Greetings fellow masturbators.
My name is Ed and masturbation has been my relief for sexual tension ever since I reached puberty.
I'm not married, and have had very few sexual partners. When I'm with a woman, I can never achieve orgasm with her through intercourse, recieving oral lovemaking, or even masturbating with her!!!!!!!!
The only time I can achieve orgasm is when I'm masturbating alone. I love to masturbate while looking at pictures or videos.
I love masturbating while looking at sexy pictures/videos of women, or women making love to women, or women making love to men.
I have to find the right pictures or videos that will arouse me enough to orgasm. If what I'm masturbating to doesn't do it, I have to switch to something else that I can masturbate to until I ejaculate.
Could this be the reason why I have never had an orgasm with a woman? When you get bored making love to a woman, you can't just switch to some media that visually arouses you, right?
I think I'm more attracted to pictures or videos of women instead of real women. Do I need a sex therapist?