Anyone have any suggestions about finding the right chat room for masturbation or getting someone to chat with you, such as IM, about sexual experiences, sharing those experiences, jacking off to them, both of us, male and/or female? I play Yahoo Pool and use Yahoo Chat but is hard to make that initial contact with someone for real and not just to get off on made up stuff. I also belong to adultspace and use their chat (free), only way I can is for free. Any suggestions?
Use the webchat on this site. Its 100% free and everyone is chatting bout sexual experiences. You jsut need to sign up for a userplane ID which is free, once you do that enter the chat and enjoy
"95% of people masturbate...the other 5% don't have hands."
What do Pringles and Masturbation have in common? Once you pop, you cant stop
two that are also free - you can sign up and have a user name, or you can chat without it.
This one has men and women:
This one of course is men only:
I like to use, lots of rooms for all types interests. You can use the rooms for free but once the room gets a certain amount of people then the number of free members is limited. This usually isn't a problem since there are plenty of rooms and people are always coming and going.