Hi Im new to the forum. Glad I discovered it! I masturbate: lying down or sitting I put my right hand against my pussy and cross my lovely legs. I squeeze the muscles TIGHT and move my hand around against my cunt. I make (slow at first) snake-like rhythmic movements rocking. As 'the throbbing feeling' starts, faster and fastes I move! It looks gorgeous in mirror! Explosive squirting cum guaranteed! I am a total slave to it! I LIVE for these moments and can start at it in 20 mints again! Next: involving men!
I discovered how to cum during sex-men! Be warned. You'll never want it any other way again! I lie on back. Him on top. My legs spread 4 his loveley Dick! He enters. Lifts himself to let me cross my legs with his cock deep in my puss! Now I squeeze and snake! All men(yes, many!) Said best cum ever and lines up for more. Once taught technique- 6 men watchhng. All came all over me and each other! I am a sex slave and proudly so!