Yep...nylon insta pussy.
Grab a pair of pantyhose...Legg's Active Support is good for starters, avoid really cheap pantyhose of any brand. Don't swipe hose for this, just go out and buy a pair, if you get odd looks in check out, so what.
Take the new hose and slide a leg over your arm, then slide a new sock over top of that. Then, peel it off of your arm. What you'll have is a sock completely encased in nylon that's so soft and wonderful. You can vary the pressure on your cock by folding the sock's upper part, whatever suits you. Then you can fuck the shit out of that nylon while looking at pics/vids or whatever at your computer and you won't have to worry about where the load is going to go. You can be slow or you can fuck those pantyhose like there's no tomorrow and you can get hardcore on the jerk until every last drop is milked out of your cock.
You have to wash them afterwards, but who cares.