dicklion wrote:Feel free to bash - enjoy your freedom of speech and have fun here and at home.
Dicklion, this is the last time I will "overlook" your insults and attacks on me, nor am I going to waste my time trying to explain or justify my posts to you.
I have shared myself with the members of this forum, and I have full respect for those members that choose to do the same. I have never bashed anyone in this forum, regardless of how different their sexual preferences are from mine. The exception, however, is topics and posts which refer (either directly or indirectly) to sexual activities and fantasies that create victims and are therefore, by definition, predetor in nature. These kind of posts cause me great anger and concern, however, I have attempted to choose my words carefully so that the significance of my posts are not diluted by words of anger and emotions.
If in fact you truly believe that I am all about bashing, I suggest that you make the effort to analyze which topics (for the last month or two) that I have posted to or, for that matter, even read. Anytime that I note you have started a topic or even posted to a topic, I will not open that topic because I have many significant reasons for keeping myself very distant from you and not associating myself with you at any level. Unfortunately, my attempt to avoid you significantly reduces my involvement in this forum because I entirely avoid any and all topics where I have noted your participation. Had I realized that you posted to this topic, I would not have opened it and I would not be wasting my time with this message. You give yourself far too much credit if you think I have any interest in anything you say, let alone wasting my time bashing you or anyone else. Just so you understand how important it is to me to avoid you, you might want to view a recent topic (last month or so) in the Suggestions forum which focused on blocking certain members' post. From my understanding of the topic, the intent was not to block members from making posts (freedom of speech), but to give members the ability to eliminate their exposure to any and all posts by certain members. I participated in that topic because I was more than interested in finding out if there was a way to prevent your forum posts from showing up on my computer. There are many topics that I am interested in reading and/or participating in, but I avoid them entirely if I note your participation. It would be nice if I had the option to block or hide your posts from showing up on my computer so I could go once again enjoy all of the fun this forum has to offer.
Dickliar, at this point in time my patience has expired with you. To be honest, I am curious to find out if you are actually so fucking stupid that you will "call me out" and insult or attack me (directly or indirectly with your childish sarcasm) one more time. Your game playing is pathetically transparent and I would prefer not to waste my time picking a part your inconsistent lying, sick bullshit. However, I will be god damned before I will tolerate anymore of your insults and attacks. You would be wise to not under estimate your stupidity and let this be the end of our differences. I will continue to refrain from making posts to you or about you, and I am asking that you give me the same respect in return.