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Tanning Salon

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Tanning Salon

Postby longsword » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:51 am

I went to a tanning salon that I usually frequent. At the end of one of the Y-shaped halls is a room with a traditional tanning bed but the door to the room requires a bit of a push to get the latch to click so the door stays closed. If someone opens the front door of the salon and the door to this room isn't securely latched then it sometimes slowly drifts open. I was assigned to this room and forgot about the latch. I stripped naked and started my session. A bit into the session, I heard my door unlatch when a customer came in the front door but at the same time someone finished their tanning session in the adjacent room. Anyone in the adjacent rooms would have to walk past my room so being a little mischivous I didn't overreact and rush to secure the door but pretended that I didnt know. Sure enough as the person left she noticed my door was ajar and I pretended not to notice but secretly watching her out of the corner of my eyewear. I don't know how much of me she could see but heard her quickly close my door. But by her reaction I guessed that she might have known about the door latch. But she made the same mistake and assumed she quietly secured my door so I would not be the wiser. But when she went out the front door, my door started to creep open again.
The idea of being "accidentally" caught naked was kind of exciting and thinking about it caused me to get aroused. So I tried not to think about it so my penis would go limp but then another person had finished her session and was preparing to leave when she noticed my door. I hadn't realized until I secretly peeked that it had swung open a bit more than the last time. But this lady's reaction was different. She actually squatted down to take a look at me and my erect penis. I again pretended not to notice though I was peeking through my eyewear. She didn't move until her friend in the other room finished a minute later and came out. Then her friend joined her and they both kind of giggled. I heard them whispering about about my "horny" cock and then the friend whisper "that cock is nice big tan and...'juicy' check out the pre-cum going down his long hard shaft" and that is when I realized that I was oozing pre-cum. I don't remember how long both women stay and stared at my wet cock but I remained as still as possible and wondering what to do when my session was done. When my session ended, they had already pulled the door shut but to my surprise, they were sitting in the lobby waiting to watch me walk out and I tried not to act like I knew what had happened. They were both smiling at me when I appeared and the girl who made the "juicy" comment turned red because she is is my neighbor in the apartment complex and I think she knew that I knew what she did. Later that day I think her guity conscience got to her and she came over to apologize. I gave her an opportunity to check my cock out up close and personal...I think this is the start of a great new relationship and new year.
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Postby Tazz41 » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:00 pm

Lucky you,I never had door issues at any tanning salon,but took plenty of opportunities to wack off while tanning.There always seemed to be a few women moving about before my session to give me inspiration.
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Postby rod stroke » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:23 am

yes, or fitting rooms in stores is a good place to get 'glimpsed'.
i love ones which only have curtains, so much easier to leave open a bit.
anyone else tried that?
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