Hi. It appears the male to female ratio here is a bit unbalanced. Hopefully that will not be the case forever. I am a 60 year old woman, happily married in most ways, but hubby and I have not shared intimacy for several years. He is too proud to speak to his physician about his impotence, and says we had enough sex in our first 35 years of marriage to last a lifetime.

Most of the time I take things into my own hands, so to speak. It is a rare week that I do not masturbate 5-6 times. I am aroused by many things... male/female, female/female, male /male, hard core, dirty talk, sweet talk etc. I have done cam to cam only a very few times, since I am rather embarrassed. I am overweight, with the body of a 60 year old, yet the few times I have cammed (from the neck down) I have been incredibly aroused, and have had intense orgasms seeing a man cum with me.
I wish there were a place where people were open minded enough to accept on cam masturbation for what it is,,, real people doing what real people do. I suppose I would have to say that if someone wants porn film bodies, they should just go rent porn films.
Any thoughts from others?