Well, I have a story for you all

Today I was waiting for the underground train, going to work, and next to me was a young couple of teenagers (I think about 16-17). She was a real cutie blondie (a very hot looking one). He was the kind of teenage boy that should never have seen a pussy in his life. I tried to listen to their conversation: they were meeting for the first time, they got acquainted on the internet, and the idea was that the hot girl wanted to fuck. The boy with every minute was h-h-having m-mo-more p-problems to t-talk

I could hear his saliva while he was trying to keep it in mouth

Anyway, the girl was not changing any idea about the day, and I think by now the boy has been happily kicked into the adult world

And I should confess, that I would happily take his place with that hottie too

And so I think damn it! If the internet were so powerful when I was 16!!! I think I would spend less time with my cock in my hands, and more time with some pussy around it
So God bless computers