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Painted Dicks

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Painted Dicks

Postby longsword » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:08 am

I was doing a bit of spring cleaning and found a box of old college stuff. In it were a couple old picture of me with some frat and sorority friends that brought a funny memory (funny now) and this seemed like a good place to share it.

We were all getting ready to go to a football game and we decided to paint our faces, chests, etc. with the school colors (blue and gold). A sorority sister threw a challege out to see which of us guys were man enough to paint our cocks. I was one of the three who accepted the challenge..I was probably drunk enough to accept but not drunk enough to forget the moment.

To paint our dicks, we had to get hard. How else but to let the sorority sisters handle our cocks and paint them. In one picture it showed the shaft of my cock painted blue and the head gold (yellow). Along the top of my cock were the school initials in yellow. My balls were half painted blue and gold. I don't remember shaving my pubes but they were shaved in the picture.

At the game, we were high up in the bleechers with other frat and sorority friends. Getting painted up or doing something else to show school spirt was a bit competitive. So the three of us flashed our painted dicks to the cheers of those around us.

Why I say it is funny now is that afterwards we found out the sorority sisters played a joke on us. They didn't use body paint but non-toxic permanent markers that children use to color with. Permanent is a relative term but it did eventually come off after several weeks. Not only did our fellow frat and sorority sisters know about our painted cocks, but it was hard to hide it in the locker rooms. Unfortunately, I was the only one of the three who let my entire cock and balls be painted. Soon everyone on the campus knew what we did. Sharing this makes me kind of chuckle..the morale of the story, don't let a sorority sister paint your cock or be darn sure its real body paint.
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