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First Time In Adult Video Arcade

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First Time In Adult Video Arcade

Postby NewMexicoCpl » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:09 am

I wanted to tell a story about the first time that I went to an Adult Video Arcade.

My husband and I were out one evening fooling around. For us fooling around means finding different ways to have sex. Anyway, we saw an Adult Toy Store up ahead and decided to stop and get some supplies. Maybe some oil or a new vibrator.

As we were walking around the store browsing, I mentioned to my husband that I had never been inside of the video arcade part of the store. He asked if I wanted to go inside and see one and I said yes, it sounded like fun. I asked him if he had ever come here to jerk-off in the booth and he said yes, of course a few times, so I said lets do that. I want to masturbate in one of those booths watching porno.

Of course he thought that was a great idea and he want and bought a handful of tokens for the movies and gave me half. He told me to put them all in at once and that is how much time we would have, maybe 20 or 30 minutes. My heart was pounding as we went inside and we each went into our own little booth.

I could feel my nipples getting harder as I dropped the tokens into the slot one at a time. As soon as the 4th or 5th coin the movie started to play on the TV screen. Once they were all in I had about 25 min or so. I stood in the middle of the booth for a minute staring at the screen and feeling incredibly horny. A girl was on her knees sucking on a guys nice big cock and watching them was really turning me on.

Then I realised something, it was the scent. It smelled like sex in here, sex was everywhere. I could hear the men in the other booths jerking off, every few minutes I could hear someone grunt or groan when they came. I was getting incredibley turned on from my surroundings and my pussy was getting wet just from standing there taking it all in. This was very very erotic, at least to me it was, I slowly slipped my hand under my top and ran my hand over my breast. My nipples were so hard, the feeling of my hands on my breast sent shivers down to my clit and soon my hips were moving around.

After a few minutes I could not hold back any longer and I eased my selfdown on the seat built into the corner of the booth. Spreading my legs as I sat, I slipped my other hand between my legs and down to my very wet pussy. I sat there for a few minutes watching the movies and masturbating with on hand on my breast and the other one playing with my clit.

As I maturbated I would change the channel on the TV until I found something that I liked and then play with myself for a while watching the video. After a few minutes my hips were rocking back and forth on the seat as I fucked myself with my finger and played with my clit until I couldn't take it anymore and I started to come.

I collapsed into the corner with my fingers in my pussy and my hand on my breast as the first spasm hit me and I let out a loud moan. I was trying to keep kind of quiet at first but I was pulling on my nipple and fucking myself with two fingers so that is kind of hard to do. After a few minutes I could feel my vigina muscles contracting on my fingers as I was coming and I could not hold back any longer. I am sure that everyone in the place must have heard me because I heard several grunts and groans from the other booths as I was coming.

I layed in the corner of the booth masturbating, having one orgasm after another until the TV screen went blank and I knew that my time was up. We had a great time and a few months later we went back and did it again, but that is a story for another time.
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Postby Tazz41 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:32 pm

I have been to several different places over the years,sadly they are far away, and with gas prices,its been awhile. I always went with the intent to masturbate,and sht my load everytime.
I never saw a woman go into the arcade sections, but it surely would of been a special treat.
The screens were covered in plexiglass, and always some one had left there calling card on the glass and floor,including me.
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Postby phoenix3016 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:40 pm

that's unbelievably hott! I love hearing other people and making others hear me, it turns me on soo much!
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First or best!??

Postby BeachBoner » Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:16 pm

Blown a hundred or two loads in video places are where they have "live shows" with a girl, or 2-girl live show for you to get off with. I usually spend an hour or 2 jacking and tickling my balls in the movie booth until I feel like the cum's half way up my dick - no killing the boner then. I find a "live show" booth with the sweetest lady, and hopefully she will be open to having a friend join her. That 98% of the time results in mutual finger fucking and pussy licking...then it gets better. I can get to the point just ready to cum and hold if I want - cock's throbbin, the girls are making each other cum, then I let a small, one shot squirt of cum go, dribbling down my cock...that's the ultimate lube. Then, with just a couple fingers just under the head, they watch as I soooooo gently jack with the cum as a lube and fire easily 2, 3 feet in the air.....they might be faking it, but I always get a great reaction from cumming you can give yourself.

If you're really lucky, some of the booths have "tip holes" where you can put money through, as well as the tip of your cock....put the money through first, then the tip of your cock, and get a mouth to squirt in.....haven't seen one of those for a couple years.
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Postby footage » Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:24 pm

Ive done the arcade thing. Its cool. Definately gets me hard. Ive never seen any girls go into the one Ive been to. I dont think Virginia is loaded with arcades. They have a couple of adult stores but do the the commonwealth law strippers cant get but ass naked. They can only be topless so our state is relax when it comes to sexual establishments. Kinda dumb in my opinion. At the arcade there are some weired guys there dont know if they are gay or bi or not but other than that is a good place to go. I go looking for girls there when I do go. They carry at adult products and magizines but a small section. Just a couple of shelves. Some girls are weirded out by a bunch of guys with whatever hygiene stardards or from wherever just getting themselves off. But we need more girls to show up. Some dont really feel safe but I would say it is.very safe. Just a bunch or horny guys. Not harmful ones even if they look strange. There are no doors on the one where I go. So everyone can see everyone. But a girl would definately get a show.
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Re: First Time In Adult Video Arcade

Postby Much2Fun » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:45 pm

I was in New York in 1976
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