by Rocket Man » Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:32 am
Sure I do, been doing it since I can remember. When I was a teenager I used to get a hand-held mirror, hold it down between my legs and watch as I stroked. It was fun to hold it at different angles to get different perspectives.
Sometimes it’s fun just to stair back into my face while I do it. It’s kinda interesting to watch all my different expressions while I’m coming. I have a little mirror in my shower that I use to shave in the morning. Sometimes I like to jerk-off and watch myself in that little mirror; it’s a little comical, and a great way to start the day!
As someone has already mentioned hotel rooms are fun too, because they are good about putting mirrors in strategic locations in front of the beds. Hotels can be a little risky though. No one is going to believe this, it sounds too absurd, but one time I was watching myself doing it in a hotel room, and just as I shot a thick, sticky load all over the cleaning lady came to the door. She knocked, unlocked the door and I sprang from the bed, covered in a gooey mess, scrambled for cover in the bathroom. Fortunately the chain-lock was latched and she couldn’t open the door all the way and I managed to get to cover in the bathroom without being seen. I learned from that experience to always be sure the “do not disturb” sign was on the door!
Now I have 3 big mirrors built into the headboard of my bed, so I can lay back in the comfort of my own comfy bed and watch as I do myself, or get done, whatever the case my be, and there is no need for the “do not disturb” sign.