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General Discussion - Mutual Masturbation gay?

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Mutual Masturbation homosexual?

Poll ended at Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:38 am

Total votes : 29

General Discussion - Mutual Masturbation gay?

Postby blah123 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:38 am

I know many of you agree that mutal masturbation is not gay, but i have taken the topic to my friends at school and they all beleive if a man jerks/sucks another mans penis, he is gay or bi. They believe, you cannot be straight, if you have the urge to jerk another man. Which i happen to agree to some extent. Because i read the these forums and it seems ppl to it commonly. However, we did agree on that if two or more men jack off together in the same room, that isnt gay. For example, guys looking at porn then start touching their dick.

So, do some people agree with me? Or if you disagree, please post!
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Postby Avco » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:23 am

It is always hard to put someone in a catagory like "sexualism".

Take me for instance, I can NEVER under any cicumstance fall in love with a guy. That kind fo thinking makes me heterosexual.

BUT, i can easily imagine doin mutual jacking and even sucking. Now what does that make me?! We don't know, because there is no (that I know of) catagorizing that works that way.

Society is lead to believe that a person that can touch or suck a penis or a vagina, whilst having one of their own, is homosexualism.

But what about emotionalism? Or better yet, emotiosexualism. That is where the REAL homosexuality is.
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Postby EVILDRIVER » Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:26 am

you don't have to love a guy to be gay.
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Postby ilovetodoit » Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:36 pm

I have to agree with Turtle, in the end. The categorization that we have, refers to the sexual choices of a person. Giving or receiving an handjob is a sexual activity. Doing this to another man is an homosexual act. Doing (or having fantasies about) that, is, for the "straight" man, just giving some voice to the bisexual side of his personality (that most have). Nothing bad in this, I think.

I spent not little time thinking about categorizations, even though I'm happily married and the bi side of me has acted - for different reasons - only in my fantasies. But, specially after reading this forums, I realized that we have to accept what we are, and even though the present categorization may be lacking, to accept it too.

We can call this with different names or whatever, but there'll be the same a part of society that will think it's bad.
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Postby SHITFACE_COCKMASTER » Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:54 pm

This is an interesting topic. I've found an interesting FAQ in about this that will help clarify things a bit:

Why is it you're not gay if you're a guy and you masturbate another guy?

Masturbating another guy is a gay activity, but that doesn't mean you have gay preferences. For the finer points of this distinction, please read "What Is Homosexuality?".


A lot of young JackinWorld readers have concerns about homosexuality. Since our society unfortunately attaches a fairly strong negative association to homosexuality, many young guys "worry" that they might be homosexual, because they're interested in penises and perhaps in masturbating with a friend or relative. In fact, many of the readers who have admitted such an interest in their JackinWorld postings often follow up their statement with "but I'm definitely NOT gay," or something to that effect. This recently prompted one reader to write and ask, "Please post somewhere that it is okay to be gay. It is."

I personally agree with the statement that it's okay to be gay. But things aren't quite that simple. It's common for young people to see things in black and white; something is either "right" or "wrong," period. People are constantly writing me with a concern, perhaps that they masturbate many times a day or that their penis is small, and they ask me whether or not they're "normal." But things like "normal," "right," and "wrong" are very difficult to define. I can tell people that masturbation is harmless and that many boys do it several times a day, and I can tell people that most adult guys' erect penises are between 5" and 7" in length — but when someone writes and asks whether it's "normal" to masturbate six times a day, or whether their 4" penis is "normal" ... well, things can get a little slippery. There is no hard-and-fast line inside of which you're "normal" and outside of which you're "abnormal." Nobody could accurately find the right place for that line, nor should they. In subjective matters such as these, we must learn to accept the fact that what's "normal" to one person may not be "normal" to another.

What does this have to do with homosexuality? Well, I can assure you that there's nothing physically wrong with being homosexual. Most health-care practitioners today believe that at least some people, if not all, are born with their sexual orientation in place, and therefore are destined to be gay, straight, or somewhere in between. However, I don't feel comfortable telling people whether it's morally "right" or "wrong" to have sex with people of the same gender, because morality and values are deeply personal, individual concepts that each person has to figure out for him or herself during the course of their life. Even though I have no moral objections whatsoever toward homosexuality, I would not want to tell a very conservative person they are "wrong" for condemning homosexuality, any more than I would want them to say I was "wrong" for condoning it. Sexual preference should be, I believe, completely up to the individual practicing it. As soon as someone projects his or her own beliefs on the matter onto someone else, that person's privacy is violated, and rights are violated. I personally feel that an individual's sexual preference isn't anyone else's business (except the person's partner, of course). I also feel that if people would only adhere to this fairly simple concept, "gay" or "straight" wouldn't even be an issue, and many young souls wouldn't be tortured as a result.

Now, that still doesn't answer some critical questions for many of you. Even in a perfect world, you still might be curious to know where you stand in terms of sexual orientation. Well, if you're younger than about age 20, I'd say you're probably still too young to assign yourself a sexual orientation, if you ever feel the need to do such a thing. Why? Because experimentation with alternate ways of expressing sexuality are so common for young people. It's not a good idea to set the course for the rest of your life if you're still trying out all of the options.

Here's an example: A 15-year-old writes, "Just about every night, my brother and I take turns masturbating each other, and I really enjoy it and look forward to it. We've gone so far as to give each other oral sex. Am I gay?" Well, first of all, it would be foolish to say the activities you're engaging in are not homosexual by nature. Let's face it: No matter what your beliefs on homosexuality, two guys giving each other sexual pleasure is, by definition, a homosexual act. However, homosexual acts are not the same as a homosexual orientation. There are many situations in which otherwise-straight guys have sexual contact with each other because contact with the opposite sex is unavailable: in prison, on ships and submarines, and — yes — in youth. Teenage boys are just exploding with hormones, sexuality is fairly new territory for them, and often the only bodies around that are available to explore these new feelings with are other, equally curious and excited teen boys. That's why experimentation, such as mutual masturbation and sometimes more, happens so often. Are all of these boys "homosexual"? Of course not. As they get older, some of them get girlfriends and begin exploring their sexuality through the opposite sex. Others, meanwhile, continue having sexual contact with other males. And still others explore sexuality with both sexes. By the time they're in their 20s, it may be appropriate for them to think of where their sexual orientation lies — in other words, which gender they prefer to have sex with. But some people would rather avoid labels — they just consider themselves "sexual" and consider the person more important to attractiveness than that person's gender.

Still, there are cases where a person's sexual orientation is clear from a fairly early age. If the same 15-year-old wrote and said, "As long as I can remember, I've been interested only in other boys. I think about them when I daydream, when I sleep, and I fantasize about them exclusively when I masturbate. Girls have never interested me sexually at all." In this case, I'd say the reader will probably, indeed, grow up to be gay. Perhaps he's already thinking about telling his parents, because these feelings pervade his life and his thoughts throughout the day. I think that's far, far healthier than someone in the same boat who denies his feelings, tries for years to convince himself he is attracted to females, and perhaps ends up getting married and being unfaithful to his wife by having affairs with other men. That person is living a lie — and that is a very unhealthy situation indeed.

So, what do you do if you think you truly are gay but have serious moral objections to the idea of being homosexual? This is a matter of grave concern. Tragically, the suicide rate of gay teens is enormously high. But there is hope. Luckily, today there are many, many resources available for gay youth, especially in cities. There are also many such resources on the Web. You don't have to live your life in agony, denial, or worse. Talk to somebody and get help. Happiness and peace of mind can very definitely be in your future — you just have to be strong and brave and go out and search for it.

As for the rest of you who are merely experimenting or just having fun, relax. You won't get "locked into" gay behavior just because of a few encounters with people your age. At the same time, though, it's important not to get too focused on this side of sexuality if there's another side you'd like to explore as well. Feel free to check out the various options, and then determine what kinds of sexuality you'd like to continue exploring for the rest of your life. As long as you keep your options and your mind open, happiness with your sexuality won't be far behind.

And now for the poll, is it homosexual?

Yes, IT IS an homosexual act, which it's not the same of being gay.
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Postby EVILDRIVER » Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:12 pm

it may not be the same as gay, but it IS the same as bi.
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Mutual mast

Postby cockain » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:08 pm

After reading all of the stuff written concerning this topic I have my own personal view. All the porn I enjoy is naked women, or women interacting with with men or women.I enjoy it all.When I maturbate the images I use are women and I am happily married to a woman.

HOWEVER, I have mutually masturbated another man for the sheer heck of it. The opportunity was there and I went along with it. I did not have to ,but I I like pushing the boundaries in my life.That does not make me gay or bi, just makes me a sexed up hot to trot masturbator who was out looking for thrills one day and that's how it happened.

If you read my posting on the experience you will see"the how" and "the why".
cockain.....'cos its addictive...
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Postby ilovetodoit » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:55 pm

Taking the definition of heterosexual by literal, the straight man should feel disgusted by sexually touching (or be touched by) another man. However, taking by litteral the definition of homosexual, the gay man should feel disgusted by sexually touching (or be touched by) a woman. :) If one is somewhere in the middle, no matter where, then this one is bi.
We can say that most people in this world (and I put myself in) belongs to the last category (maybe at some edge of it, but still there), but calling it with other names is just trying to hide ourselves.
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Postby Zipgun » Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:07 pm

Not gonna touch this one with a 10ft pole :D
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Postby goforitMark » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:13 pm

Do what you enjoy and enjoy doing it. I reckon most of us have pleasurable sexual experiences of some kind or another with people of the same sex even if it's just a little admiration from a distance. What box you or others put you in is irrelevant.
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Postby ilovetodoit » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:21 pm

goforitMark wrote:Do what you enjoy and enjoy doing it. I reckon most of us have pleasurable sexual experiences of some kind or another with people of the same sex even if it's just a little admiration from a distance. What box you or others put you in is irrelevant.

Yes, that's the truth.
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well hell

Postby Bill » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:29 pm

this is an incredibly interesting topic. if im Bi because i like the feel of my cock sliding into a nice warm wet pussy while i kiss her neck and yet want to jack a guy off then so be it but i aint kissin his neck lmao.
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Postby ilovetodoit » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:32 pm

Aleister Crowley wrote: Do what you like, so you can be

Anyway, I agree that this is one of the most interesting posts on the forum.
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Postby Wanker023 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:05 am

I think what turns you on and eventually brings you to an orgasm defines your sexual orientation.
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