Try this. When you are really horny, and feel the need to cum. Place a vibrator on the underside of your cock,
the sensitive spot just below the glans. When you feel you are about to cum, remove it and relax your sphincter muscles,
the ones you use to make your cock jerk, this will take some concentration and practice as the urge is to tense them. If
nothing happens, apply the vibrator again and remove just before you cum. When you get the timing right you will feel
some movement inside as semen releases and works its way up your cock, sometimes it just dribbles out and sometimes it
squirts quite hard - remember to keep relaxing the muscles. If you remove the vibrator to late you may cum properly,
and you will have to try another time.
If you are successful and semen has come out you will remain horny, but the urge to cum reduces. Then I normally catch
the cum in a teaspoon so I can play with it or massage it in, also an opportunity to taste it, as you are still horney.
I have managed to do this for a number of days in a row, and stay horney.
If you do not have a vibrator, you can rub in a cicular motion under your cock - without any lubrication, but it is
more difficult to get the timing right, and you may go to far so that you cum properly.
Post a reply here to let me know of any success.