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Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby booblover77 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:50 am

My mother didn't encourage it, but she did say I should masturbate whenever I liked and it was a healthy release for tension and pent up urges. She said better to play with yourself than do something you'll regret. She did it frequently and I should as much or little as i cared to. I should never feel guilty about doing it and I didn't need to hide it. It could be mentioned freely, like any other activity. She said the same to my sister and we both turned out to be heavy masturbators lol.

After that we were pretty open about it and i even walked around with an obvious erection.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby Much2Fun » Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:59 am

It wasn't discussed but everyone knew I did it.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby bwsd2009 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:37 pm

My parents never discussed it and I found out about it just by touching myself. I know my mom knew because she did the laundry and of course my underwear had cum stains on them! I always wanted her to catch me at it. I wish I'd grown up in a nudist household. Sounds like they have very healthy attitudes towards the body, etc.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby ukguy89 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:55 pm

I found out about it from the internet XD
I started at about 9 and my first 'proper' load was about 13 I think.
Never had any talk about it, but I am yet to turn 19 so, early doors, kindof.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby smexylucy » Sat May 02, 2009 12:51 am

my parents knew i was masturbating, my sister, mum and i went out one time when i was 15 to get a dildo for each of us when she knew we were of age. me and my sister often do it together and we walk about the house in nothing but panties and bra
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby mcjackin64 » Sun May 03, 2009 9:30 pm

My folks and I never had 'the talk' so I found out all I needed to know on my own (thank goodness for books and cable!!). I read alot back then and fashioned my desires after what you read in books. For me it didn't start until I was in my mid to late teens and when I look back on it I feel that I've missed out on a lot of fun times both with myself and with others. The things I want to do now I am too old to be part of the 'majority' and yes they mostly deal with masturbation. If I luck out and do them, you all will be the first to know.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby Filip » Wed May 06, 2009 8:55 pm

smexylucy wrote:my parents knew i was masturbating, my sister, mum and i went out one time when i was 15 to get a dildo for each of us when she knew we were of age. me and my sister often do it together and we walk about the house in nothing but panties and bra

Your mom sounds awesome. I want to hang out at your house.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby 69loverx » Wed May 13, 2009 6:19 pm

I wish that my family was more open on it as many of you indicate you were brought up.
I guess no discussion meant it didn't happen (yeah right,). When there are young boys around I believe we all jerk it.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby Tazz41 » Sun May 17, 2009 3:14 pm

It was never discussed until my mom discovered my cum crusted carpet next to my bed.I got the religious riot act.That wasnt until I was 19yrs old.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby norsegoddess1982 » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:59 pm

One time, when I was 13, I was masturbating in my room and had a really intense orgasm.
Since I thought I was home alone, I got really verbal and gave out a few screams.
After a few minutes of rest, I got dressed and went down to the kitchen to get a snack.
To my surprise, Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, she had come home early from work.
Seeing her sitting there, I knew she must have heard me, and I, needless to say, was very embarrassed.
She broke the ice by saying, "Sounds like you were having some fun in your room."
She then went on to tell me that she felt that masturbation was a normal, healthy thing to do.
She surprised me more by telling me that she often did it herself.
After that, we often talked about masturbation and other sex topics.
For the next couple of years, I experimented with different ways and various objects.
I often used the handle of my hairbrush and even used a cucumber a few times.
One time, when I was 15, I was putting the laundry away and found my Mom's vibrator.
I immediately knew what it was for and the next time that I knew I was home I alone, I got it and,WOW!, it was great.
I started using it almost every day, when I got home from school.
Apparently, Mom knew that I was using it, because, 2 days before my 16th birthday, she brought me one for a present. (Had it wrapped up, and all.)
When I opened the box and saw what it was, she said, "Now you don't have to sneak mine."
So, my answer is that, yes, Mom condoned and encouraged me to masturbate.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby TokyoMike » Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:58 am

I wouldn't say they "encouraged" me to masturbate. I know my mom definitely knew I did it, which I found out when she got after me for using my sister's panties to masturbate with. She told me I could what I wanted in private but she didn't want my sister being exposed to "that stuff" (was never sure what she meant by "stuff"). My dad never said anything but I figure she must have told him, especially considering I had a few other run-ins with her over the years about it.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby Jack Makokov » Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:00 am

Oh no, not at all. My mother could not, would not speak of such things. Still couldnt. My father got the idea I was doing one night and yelled at me for a few minutes telling me what a horrible pervert I was. The sad thing is that I wasnt doing anything more than scratching myself. I can only guess that something had given him the idea that I was doing it and he was near my bedroom door to see or hear movement.

The other time I was "caught" was in 5th grade. I had some Hot Wheels cars (not supposed to have those in school) and so to play with one of them I had it under my desk and "driving" it along on my leg while we waited to be released for the bus ride home. Teacher thought I was playing with my cock and she lit into me... when I explained that I was not and playing with the car, she accused me of playing with my cock with the car. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

The odd thing was that, in private, I was jacking it all the time...... the two times I "got caught" I hadnt done a damn thing. LOL.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby steve2011 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:35 am

i don't know if my parents knew i was masturbating in my early teens,...but my sister knew 'cause she caught me and and just said to clean up and she would use the bathroom later! Everyone masturbates (safe sex)...ones who say they don't are in denial..1% of people admit it...other 99% are in denial!
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby milkbunny22 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:16 am

My mother not only practiced masturbating heavily herself, she encouraged me. She said it was safe and healthy. It was better to release my sexual tension with a nice fantasy than getting into trouble by not being careful.

After she knew I was practicing we would talk about it openly, telling each other about our fantasies. She would even get up and said 'well i'm horny time to masturbate' then head into her room lol. I have found being so open empowering. I get a thrill telling someone i am going to masturbate.
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Re: Did your parents condone/encourage you to masturbate?

Postby Viking_chic89 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:41 pm

Never ever talked about it. When I was about 12 I got a book about sex and masturbation, that's the only information I ever got from my parents. My dad and my brother have both caught me in the shower though. Too bad parents have such a tough time talking about it. Eventhough I had the book I didn't have my first orgasm until I was 18.
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