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Very serious question

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Very serious question

Postby dickhardy » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:01 pm

I wonder if anyone on here might be able to give me an answer to a problem that I have. I guess I need to begin by giving you some facts. I am 73 years old. I am bisexual. I am married, but my wife has not wanted any kind of sex for over 20 years. I am in realitive good health for my age. I do have high blood pressure for which I take medication. I take several medications, mostly for heart and circulation related issues. I also am taking several natural supplements.
Now here is the problem. Most of the time (sometimes this is not true) I can find a good porn video on line and my cock will get hard. Granted it probably is not as hard as it was when I was younger - but hard. I can usually jackoff and cum while watching a video. But, I have been with several women and several men in the years since my wife cut me off. To this day, I have not been able to get an erection with any of them. And, I have not been able to have a climax with any of them. Well, let me qualify that statement. One time, when I was watching a man and woman fucking, live and in person, I was jacking off and I was able to cum. Being able to get hard and cum while watching a video tells me that my "system" is not broke, so do you have any ideas as to why I can't get hard with someone?
Thank you for any suggestions.
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Re: Very serious question

Postby C5 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:51 pm

Do you feel guilt when you are with others? I suspect that could cause it. Are you turned on and just can't get hard? Maybe you could try some of the available medications.
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Re: Very serious question

Postby dickhardy » Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:06 pm

Thanks so much for both replies. Yes, I have thought about the guilt thing. That is possible. As far as the medicine - I have tried Viagra and it did not help at all.

I don't really feel nervous, although I guess it could be.

It's just that at least once more I would love to enjoy the feeling of my hard dick sliding into a warm, wet pussy, and be able to cum inside. Oh well, I guess I'll take what I can get and enjoy it.
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Re: Very serious question

Postby dickhardy » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:43 pm

Although I really appreciate the two replies, I am rather disappointed in the number of replies. I thought sure that someone would be able to suggest something. Folks, I probably don't have a lot of time left at 73, so if you have something that might help, HURRY :lol:
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Re: Very serious question

Postby jackenov » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:58 am

I've had the same problem recently and instead of prescribing viagra my doctor put me on a herbal substitute called Maxidus because it's safe to use if you have high blood pressure It's fantastic and an hour or so after taking 2 capsules I get a rampant hardon that stays up until I've cum. It also last longer than viagra, anything up to 2 days. I took 2 capsules on tuesday and still woke up yesterday and today with good hardon and been able to have 3 nice wanks (2 yesterday and 1 today) without my cock going soft till I'd cum.
If you want more info just google maxidus.
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Re: Very serious question

Postby ffolkes » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:07 pm

My guess is if guilt isn't an issue as mentioned previously, then it's probably the meds. I am having some issues too. About two months ago I was put on a number of meds, blood pressure meds being one of them. Now I can still get an erection, however it isn't quite as hard most of the time as it used to be and it takes a bit of motivation to get there too. I haven't talked it over with my Doctor yet but I will be my next appointment. I would suggest you do as well. I've heard from a variety of guys that it make take some trial and error with ED drugs to find the right one that works. Most I've talked to really seem happy with the results from Cialis. I might take a look at that Maxidus....we'll see.
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Re: Very serious question

Postby dickhardy » Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:51 pm

Again, thanks so much for the replies. I have already done some research on the Maxidus and everything so far that I have read looks good. I think I am going to order some just to see if it would help. I would hope that the packaging would be very discreet as to the contents. I would hate for it to show up at my house with some kind of printing on the outside saying - "get an erection", or something like that.
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