Most of you may not realize it, but you can get some *intense* sensations (and orgasms) by massaging your prostate. I didn't try it for decades because it just seemed so nasty. But a year or so ago, I tried it out. It was amazing! I'm not talking about normal cock-centered orgasms -- this is something totally different. What's really surprising is that you can cum without being hard at all. And you usually don't lose your sexual desire afterwards... so you can continue on and cum the traditional way (although many times it's a dry cum, which is very weird... pulsing and contracting and spasming... but no cum). And for all you guys who want to taste your cum but chicken out at the big moment... you can *do* it this way!
When you get to around 40 (like me), plain old masturbation just gets to be boring (even with all the techniques described in this and similar forums). I stumbled across prostate stimulation about a year ago and it brought fantastic, never-before-experienced feelings to my sexual plumbing.
So... here's my step-by-step guide for anyone willing to give it a go:
1. First, it's best to try and clean out your system as best you can (use the bathroom). Usually, after that, there's not any mess involved. Also, pee beforehand... because during the stimulation, it can feel like you need to pee... but it's really cum (actually prostate fluid)! And if you press out like peeing, cum can ooze out... so don't hold back if you get that 'peeing' feeling!
2. There are variety of body positions that you can try. The most comfortable to me is to lie in bed with your head and shoulders propped up by pillows, then spread your legs and raise your knees. But you can try any position where you can get your hand in the right place. If you're in the bathroom, put the toilet seat down and lean against the toilet tank with your ass hanging off the front of the toilet seat and legs up in the air. Or you can sit up on the edge of the toilet seat with your ass hanging off the edge. But in any position, it's best to be sitting or lying -- or else you'll get tired.
3. Get some lube or lotion, put it on your index finger, then slide it in (into your rectum, just in case you don't know). You can put your arm down between your legs... but it's usually easier to put your arm around the side of your butt. The pad of your index finger should be facing towards your cock/belly.
Note: Instead of your finger, you can use other objects. Being a man, I don't really take to the idea of using a dildo (although that could work)... but you can go to the hardware store and get something like a robe hangar that has a bulb or ball on the end. This makes it much easier because your arm doesn't have to twist around as much... and you can get more pressure on your prostate.
4. Get your finger (or object) in about 3 or 4 inches and feel around on the front wall for your prostate. It's a hardish lump about the size of an acorn. It may be hard to find it by feeling. When you think you may be close, press down (pad of finger pressing towards belly) firmly. If you've got the right spot, you should feel a pleasurable sensation. (You may have to press/rub for a while for the feeling to start.) Once you've located it, try any or all of these things:
5a. Alternate between pressing down and releasing at different frequencies.
5b. Do a "come here" motion with your finger, rubbing the fingertip against the prostate.
5c. Keep firm pressure down on the prostate and move you finger side to side... or in and out. This works best for me.
6. Sometimes it can take 10 or 15 minutes for the *really* good feelings to come. Just keep at it... not too hard but not too soft. Just keep rubbing it. After a while, prostate fluid may start oozing out of your cock. This is very cool. If you get the 'peeing' feeling, go with it, press out as hard as you can. You can actually get a good quantity of cum to come out doing this... depending on how long since your last ejaculation.
7. If you want some conclusion to the experience, after working up to some intense prostate feelings, take your cock (which will probably be limp) in your other hand and start working it... while continuing your prostate stimulation. Your cock may remain soft during this (mine always does), but this extra stimulation will pretty quickly send your prostate over the edge. (For me, it doesn't take much cock stimulation, just some light jerking.) Cum will start gushing out of your cock as your prostate contracts and spasms violently in an orgasm-like frequency.
Here's what's way different about this type of orgasm:
1. In a normal orgasm, the exquisite feeling is centered in your cock. In a prostate-initiated orgasm (PIO), the exquisite feeling is centered in your prostate. The prostate pulses but your cock does not... so it's kinda strange watching the cum gush out.
2. In a normal orgasm, the cum squirts out (at least for most people). In a PIO, it tends to gush or kinda "come" out... although you may get an initial spurt.
3. After a PIO, you usually don't lose your sexual desire, so you can continue on and on. You can start up again with your prostate... or you can switch over to the more standard "jacking off" type of masturbation and be done. Usually, the PIO will empty most of your cum and you will have a dry orgasm after the initial PIO. The first time I had a dry orgasm, I was awestruck. I had all of the normal orgasm and ejaculation feelings, but no cum.
4. PIO cum usually tends to be thicker than regular cum... and there is usually more of it than in a traditional orgasm.
Some people can have a prostate-only orgasm (POO) by *not* stimulating their cock. It requires patience, practice and a bit of mind control. In a POO, there is no ejaculation... but orgasmic feelings can last 30 minutes or an hour... and your whole *body* feels like it's orgasming. I have yet to experience this as I don't have the patience.
As for the above-mentioned cum-taster-wannabes, a good way to do it is to lay down on your bed, then roll back and put your legs up over your body so that your cock is right above your face. Try to get your cock as close to your face as is comfortable. Then put your hand around the side of your body and insert your finger (or whatever you're using). Find the good spot and start rubbing/pressing. (You may want to start with some prostate stimulation in more comfortable position until you get warmed up, then switch the cock-over-head position.) When it starts feeling real good, take your other hand and start massaging your cock (which may be soft... but that's ok, it doesn't matter). Pretty soon, you'll be cumming in your mouth... or on your face... or elsewhere... depending on your aim. But -- and this is the important part -- you don't have that totally disgusting feeling that you usually have.
One thing about this, the cum can "come" unexpectedly. Usually, when masturbating, you can tell when you going to cum. But doing the prostate thing, I've had the experience of getting surprised... just boom... it pops out unexpectedly. You have been warned. As an alternative, since you don't lose your sexual desire, you could always cum somewhere else, then taste it at your leisure. Another thing of note... this "cum" comes from your prostate only and I don't think there's much sperm in it. I've noticed it has a *much* more acceptable taste than regular cum -- my regular cum is very bitter. And BTW, I'm not a regular at this cum-tasting thing. I've tasted my regular cum only once (awful) and my PIO cum only a few times (palatable).
One last thing to note... my first time, I think I was a little too rough (but it felt so good, I couldn't help it) and my prostate was sore for days. I thought I had damaged it. But I recovered fine and haven't had soreness since then.
This is all based on my experiences. Your mileage may vary. But if your bored with "normal" masturbation, give it a try! Comments and experiences are welcome.