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public masturbation?

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have any women out there, masturbated in public, if so, where and how?, and men too?

masturbating in public?
masturbating in front of someone?
Total votes : 185

Postby Priapus is risen » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:02 am

I love swimming pools. Having a little fiddle with myself under the water while watching girls, then going to a cubicle to finish off.
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Postby str8mate » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:03 pm

Priapus is risen wrote:I love swimming pools. Having a little fiddle with myself under the water while watching girls, then going to a cubicle to finish off.

remind me to stay out of the water in public pools in the UK when you're around mate ;)

but, cheers to wanking under water and not getting caught!
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Postby Priapus is risen » Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:24 am

str8mate wrote:remind me to stay out of the water in public pools in the UK when you're around mate ;)

but, cheers to wanking under water and not getting caught!

Sadly I'm not often brave enough to have a proper wank in the pool. Just a little play with my cock while perving at all the titties on display. Then I retreat somewhere more private to finish off.

There's been a couple of times I've had the chance to do a proper squirt in the water though. :twisted:
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Postby jackin73144 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:58 pm

i can happily say i've done both! some of my public ones are in the jerking off in school thread and those were my absolute faves (, but others have included at a laundromat, back of a bus, airplane bathroom, countless public me horny thinking about this.
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Postby 69loverx » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:35 pm

Somewhere else I answered this question but there are so many other places that I have remembered by reading all of your accounts. In a laudromat, hell I owned two laundromats, one was with an exgirlfriend (we were not ex at the time). Placed her up on the foloding table and went to town....
Oh shit, this is masturbation, same thing, did it at both laundromats. The one that I owned by myself I would do it durning hours especially when there was a hot woman out there to fantasize about. Parking lots of all kind, bathrooms of all kind, adult book stores, have been in a Barnes and Noble a couple of times and went and got a Penthouse letters edition off the shelf and sat down and started reading (keeping the cover out of public view)--read the sexy stories with some of the college girls running around, no I did jack it but I did rub it and was exciting I was too scared to try to go all the way. Gym showers, hot tubs (public and private--splashed it out of the tub in both cases, numerous road trips. spoke to s sex counsler some years ago and I left there feeling very horny, played with myself to the end after that appointment (I told her about it on my return, she seemed shocked), college bathrooms after sitting in the caferteria (SP) lusting over some of the lovelies(SP), I was about 30 at the time and I guess due to that experience(S) I always seem to enjoy the younger ladies though it seems as though I have mostly dated older women. Every room of my house, alot of rooms in other people's houses, have played a bit while bike riding, have played at times to the end while hiking out in the woods. Use to have a patient's table in my basement, have loaded it with the stirups and sat down and went to town (i was only in my 30s at the time), my attic, my deck very late at night in the dark, my deck roof (discretely), steam rooms and saunas.
Perhaps we should say where we have never done it, I have never done it in a classroom (during class), never had the opportunity to do it as a passenger in a someone's car, that might be kind of fun. Also the idea out in the ocean where you could be eyeing all the ladies you would like to do...damn, I think I would love that.
I could go on but this seems rather long so I'll turn it over to someone else.
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Postby Cool Hand » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:14 am

IAnywhere. Anytime. That's my motto. The most extreme case for me was sitting between two ladies on a trans-atlantic flight from Africa. It was a 14 hour flight from Capetown to Miami and once the blankets came out....I went to town...the lady on my left suspected something was going on when I started to pump furiously...but nothing was was a real turn on!
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i masturbated in front of my friend

Postby produde22 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:57 am

well he said he wanted to watch me.

so i did it!
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Postby ozzy4490 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:48 am

i was at the pub the other day watchin the footie and was really really horny because of a certain barmaid i was rubbin thru my jeans a lil but had to get it out so went to the toilets into a cubilce and finihsed off :D
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Postby ozzy4490 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:48 am

i was at the pub the other day watchin the footie and was really really horny because of a certain barmaid i was rubbin thru my jeans a lil but had to get it out so went to the toilets into a cubilce and finihsed off :D
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Postby jennybi » Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:30 pm

The thrill of getting caught is soo hot!! I'm game to go just about everywhere and one time I got caught. I was a sophmore in college and was studying in the library and was getting horny so i packed my bag and ran off to the restroom. On the stalls there were no locks, so i propped my bag against the door to keep it closed and pushed my pants and pantied down to the floor. I started rubbing my clit and my orgasm was starting to build. i was feeling really good and apparently my bag had fallen over. I happened to look up and open my eyes and this girl i had never seen before was standing there with a big smile on her face watching me. I was so turned on I couldnt stop and she slid her hand down her jeans too. She watched me finish off and then left. I was kind of embarrassed so I waited a few minutes and then went back out and studied some more. About an hour later someone walked by my table and dropped a piece of paper next to me. The girl had dropped off her number on her way out. It was a great way to meet a good friend. haha
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public masturbation

Postby mickeyosl » Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:12 pm

I loveto masturbate in public. I've masturbated in adult theaters with guys watching me. I've jerked in peep show booths, in my car driving the highway and showed off my hard on, public restromms with the door unlocked and slightly open. The thrill is the best and you shoot the largest of loads if yu know someone is watching or could catch you.
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Postby BeachBoner » Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:09 am

About 10 years ago I was at Black's Beach in Northern San Diego, where a lot can and does happen. Unusual crowd, but that makes for making it good.

I usually took a couple frozen bottles of Jack and Diet Coke, and something to smoke. I love laying there or walking around nude half mast. 1/3 to 1/2 hard is normal for me - the wind feels so good on my cock and my belly seems to get a pleasurable ache, probably something inside pushing the load to the end.....

I was laying pretty much in the middle of the beach when a young girl and 2 young guys came down, sat on towels about 20 feet to my right. They weren't naked, but I remember she had on the longish lycra bicycle pants and a black tank top. She was cute, and I gave my balls several well deserved tickles to keep me interested. She was no older than 18 or 19 at the most.

They were figiting around, and I lit something to smoke. The girl was watching (my dick and the smoke) and I motioned for her to come over, with my hand. She kneeled down along side and I held the doob to her lips - she took a quick drag.

I changed to a cross legged "Indian position" and asked her to sit the same way close to me.......she did, but mid way I said "you have to dress this way too." She pulled down her shorts and pulled her tank top over her head.

She and I sat legs wide face to face, I held thew doob to her and she took another drag...smiling and small talk.

I took a bottle of suntan oil, squirted it on my cock n balls, took one of her hands and guided it to my lap. She "shyly" and cautiously garbbed it, and slowly massaged my hardon, looking all around to see who saw. Not many did, but I wish more had. particularly women.

I held the doob to her lips, she took all she wanted while caressing my cock, and my balls..I was cast iron hard then.

The two guys with her were nude then, still on their towel or whatever it was, watching us and they were hard too.

I encouraged her to keep fondling me and I was aiming at the moon.....I wanted this to last for days, but she did this until I squirted all over her belly and legs about 20 minutes later. Wanted to finger her so bad but the sand all around that made it dangerous. A couple other people about 75 feet away watched, one of the guys jacked off and came in the sand watching us, and she stroked with the cum in her hand my until my ears nearly popped.

Not sure that was a "flash" (it was only slightly discreet) but I still have a raging boner when I think about that time (like right now).

We chatted a while, shared my frozen drinks, and they left a couple hours later. Never cummed so hard before; only a few times since. Waiting for the same to happen at Haulover Beach where the scenery is AWESOME!
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Postby phoenix3016 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:42 pm

I try and jack off everywhere I possibly can, it's so hot to jack off and cum all over whereever Im at and just leave my cum there!!! I do it in tanning beds quite often and I cum on every part the sexy little front desk girl has to touch!!
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Postby urbanchampion » Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:02 am

I crossdress and masturbate. I own various shirts, pants, panties, boyshorts, dresses, skirts, leggings, bodysuits, and shoes. I also have very large breastforms, shapers, and a couple of wigs. I usually masturbate while dressed in the privacy of my own home, but I will occassionally go out at night and drive around town for a bit while dressed. Maybe even take a walk while dressed in my quiet neighborhood very late at night while everyone else is asleep. I usually go to the post office and masturbate there. It's a public place but nobody is around at night.

phoenix3016 wrote:I try and jack off everywhere I possibly can, it's so hot to jack off and cum all over whereever Im at and just leave my cum there!!! I do it in tanning beds quite often and I cum on every part the sexy little front desk girl has to touch!!

aw come on, man, that's totally messed up...i mean, really! you aren't serious, are you...?!
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Postby cumsocks » Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:30 am

I jacked off on the greyhound home the other night. My car is in the shop, but I had to make it out to Philly for my buddy's brother's wedding this weekend. My buddy and I hooked up with this smoking hot chick--a friend of a friend of his cousin's at the reception. On the ride home I was trying to remember the exact details of the night, only thing I vividly recall is him blowing his load on her back while she sucked me off. While I was thinking about this, I started getting hard. There wasn't anyone sitting parallel to me, but there were a couple people in front and behind, as well as across from me a row up. I don't know if any of them heard or saw me, I shot into one of those carsickness bags.
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