I like to do it while in a shopping center parking lot when it's raining. I have a big enough truck now for me to change in it, so one sunny saturday i put on a skirt, blouse, and some sexy shoes in a Walmart parking lot. It was SOO hard to do as there was security driving around, not to mention all the shoppers every frikken where! I finnished dressing and hit the road in haste as some people were eyeing me hard as they past my truck!
I played with myself as i drove around town looking for a good place to jump out and blow my wad. I didn't want it on my new outfit, or on my new apholstery either. I ended up on a back road and had to piss real bad (beer) so i pulled over and ran behind my truck, squatted and pissed away. As i was pissing i noticed that i was squatting like a chick (wow)! I didn't even mean to, it just seemed to happen naturally!
Anyhoo, back to the road because there was traffic comeing. So I finally ended up at Metro Center Mall, drove nearly to the end of the parking lot in front of JCPennys and waited for a break in the traffic, and a security cart passing. I couldn't hold back any longer! As i jumped out i lifted my skirt and began ejaculating right away. I was on my final strokes when i noticed a small buss about 150 feet out and in direct view of me. It looked like there were people inside i noticed as i dove back into my truck and floored it! FUN!!
Another time, on the highway back from Havasu (daylight again), i had put my green and white little gym girl cap sleeve top and short shorts with green knee-highs and strappy sandals, and even a red scarf too (mmm). I'm going 75 on I-60 and got my cock poking out one of my leg holes stroking it
I noticed almost every one seemed to be looking at me as they passed me (2 lane road), so i got an idea.
I put it on cruise control, backed my seat up and raised my full hard cock up above the steering wheel (somehow) as i passed people. I got a few honks! At least one tripple honk! Then i got a long honk from a car full of people! I looked in my mirrors and saw brake lights and the car pulling over. I was rounding a turn just then and i floored it!! I did about 85 to 90 till i hit a junction to I-10 (long way, but took it).
I passed my favorite spot while on the run dang-it. It was a streach of road that i could see for miles either way where i liked to pull over, get out and jerk-off right in the middle of the road.
Oh well...not caught was better i guess