aronpete wrote:Surfergirl wrote:me happily vibing,, actually trying to hold it back ........ sucking my own nips,, very hard to hold it back when I do this ...
Good girl, you keep vibing that clit and think of all the males stroking for you. I hope you wriggle around and moan a lot.
Tazz41 wrote:I'd luv to see that in person surfergirl! That thought has me totally bating my cock.
BigBob wrote:Mmmm thinkiing about surfergirl has me playing now

Just for all that ,, I AM going to do it again ,, thinking about vid'ing this one .. I don't move much naturally but I usually have lot's of contractions .. wish I had someone to suck my tits for me this time,, I love to have that done,, cum so hard and several times over again if they are sucked like that lightly ,, I guess I will just have to do it myself
I was sucking my tit in the shower yesterday and came handsfree ,, I had the water spray on it somewhat but that's all ...most entertaining...