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Masturbating families

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Masturbating families

Postby stapler77 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:42 pm

to set the record straight right out the gate, this is NOT an incest question.
i've read on other forums about families open to masturbating openly. i'm just curious if this is rare or more common than i think. they talk about being open to masturbating in front of each other. either openly in the living room or in their rooms with full knowledge by everyone. dont know why but this struck me in a positive way. just curious of your opinions.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby SusieG » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:42 am

I don't know how common it is but growning up my family was most definitely open in this regard. My parents talked openly about sex and told us repeatedly there was nothing shameful about it. They preached safe sex to us constantly, and made it clear that masturbation was healthy and not to resist the urge when we had one. So there was a lot of masturbation going on in our house. I knew we were "unusual" compared to other familes, but honestly it did not feel wierd or unnatural. I feel blessed today that I was raised this way when I see how most people are. I think a lot of sexual problems come from people feeling sex is shameful or wrong in some way.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby TokyoMike » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:07 am

Love to hear more.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby stapler77 » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:31 am

[quote="SusieG"]I don't know how common it is but growning up my family was most definitely open in this regard. My parents talked openly about sex and told us repeatedly there was nothing shameful about it. They preached safe sex to us constantly, and made it clear that masturbation was healthy and not to resist the urge when we had one. So there was a lot of masturbation going on in our house. I knew we were "unusual" compared to other familes, but honestly it did not feel wierd or unnatural. I feel blessed today that I was raised this way when I see how most people are. I think a lot of sexual problems come from people feeling sex is shameful or wrong in some way.[/quote]

So at what age was the topic broached? And were you ever masturbating openly in full view of your family? It does sound like you had a very open and healthy home. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby SusieG » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:29 am

Not sure I can talk about specifics in a public forum? I don't want to break any rules.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby stapler77 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:48 am

No problem. Anyone else feel like sharing?
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby SusieG » Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:00 am

Thanks. PMs are okay.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby Satin Lover » Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:10 pm

My family was a strange mixture of openness and repression. My mother talked to my sisters about everything from contraception to abortion, but nobody ever talked to me about anything. I discovered masturbation while toweling myself off after a shower, which led to all kinds of confusion and experimentation.

A friend, however, revealed to me in high school that his family was very open about masturbation. His parents not only discussed it, but taught him how and provided material to make it better. I think it paid off because my friend was one of those supremely self confident people who never boasted or complained, just got things done and smiled the whole time.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby pc720 » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:02 pm

Im turned on a lot about the thought of this, i never had the experience of doing it really, but i think for most people the taboo of it all can be what is so exciting and such a turn on..would love to hear some thoughts or experiences! PM me, looking forward to hearing more!
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby milkbunny22 » Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:35 pm

My mother was open with me sexually once I was old enough to appreciate it. She would tell me about some of her experinces, give me advice and told me masturbation was fun, healthy and practiced as often as I felt like. We would be open with each other about masturbating, like mentioning we were going to like it was just any other activity. A few of my friends though this openess was a little weird but at the same time seemed envious of the freedom I had at home to express myself sexually without having to hide my urges.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby Tazz41 » Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:56 pm

Too bad its not as accepted as it was with your family milkbunny.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby billjax » Thu May 19, 2011 4:53 am

Hi, I found this board in a web search, hope I'm not digging up an old topic and breaking protocol somehow. I'm finding it's really difficult to find real information or experiences on this subject.

I don't know if we qualify as a "masturbating family" but my sister and I were always very close and this extended into pretty much all facets of growing up. I'm not going to go into our family history but long story short we were raised together by foster parents who weren't the best and we really only had each other to call family. As we got older and puberty and the hormones hit we turned to each other for answers to the questions about what was going on. My sister is a couple of years older than me and when puberty hit her we were both curious about it, and we started as a lot of boys and girls do with show and tell. I think we were aware that other brothers and sister's didn't do this, but for us it didn't seem wrong or even unnatural.

Eventually the curiosity got deeper and the show and tell turned into masturbation. I remember buying adult newspapers from a machine and bring those home and we would read them together. They weren't anything hardcore but they did have stories about sexual situations (sometimes graphic) and was sort of the catalyst that got us going, at least in the beginning. There was masturbation but there was also a lot of discussion and everything seemed purposeful.

I'm probably rambling on too much already but masturbation between us was very much "open" all the way through our teens. But now we're adults and that's all gone away and to be honest I miss it a lot. We're still very close but don't talk about sexualtiy except in the context of who the other person is dating and what's going on with it. I've been thinking a lot lately about the old days growing up and how amazing it was to have a wonderful person with whom you could share the emotional and physical elements of sexuality in the form of masturbation and have no strings and no cares beyond that, but still be attached emotionally. There have been times when I'm talking to her on the phone and I will carefully bring up the subject and I can just feel her open and receptive to talking about it, but as ironic as this sounds, I feel like we're both adults now and I am worried about embarrasing her or somehow causing a rift by being more direct.

Anyway, I can't seem to stop rambling, but I was searching Google to hopefully find other people who may have been in the same situation and what the outcome was. Unfortunatly there seems to be pretty much nothing but crap out there on the Internet. This board seems genuine so I'm taking a chance and posting here. Maybe I'll meet some others or get some advice... we'll see.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby eliminator » Thu May 19, 2011 8:07 am

Not that I have any experience in that situation, but I'd say the best person to talk to would be your sister. Set up some private meeting where you guys can discuss what boundaries (if any) you/she wants, so you don't need to worry about, as you said, "embarrassing" her.

Not sure if that answers your question, but that'd be my 2 cents.
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby billjax » Fri May 20, 2011 7:04 pm

Thanks for the response. The problem is it's been 7+ years since we've done anything in that context so I'm extremely nervous about how to jump back into it or even if it's a good idea at this point. I'm very conflicted, many mixed emotions. The thing is, my gut tells me she wants to revist those "happy times" but my gut has been wrong before.

Not sure this is an appropriate question but does anyone know where this kind of thing is discussed? I've been searching Google and it seems like all sites that "discuss" this kind of thing are either: 1) "incest survivor" type discussions; 2) adult forums where one person asks a question about it and everyone jumps down their throat about how wrong it so, or 3) people posting a million download links to "real incest videos." Can't find any non-judgemental mature places where this is discussed (this forum is as close as I've come).
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Re: Masturbating families

Postby billjax » Tue May 31, 2011 7:39 am

I had some awesome, awesome quality time with my sister over the holiday weekend. We had long talks about everything, growing up, friends, romances, and even... sex. In a flash of nervous honesty I broke down and told her how I felt. I was expecting a gentle let down but pretty much the opposite happened... she was completely sympathetic and told me she often felt the same way! Nothing "happened" other than a lot of closeness and the downing of a few bottles of wine (not all at once!), but I again feel the same level of attachment I felt when we were growning up and haven't felt (at least not like this) for years.

THANK YOU to the few people who PM'd me with advice and the chats and everything else... Nice to know there are actually caring, non-judgemental people around!!! If anyone wants to chat about anything my "inbox" is always open!
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