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Something rather different ....

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Something rather different ....

Postby hannay2 » Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:13 pm

This is perhaps a little different to the usual tone of masturbation experiences mentioned here. In fact I have wondered on and off for a while whether there’s room for it here at all, but it is special in an entirely different and perhaps unexpected direction and will maybe balance things up a little in some people’s perceptions ...

... but don’t look for titillation or gratuitous stimulation to get off on; it does arrive at the same place as that, but in an entirely different way ... you’ll see what I mean.

It is a little long so pass it by if you are just after a quick fix, however when you see the ending and get the point you might think it worthwhile if you stuck with it.

So then ...

Some years ago I met a woman just casually as you do, but pretty much right away we clicked on a very deep level, very much a melding of intellects. She was sexually inexperienced but only because she had been repressed by heavily religious small-town parents as a teen, and by a husband when she married to get away from home wanting to make her own life. He was a “nice-guy” from the same small community, but behind closed doors quickly demonstrated the same narrow views of sex being dirty, men needing to be satisfied but women not having needs of their own.

But she valued “family” and thought she could change his outlook over time and with children, and I have to say that she had shown impressive self-awareness all along because most young women would have gone off the rails by then and ended up in all sorts of trouble.

At the time I first met her she had been working at that marriage for 12 years and had two great kids but a terrible husband still. He had developed very serious health problems a few years in to the marriage and died a couple of years after we met, and though she had always been a total victim in a loveless marriage she didn’t falter in her dedication to the family, to caring for him, to being the perfect mother-and-father to her kids who a lot of the time showed her much the same kind of “attitude” they saw their Father have toward her ...

There was a time early in their marriage when she was looking to have more of a sex-life with him, as she was a very sexual person but wasn’t being allowed to express it at all. And all she could think at the time was to do more for him or maybe surprise him and try to get things to open up a little that way.

So one day she got his video camera and shot herself in lingerie, stockings and heels masturbating on the bed for him ... by today’s standards nothing much, and in fact she wasn’t that impressive, just reaching down and rubbing with a few little noises then a little more as she came.

But it took a lot of courage for her to actually do that in the first place, and she left it with his tools as a surprise for him to find when he got home from work, expecting a little praise at least and some warmth. But it backfired, and instead he called her a whore, berated her for being so dirty as to actually make such a video, all that kind of thing. She was completely crushed.

He said he was disgusted, that she had gone too far “this time”, but that before he destroyed the tape he was going to let his buddies see it and know just what he had had to deal with all this time, and she could leave him but couldn’t take the kids and nobody would blame him when they knew. Yes, he was a complete bastard.

So I met her a little time before he died, and because of the deep connection she was comfortable to open-up to me soon and over time I got to know little pieces and then more, saw the family photos, met a couple of her friends and picked up on things for myself.

And by that time we had a sexual relationship of our own, and she was wanting to enjoy sexual experiences that had been kept from her – she had never had oral sex either way because he said it was dirty, she thought anal sex probably wasn’t that pleasant but at least wanted to know for herself, simple things like that.

And it was an emotional journey, she was quite literally discovering herself, her sexuality, 10-12-14 years late.

Then shortly after he died she found a bombshell – well, one of a number actually but that’s another story. She found that video she made for him when going through his things, tucked away in a bag on a shelf among his tools and supplies and stuff.

He certainly had passed it around at the time because she had had to put up with all kinds of comments and remarks, plus she had even seen it playing one time she had gone to where all the guys were working on some repairs to one of the guys’ houses along the street, where she was supposed to be bringing them some lunch ... she had had to fix their food and when she took it in to them they had come in ready and were watching her on the TV. Like I said, he was a real bastard.

Anyway, I was visiting her for a few days shortly after the funeral, and that was when she said she had found the video ... she was very nervous to mention it, maybe still convinced she was a whore for having made it or something.

Sensing what she was perhaps wondering, and wanting to take my lead from her to avoid opening old wounds up again, I said I’d be honoured to see it and she started to cry a little because it had been made so long ago and never been seen the way it was meant, and she suddenly had no confidence at all and bravely slipped it in to the VCR and just came and buried her face in my chest with a close embrace.

And I have to say that I started crying too when I watched with her hugging herself in to me like that ... the innocent young woman who hadn’t a clue about being sexy, not really making much of a video but wanting to be her husband’s little personal sex-bomb and make something good happen.

She moved little in her vid, wasn’t that demonstrative, was very open about exposing and reaching and playing with her pussy and rubbing herself and being seen cumming, but that wasn’t much of an event either, a little rolling of the head and some extra noise. Because enjoying sex was supposed to be bad, it was just the way she had always masturbated – needed the orgasm but was made to feel unclean about the act ...

It was just under 8 minutes long and I have never seen a more beautiful or erotic or stimulating video, and never will.

As she climaxed on screen she rose from our close embrace on the couch and excused herself to the bathroom, not because she needed it but because she was too overcome with emotion.

Though I had been making comments appreciating her and showing all the support she really needed to be hearing, disappearing right out of my arms before I could say special words to her when it finished left a place that needed something more to be said when she returned from the bathroom ... words to make her know all this time later that she had been wonderful back-then doing this for her husband, that her gesture had been so very very special, and that all of the bad things that had happened because of it was only a measure of him and not at all of her ...... hard to find adequate words after over a decade!

And when I heard her moving about I called through how special it was and how very special any other man would have felt if his pretty little wife made him such a sweet sexy surprise ... and while I was doing this I rewound the tape to the beginning. Without any attempt at rationalising it I chose not to let words stand alone, but instead to simply let her have proof that could never be denied, proof that let her see clearly and without doubt that she had been a very lovely wife by her actions.

... so I unzipped and pushed my pants and shorts right down and off one leg, relaxed right back on the couch and started masturbating with her video playing over again.

It was just a few more seconds before she came back through from the bathroom thinking she had probably disguised her tears and red eyes lol, and she came round the corner about four feet to my left and found me like that, enjoying her, waiting for her, happy to catch her eyes but paying most attention to her rubbing herself on the TV and heading towards showing me how she cums ..

Her hands went to her face and she stood still right there looking down at me, and started crying a little again but this time it was a release of emotion not because she was losing a battle with unhappiness.

I did put on a little extra of a show, though I was acting just the same as when wanking solo enjoying a vid or some porn ... completely unselfconscious, in many ways like she wasn’t there though of course very deliberately clear that she WAS there and that she was seeing what her video had caused, how she had succeeded in her intention and her wishes .. displayed for her to own completely.

And nothing was false ... I let her see in my movements, positions, noises and more that I was massively aroused by her in her lingerie and playing with herself, that she made me need very urgently to surrender to what she had created and take hold of my cock and join her.

When I came with her at the end and shot a good few spurts of cum for her she just came to kneel between my legs sobbing, her emotional release mixed with happiness, and lay forward on to me and stayed resting there like that a while. Afterward she said that that was what she had wanted to know all those years before, just that she could excite someone, was good enough to wank over and more, good enough for a husband.

And for anyone who is interested, we continue to have the deepest and most wonderful friendship .. and at intervals a most interesting physical relationship too :)

So, as far as “I flashed a woman and she saw me masturbating” tales go on here, this one shows a completely different side to that ...

Though, exhibitionistic masturbation as therapy probably only has limited applications lol, so for any Counsellors/Psychologists out there you might want to be very careful before deciding that your next patient is a suitable candidate for the same treatment and ask them to bring a personal sex-tape to their next session, lol.
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Postby Softly_Gently » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:44 am

I have to say that I'm damn well moved by that. It's a good account of what happens when there is oppression and hypocrisy in a relationship- and how you saved the day! Well done mate!

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Postby bos.guy » Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:50 pm

i agree with the last poster, and with you of course: no wonder people develop unnecessary complexes about exploring their sexual feelings, masturbation, and different forms of appropriate sexual release...

it's commendable that you were able to resolve the situation, and turn it from one of embarassment to elation.
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