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Doing your A, B, C's

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Doing your A, B, C's

Postby jeronimo88 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:59 am

I was in the mood for something new the other day and I came across a website with a few different tips and tricks to try when enjoying your personal time.
One of the suggestions was tracing out each letter of the alphabet against your clitoris with your finger.
I was in heaven.

I hadn't felt quite that good since I first started.
Back when every orgasm was a surprise and I was literally twitching with pleasure.
That's a must try for anyone looking for a fun new idea.

Re: Doing your A, B, C's

Postby iplaywithit » Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:33 pm

love you pic, wish I could see more
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Re: Doing your A, B, C's

Postby Much2Fun » Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:36 am

Its cool to know women try different techniques as well. How often do you masturbate?
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Re: Doing your A, B, C's

Postby jeronimo88 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:14 pm

Much2Fun wrote:Its cool to know women try different techniques as well. How often do you masturbate?

There's usually a period of about 5 days-a week where I go at it a lot.

Re: Doing your A, B, C's

Postby brocko » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:57 am

jeronimo88 wrote:I was in the mood for something new the other day and I came across a website with a few different tips and tricks to try when enjoying your personal time.
One of the suggestions was tracing out each letter of the alphabet against your clitoris with your finger.
I was in heaven.

I hadn't felt quite that good since I first started.
Back when every orgasm was a surprise and I was literally twitching with pleasure.
That's a must try for anyone looking for a fun new idea.

Heh, good for you :) I read about this method as well, but it was in reference to oral, just spell out letters with your tongue! but, i guess your method is better for you unless your into chicks ;p take care cutsie pie!
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