ex-boyfriend to help people on this forum masturbate, then I must say, how inconsiderate are you to her privacy and her in general to do such a thing like this? You must be a real jackass to think you can flaunt her personal beauty by your pleasing. Thus, if the situation is as you claim, you better remove those pictures right now.
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Postby lubed_left_hand » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:49 pm

Pineapull you contradicted yourself in your last two posts. You said first that you would not have posted the pictures if you didn't know you would have consent, Then you said that they didn't give you permission to post them on the internet. I'm a bit confused here.

If THEY post them on the internet that's fine. I would never, EVER post someone's pictures on the internet. Period. If someone wants their pictures posted on the internet they can do it themselves. I've had pictures shared with me from people I know, as well as from total strangers. To me it's more exciting having such personal pictures like these that no one else has. And those who shared their pictures trust me not to share with others. I would never betray that trust on something so intimate!
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Postby Pineapull » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:38 am

Ok my bad
seriously guys
I wont to that again, it was messed up.
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Postby Pineapull » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:00 am


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Postby str8mate » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:33 pm

cool pics, looks like you were having fun mate...

and, rather than posting pics of your ex-girlfriends, it looks like you've moved into safer territory :)
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Postby bos.guy » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:31 pm

Martin1110 wrote:I have commented on this matter a few times. It really troubles me that guys post pictures up of their (girl)friends, clothed or otherwise with their faces showing. These same guys NEVER post their own faces. Some guys are lying as some pictures are obviously from other sources.
Pineabull, you said in a post: "they fuckin post naked pictured of there selves..i doubt they would care." The fact that you used the word "doubt" indicates to me that they don't know what you are doing. It is hard for me to fathom anyway that an "ex" would give a guy permission to do what he wants with her picture. The other problem is how do we know what the ages are: 16 or 17?
I really wish the webmasters would set up some guidelines and that the rules be clear. Too often guys think with their little heads rather than use discretion or they are having some pretend time by saying that they are people they know.

i concur with these sentiments. i would be furious if anyone ever posted face pics of me without my knowing, or my consent, and would find it really distasteful (to say the least) if i ever posted pics of a lover without their permission. just not cool...
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