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anal sex question

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anal sex question

Postby mindblown » Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:35 pm

As I'm pretty much into anal porn, although I have never tried anal sex (while being very curious), I've been wondering if anyone knows how on earth do porn stars do to suck a penis that has just come out of their anus without having any hmm... hygene-related hesitations. They probably have an enema a few hours prior to the shooting, don't eat for a while before it... but still.
male, 38 yo, straight
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Re: anal sex question

Postby cfag » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:08 pm

Yes, I've often thought about that and then dismissed it as not my problem and been awestruck at the amount of anal these girls take and how it's the required thing these days. I guess as anal is so much part of porn, the practice must be spreading in the private world - a bit like having no pubic hair is the norm.
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Re: anal sex question

Postby Conran » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:14 pm

This can be attributed to one single word...


In real life there is a bit of "cleansing" that goes on between instances. It's not romantic, and there's a chance it'll spoil the mood.

Using a douche before obviously helps and should be a must for anyone into anal at all. But in reality, very, VERY FEW people go from anal to sucking without a break to clean up.
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Re: anal sex question

Postby mindblown » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:57 pm

Ok, I did it. I went straight to the source and asked a pro and against all odds she answered me :D :D :D

I was wondering what was the best way to prepare one's ass for anal sex to be perfectly clean? How do girls in porn do it so they don't have any hesitations to suck on a cock that has just come out of their ass? My girl and I would like some professional advice. - John

Ok John, I'm going to tell you everything I know and everything other experts, such as Audrey Hollander, Shay Sites and Brianna Banks have told me, for I too was full of wonder and questions and fear when I started. I remember asking Audrey what she does to take it so deep in the ass and always be clean and she in front of her husband, told me, and I can't exactly quote word for word, but for affect, I'll use quotations, "I eat a huge juicy hamburger the night before, wake up, take a nice dump eat an Imodium and then don't eat again until my scene is over." Ok, first of all, I don't eat "huge, juicy hamburgers" and even if I did, I certainly wouldn't have a normal "nice big dump " the morning after! And! I'd like to think of Audrey as a friend but if I were her, taking it like she does and winning Female Performer of the Year, I may want to keep my title to myself and not give away my secrets to the likes of me! I mean, please, be my guest and try the hamburger thing, I just don't know because for me, anal sex is the last thing I want to have after any kind of meat eating dinner what so ever but, hey if you have a digestive system like Audrey Hollander's than by all means! eat the damn burger. I do love the Imodium thing though and the not eating until after the scene thing, well except for the fact that your breath is just gnarly on an empty stomach and that hungry, stomach acid smell is a real turn off during sex. So, please, eat a little something! I told Audrey that I eat light, like a salad the night before an anal scene and my colleague said, "Well, be careful with that, because then you can have all those little salad pieces that get caught in the walls of the colon come out".

I learned something beautiful from Shay Sites. But first let me tell you what Brianna Banks taught me and all too late mind you! Brianna told me never to do one of those Fleet enemas with the liquid inside. Dump out the contents because it has a laxative effect and will make the um, poo, continue to come down after using it throughout the day/evening. Instead, dump the contents and use only warm water. Now let me back track and tell you what Shay taught me. She uses a douche bag Before the scene. She uses only warm water and does it about three times, until the water coming out is clean. And I tell you; there is such a physical great, cleansing feeling after the enema.

Ok, that being said, let me give you my routine and keep in mind, I never do this routine in my personal life. If I am really turned on, I want that cock in my ass! (But, not after a steak dinner.) Once you start doing it more and tuning into your body, you'll know when it feels it's the right time and when it's not and you're not going to want to stop in the middle of sex to go clean yourself out! But I do understand the fear and thinking, "What if it's dirty?!", so this is what I do to be sure I can take that cock out of my ass and stick it in my mouth without worry. I use a Fleet or generic brand suppository; they work really fast, (for me within minutes) then I fill one of those water bottle, douche bags, that you can get at the drug store, with warm water. I do it, as Shay suggests, until it is totally clean. Which is generally no more than 3 times. If I'm doing a scene I will take the Imodium for extra safety and mental comfort, but really, you don't need it! Relax, you do these things and you're clean, really, clean enough. No worries and if a little something gets on the cock wipe it off, no big deal! Seriously, relax and don't worry! But still, you don't want to put the cock back and forth from your ass to your pussy, trust me she will get a urinary track infection and that sucks so bad, probably not the best to put it in your mouth from ass either but fuck it, that's hot. Listen to me! I'm the one, that asks, still to this day, "Is it clean? Is it clean?" And it always is, even without all the preparation. Ladies and guys too who take it that way too, listen to your body. If you feel you are gaseous or feel bloated or constipated, then, sorry honey, aint happening tonight! But most of the time, when you're really turned on and tune into your body you will be fine. So, eat light, suppository and enema with warm water and it's Ass to Mouth baby!!!!

What do you know, a pornstar wrote to me :)))
male, 38 yo, straight
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