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Masturbating while driving.

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Masturbating while driving.

Postby bgsuboy212 » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:03 am

So anyone have any good stories? I've done it a few times. Actually got pulled over for it once but he gave me a warning. Can cops give tickets or arrest you for it? I was also wondering if anyone knows any signs to give truckers to see if they want a show rather than just exposing yourself.
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Postby wrus » Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:22 pm

i think that u can get ticket for jerking while driving, cops threat it same way like using mobile phone while drivin, cause it distracts u, only if some hot female cop stop u maybe she will give u hand.
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Great Horny High

Postby mickeyosl » Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:00 am

I have done it several times while driving. Passing somebody and seeing if they will see you, truckers watching, it's a great turn on, and gives me a strong squirt! Have to be careful cause of all the cell phones. Get the wrong person and they call the police. I think they can arrest you for indecent exposure.

I've jerked many times and the cum squirt me in the face, it was that strong. Even got a couple of blow jobs while driving too. Yet, I have not caught anyone while I was driving. A lot of men do it while driving, I think.
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Driving and Masterbating .. the best

Postby iDude » Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:45 am

I've done it a few times, its really intense,, if it weren't so dangerous i'd do it all the time
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Postby jeff87 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:58 am

I tried this for the very first time the other night and oh what an amazing feeling. Nobody else was on the road as it was 11 at night but still, jerking off while driving, knowing someone may see you or that you may get "caught" is a HUGE turn on as Mickey alluded to. it was amazing and something I will be doing again. :D
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One Hand on the Wheel at all times

Postby iDude » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:01 am

I have standard now so I won't be trying it again, I used to do it when I left my girlfriends place just cruising on the highway. I get a similiar excitement from camming now
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Postby Tazz41 » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:55 am

I've done plenty of times, but usually at night. The last time I jerked off driving I made a huge mess on the seat. I ended up scooping up as much as I could and eating it. Then wiped up the rest with a old t-shirt. My windows are tinted and u cant see in easy in the dark. I would jerk it as I passed cars that had women in them.
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Jacking while driving

Postby blueman1008 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:13 am

I've done it a few times, mostly at night.

I frequently travel from 50 to 120 miles for work, and I like to wear loose fitting clothes so I can get comfortable and stroke while driving. I have even made it to orgasm. When I plan on cumming, I always bring tissues or something to clean up.

You need to be very careful because there are so many people out there now who are easily offended. And, in Louisiana, you can go to jail for this, and if convicted you may have to register as a sex offender!

In my approximately 50 years of driving I have never seen anyone else jacking off. A woman showed me her pussy once when I was driving my son's truck. She may have thought it was my son driving, but it made me feel pretty good at the time.
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Postby smilingobserver » Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:07 am

I love love love getting off while driving. I used to do it every day on my way home from columbus. Don't know of any signs for truckers but they're paying attention. They honk in appreciation. Sigh.... What a great time!

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Postby closet Amanda » Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:46 am

I like to do it while in a shopping center parking lot when it's raining. I have a big enough truck now for me to change in it, so one sunny saturday i put on a skirt, blouse, and some sexy shoes in a Walmart parking lot. It was SOO hard to do as there was security driving around, not to mention all the shoppers every frikken where! I finnished dressing and hit the road in haste as some people were eyeing me hard as they past my truck!
I played with myself as i drove around town looking for a good place to jump out and blow my wad. I didn't want it on my new outfit, or on my new apholstery either. I ended up on a back road and had to piss real bad (beer) so i pulled over and ran behind my truck, squatted and pissed away. As i was pissing i noticed that i was squatting like a chick (wow)! I didn't even mean to, it just seemed to happen naturally!
Anyhoo, back to the road because there was traffic comeing. So I finally ended up at Metro Center Mall, drove nearly to the end of the parking lot in front of JCPennys and waited for a break in the traffic, and a security cart passing. I couldn't hold back any longer! As i jumped out i lifted my skirt and began ejaculating right away. I was on my final strokes when i noticed a small buss about 150 feet out and in direct view of me. It looked like there were people inside i noticed as i dove back into my truck and floored it! FUN!!

Another time, on the highway back from Havasu (daylight again), i had put my green and white little gym girl cap sleeve top and short shorts with green knee-highs and strappy sandals, and even a red scarf too (mmm). I'm going 75 on I-60 and got my cock poking out one of my leg holes stroking it
I noticed almost every one seemed to be looking at me as they passed me (2 lane road), so i got an idea.
I put it on cruise control, backed my seat up and raised my full hard cock up above the steering wheel (somehow) as i passed people. I got a few honks! At least one tripple honk! Then i got a long honk from a car full of people! I looked in my mirrors and saw brake lights and the car pulling over. I was rounding a turn just then and i floored it!! I did about 85 to 90 till i hit a junction to I-10 (long way, but took it).
I passed my favorite spot while on the run dang-it. It was a streach of road that i could see for miles either way where i liked to pull over, get out and jerk-off right in the middle of the road.
Oh well...not caught was better i guess :oops:
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Postby A Little English » Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:55 am

Did it. Just stay in the right lane and watch it by trucks. Good stuff.
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Postby truman » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:08 am

I've done it a few times, mostly when I'm driving back to school from vacation. My parents live five hours away from where I went to college, so when I would drive back at night, I'd sometimes strip naked and see how long I could keep a hardon before I would cum.
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Postby Multimale » Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:11 am

Never finished...Just keep it like between killer hard and semi for the ride home and cum loads as soon as I walk in the door and sit on the couch.
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Postby MagicalMe » Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:57 am

i slip on a button-up sweater and an underwire bra, then pull the cups down so my whole brest is propped up by the underwire - feels very bondage-y. I only button the top button of the sweater. I also wear a skirt with no underpants, then I hit the local rural highway that gets truck traffic. When a truck passes me from the other direction I'll pull the sweater open. This is my warm up - a flash. Then, when I'm driving past a truck, I'll slow down right next to him and pull one side open...then the other...then reach a hand up and feel my nipple and squeeze it. After doing this a few times I have to put my hand in my underpants and take care of business. I've never had the guts to do this part with anyone watching, but I'd love to - knowing he was jerking as well.
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Postby capt_jack64 » Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:36 am

MagicalMe wrote:i slip on a button-up sweater and an underwire bra, then pull the cups down so my whole brest is propped up by the underwire - feels very bondage-y. I only button the top button of the sweater. I also wear a skirt with no underpants, then I hit the local rural highway that gets truck traffic. When a truck passes me from the other direction I'll pull the sweater open. This is my warm up - a flash. Then, when I'm driving past a truck, I'll slow down right next to him and pull one side open...then the other...then reach a hand up and feel my nipple and squeeze it. After doing this a few times I have to put my hand in my underpants and take care of business. I've never had the guts to do this part with anyone watching, but I'd love to - knowing he was jerking as well.

Us truckers thank you :D I absolutely love it when a Hot woman plls up next to me doing about 70mph and starts to tease me. Spreading her legs just enough to see a little panty then begins to touch herself. Talk about multi tasking, how bout
18 gears, 78 foot of truck, 70 mph and jerking off all at the same time...
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