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My wife finally gives in to my fantasy.

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My wife finally gives in to my fantasy.

Postby 0.0 » Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:11 am

Like a good portion of the male population, I was
secretly turned on by the thought of seeing another man
having sex with my wife. I have had these thoughts since
we were dating, and they grew stronger the longer we were
married. Like most people, I like to show off what is
mine when I have something that is very nice.

Jen, my wife, is extremely attractive. Even after a dozen
years of marriage and having two kids, she has a gorgeous
body. She is barely 5-3 tall and weighs a little over 100
pounds. She has dark brown eyes and naturally curly hair.
Her breasts are not overly large, but she fills a size
34B bra completely.

Even though she is small physically, she can be very
brassy and stubborn when she wants to be; one of the
things she has maintained a very strong opinion of, is
marital fidelity. She strongly believes that it is wrong
to have sex with anyone that you are not married to, so I
never thought I would be able to convince her to have sex
with another man.

This didn't change the fact that I continued to have my
fantasy. One night while we were making love I worked up
my courage and told my wife about my fantasy of seeing
her with another man. To my surprise, she didn't become
angry or shut me down. She continued to stroke my hard
cock while she questioned me about what I would like to
see her doing.

I was so excited, to finally be able to tell my wife what
I wanted, that I shot my load all over her hand. To my
credit, I was able to get hard again and pounded her
pussy until she too had an orgasm.

Laying together, while recovering from some of the best
sex we had in a long time, I asked her if she would
really do it. She said "Of course not silly, but if you
will continue to screw me like you just did, I don't mind
if we talk about it once in a while."

For almost two years we would talk about her having sex
with another man once or twice a month while we made
love. Every time we talked like this, the sex was extra
good but Jen remained adamant that she was not willing to
actually fuck anyone but me.

Jen was not a virgin when I met her but she was far from
experienced. Her experience was limited to letting a few
of her dates feel her tits and one poorly planned romp,
in the back seat of her boyfriend's car, that cost her,
her virginity.

I was surfing the net one night, while Jen was out with
her friends, and found a swingers chat room. I chatted
with Bill about the swinging lifestyle. He asked if my
wife was a swinger and I admitted that to my dismay, she
was not. Bill's story was similar to mine in that he
wanted to swing, but his wife was not interested.

Over the course of several hours we learned that we lived
in neighboring cities, only a couple of hours apart. I
found myself getting excited as I described to him what
my wife's body looked like and what I wanted her to do.

Neither of us had nude pictures of our wife on line, but
we exchanged clothed pictures of our wives. I was able to
send him one in which Jen was bending forward while
wearing a low cut, yellow, top. You could see the tops of
her full breasts in the picture and it excited me to send
it to him. Bill said that he thought she was very
beautiful and said he wished he could fuck her.

I reminded him of Jen's refusal to swing. Bill and I
began to, jokingly, share ideas on how we might get our
wives to try swinging. We chatted about several ideas
that we both knew would probably never work, but it was
great fun to share my frustration with someone else.

Towards the end of our chat, Bill suggested that I tell
my wife that if she loved me she would try it at least
once, and he said I should stand my ground till she
agreed. I didn't think this would work, but we traded
private email addresses and agreed to stay in touch.

When Jen returned home I started putting the plan into
action. I began by asking her if she really loved me. She
said she did, so I then suggested that if she loved me
she would at least try to indulge me in my fantasy at
least once. She looked at me like I had lost my mind and
walked out of the room. Not wanting to turn this into an
argument, I retired to the den to watch a ball game.

About two hours later, just as the game was ending, Jen
came into the den and sat down beside me. She asked me if
I was serious about what I had suggested and I said that
I was. She told me that she could never actually do it
and that her refusal had nothing to do with whether or
not she loved me.

Taking Bill's advice, I held my ground and kept
suggesting that if she loved me she would do it. We
discussed it for almost an hour, until I said, "I really
want you to do this."

My wife didn't say anything for a while but then said,
"Only if it is someone we will never see again." Even
though this was what I had been asking for, I was
speechless; I didn't know what to say.

Finally, I was able to collect my thoughts long enough to
say, "Anyway you want to do it is fine with me as long as
you try it."

That broke the spell and Jen began to unload on me. "If
it was up to me I would never do this, but since you keep
pestering me about it, I'll try to do it for you." She
took a deep breath and continued. "I am not sure I can or
even should do this and I don't think I can do anything
with you watching."

That sort of stunned me because I really wanted to see
her getting fucked. I also knew that I had better take
what I could get so I said to her, "You tell me what you
are willing to try and we will do just that. You know
that I want to see everything, but if your not
comfortable, you can tell me what happened later." She
said she would have to think about it, so I let the
subject drop.

I didn't mention my fantasy for three days. Bill and I
traded several emails and he suggested that I wait until
the weekend before bringing up the subject. When I came
home from work on Friday night, Jen met me at the door.
She asked me if I still wanted her to let another man
have sex with her, and when I said I did, she told me
that we would be going out and that she would try giving
me my fantasy.

She told me that after thinking about my request there
would have to be some rules. First, she said, I could not
watch her. That was a major bummer but I let her
continue. Second, she was not going to do anything in our
town, where someone might recognize her.

And last, she would not go to another man's house so it
would have to be in a hotel somewhere. I asked how she
thought we could make this happen and she surprised me by
saying that we should get a room in the next town over,
and then she would go to the bar and see if anything
happens. She had really given this plan some serious

I knew that with her looks there would be plenty of guys
interested, and even though I wanted to watch, I quickly
agreed. She asked if I was disappointed that I could not
be in the room with her when she did it. I told her, yes,
I was a little disappointed, but if I could sit in the
bar while she got picked up and if she would tell me
everything that happened while she was alone, I would be
happy. This would be better than just talking about it,
because now I would have a face to go with my fantasy.
Besides, I reasoned, maybe next time she would let me

While Jen was putting on her makeup and getting dressed,
II fired off a quick e-mail to Bill telling him where we
were going and why. I invited him to be the man who
picked my wife up in the hotel bar. I had no way of
knowing if Bill would read his e-mail soon enough, but I
hoped he would.

I was more than a little disappointed when Jen came out
of the bedroom. She was dressed very conservatively in
black slacks and low cut sweater. The sweater showed off
her breasts but I had hoped that she would wear her sexy
black dress. I knew better than to suggest that she
change, so I kissed her and told her how happy I was that
she was going to try.

I was so excited and nervous that I was actually shaking.
Jen noticed this and said she was nervous too, and may
not be able to go through with it, but that she would try
to give me my fantasy. My wife then calmly removed her
wedding rings and placed them on the little shelf in the
kitchen. She looked at me apologetically and said, "There
is no way I can do it with my rings on."

It was still early when we arrived at the hotel so we
booked a room and then went to the restaurant for dinner.
Jen didn't seem very hungry, I too picked at my food. We
were both thinking about what was going to happen later
that night. Every time I looked at her I would first
think of her doing it with someone else and begin to get
hard. Then a second later I wondered if the guy who was
going to have sex with my wife would be better than me
and I would feel a little scared.

I think Jen was feeling some of the same things because
one minute she would look at me and blush slightly and
the next she would be looking at her plate with a worried
expression on her face. Finally, I suggested that she
should go to the bar and have a drink. I told her that I
would finish my meal and be in the bar in a few minutes.
My wife nodded slightly and then kissed me hard before
walking out of the restaurant and toward the bar.

Shortly afterward, I made my way to the bar. It was quite
dark and there were only a few people enjoying their
drinks. When my eyes adjusted to the low light, I found a
small table in the back where I could see Jen, sitting
alone, at the bar.

She had finished two drinks before I saw a man come
running into the bar. He stopped just inside the door and
tried to look casual. Even though I had never seen a
picture of him, I was pretty sure this was Bill. He
looked around, and after making eye contact with me, took
a barstool next to my wife.

Bill ordered his drink, and after the bartender had
delivered it, he began trying to strike up a conversation
with Jen. She was not responding very well to him. She
kept her responses very short. If Bill hadn't known what
was going on, I am sure he would have gone on to find a
lady that seemed more receptive.

After a while, Bill sneaked a look back to where I was
sitting and I nodded to him. He shrugged his shoulders
and then moved his stool closer to my wife. Bill put his
arm across the low back of her stool and continued
talking to her. After some time, I saw my wife sit up
straighter and casually look back to where I was sitting.

She looked a little scared, but I nodded to her that I
approved of her choice. She mouthed the words "You sure?"
and I nodded again. She closed her eyes in resignation
and turned back to Bill. This time, she leaned slightly
toward him and talked more. They had another drink and I
saw Bill's hand glide across her back, gently rubbing it
about where her bra strap hooked.

At first my wife sat up straighter, like she was going to
stop him, but then she relaxed a little and let him rub
the back of her sweater. I knew that Bill could see the
tops of my wife's breasts in her low cut sweater.

They talked this way for another half hour. Apparently,
Bill suggested they go somewhere more private, because
Jen started looking very nervous. She looked at me for
support so I smiled and nodded again. She was wringing
her hands but she continued to let Bill talk quietly to
her. After he finished his drink, Bill stood and held his
hand out to my wife. She glanced back at me and then let
him take her hand and lead her out of the bar.

My heart was pounding as well as other parts of my
anatomy. Now began the hard part. I knew my wife was
going up to our room with this man, I knew what was about
to happen. We had agreed that she would come back to the
bar when it was over and get me. She had insisted that I
give her both keys to the room, and told me that I was
not to come to or call the room under any circumstances.

I finished my drink, and against her orders, I made my
way to our room. I walked as quietly as possible and
listened at the door. They were still talking but I could
not make out any words. From the tone I judged that Bill
was trying to convince Jen to have sex but she was
reluctant. Damn, I heard another guest coming so I
returned to the bar and waited.

I waited and waited. It was nearly two hours later when
she called down to the bar and asked for me. Her voice
was very soft when she told me I could come up to the
room now. I couldn't wait to know, so I asked her if
anything happened. "Yes, she said, I let him do it"

Visions of her getting fucked had been running through my
mind all night but hearing her tell me she had just been
fucked nearly pushed me over the edge. I told her how
much I loved her and raced up to our room. She answered
the door wrapped in a large white bath towel. Her hair
was disheveled but she had the glow of a freshly fucked

My wife wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard
again. She asked me if I still loved her and I again told
her I did. The bed covers were a mess as I sat her down
on the bed and removed her towel. My wife blushed
furiously and started to cover her nakedness before
thinking better of it and placing her hands on the bed
behind her. She looked away as she told me, "He didn't
use a condom." I was so turned on that I was didn't
answer, I just continued to look at her freshly used body
while I stripped off my clothes.

Her tits were a little red and her nipples were still
hard. I kneeled in front of her and gently opened her
legs. I wanted to see more evidence of what she had done.
I asked her to show me and she lay back on the bed and
opened her legs for me. Her normally neat pussy was
gaping open, swollen, and red. Her pussy was overflowing
and their juices had run down her leg. The dark brown
hair that covered her pussy was wet and matted too.

My wife had just let another man cum inside her and I
wanted nothing more than to lick her dripping cunt. I
attacked her pussy with my tongue and brought her to a
climax quickly. While she was still climaxing I mounted
her and pushed my cock into her dripping cunt. Jen
continued to climax as I pounded her furiously. I had
been hard for so long that I only lasted a minute before
I added my load of spunk to what Bill had left in my
wife's vagina.

While we were lying side by side, resting, I asked Jen
what had happened. She shyly told me that Bill had spent
a great deal of time telling her how much he was
attracted to her And she admitted that she thought he was
cute but more in a friendly way than as a sex partner.
She said that he insisted they go up to the room and that
she knew I would be disappointed if she didn't.

I asked her what happened when they left the bar. My wife
told me that Bill had pulled her close and kissed her the
minute they were alone in the elevator. She said that she
was enjoying his kisses and that she didn't stop him when
his hands began to squeeze her ass. She said that as they
walked to the door of our room, the reality of what was
about to happen hit her and she was shaking so much that
she couldn't get the keycard into the lock. She said she
was so flustered that she finally handed the card but
Bill and he calmly let them into the room.

My wife said that after closing and locking the door, she
just stood there for a long time and let Bill kiss her.
Jen said she didn't want to sit on the bed, thinking she
would look like a total slut if she did, but Bill firmly
steered her onto the bed and continued to kiss her. Jen
said that they kissed for a long time, and she enjoyed
it, while Bill fondled her breasts through her sweater.

Her voice was almost inaudible as she told me that she
then allowed Bill to remove her sweater and her bra. Jen
said that she felt terribly self-conscious sitting there
with her breasts exposed. She said Bill massaged them
expertly and sucked on her nipples but his ministrations
were not having the desired effect. "I knew you wanted me
to fuck him and I knew he wanted to get me naked so he
could do it, but I just couldn't. When he tried to
unbutton my slacks I grabbed his hand and stopped him."

She said that Bill stopped and asked her what was wrong.
My wife told me that she, tearfully, told him that she
was doing this just to fulfill her husband's fantasy but
now she was having second thoughts and couldn't continue.
She said that Bill seemed to understand and asked her if
she loved me. When she told him she did, he asked her
what she thought I would want her to do. She said that
she knew I wanted her to have sex with him and that they
actually laughed a little bit about the awkwardness of
the situation.

Jen told me that after a while she kissed Bill and told
him he could continue. He returned to feeling her tits,
but this time, "I began to get turned on," she said. When
he tried to undo the zipper and button on my slacks she
said, "I let him, and even leaned back so he could unzip
and remove my pants". She said she felt really slutty
when she raised her hips so he could pull the pants down
her legs.

She admitted that when they lay on the bed and began
kissing again, she had reached out and felt his hard cock
through his pants. Bill then stood beside the bed and
removed all his clothes. My wife said that his cock was
uncut and it looked different than mine but it was about
the same size. When he returned to the bed she wanted to
touch his manhood so she gently stroked it while he
slipped his hand inside her panties to feel her pussy.

I asked if she was wet for him but she said that, at
first, she was very dry. She said Bill gently removed her
tiny white panties and then positioned her legs about two
feet apart. She said, "I felt so open and exposed, laying
there like that with the lights on, and I wanted to stop
him again, but I had decided that I was going to go
through with it and let him fuck me." She said that Bill
sat beside her on the bed and very slowly explored her

"He carefully opened me and let his fingertips gently
brush over my lips and my clit," she said. I was looking
at his hard cock when he asked me, "What would your
husband want you to do?" She said that at that moment she
decided she wanted him inside her so she raised her pussy
against his hand began humping against his hand.

She said that Bill continued to tease her clit until she
was totally hot and she asked him to fuck her. My wife
looked down and blushed as she told me, "It felt so good
when he put his cock in me that I started coming right
away." Bill didn't last very long and when I knew he was
about to come I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him
as deep inside me as I could. I couldn't believe how
excited I was, knowing that I was letting him come inside
me for you."

My wife said that they lay together with his cock still
inside her while they caught their breath. She noticed
that he was still about half hard and admitted to
me..."Since I had gone this far, and since I was still
horny, I rolled him on his back and began to suck him."

"He was hard again in no time, but this time I climbed on
top of him." She said, "so I guided his cock into my hot
pussy and lowered myself onto him." My wife told me that
she moved herself up and down on his pole and was
enjoying the feel of him inside her.

She continued smiling at the memory, "I was thinking
about how much you would enjoy seeing this. I fucked him
for a long time while he squeezed my tits and sucked hard
on my nipples. When he got close to his second orgasm, I
changed positions and lay down on the bed. I raised and
spread my legs for him so that my cunt was wide open and
told him to fuck me again. Bill quickly got between my
legs and slammed his cock home. I could feel his balls
hitting my ass every time it went in, and when he came he
pushed the head of his cock against my cervix and pumped
his seed into my womb."

I was hard again and asked Jen how she had fucked Bill
the second time. She mounted me quickly, leaning forward
so that her tits swayed directly in front of my face. I
could see my cock going in and out of her well-fucked
pussy; it was covered with Bill's and my cum as well as
her juices. Knowing that she had been doing the very same
thing with Bill just minutes before had me on the edge.

Jen grinned down at me and said, "Next time I do it maybe
you can watch." This brought me to a hard climax and my
loving wife reached hers at the same time. I knew our
life had changed for the better and I would continue to
live out my best fantasy.

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:49 am

Re: My wife finally gives in to my fantasy.

Postby Ranger1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:30 am

I've now read this three times and I've jerked off three times over it. Thanks for that great story. It's a few years since you posted it. If you're still around, did you ever get to watch your wife fucking another man?
Masturbater Sergeant
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