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frenoplasty. Anyone had it done?

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frenoplasty. Anyone had it done?

Postby qcumber » Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:53 pm

hi, in need of some advice.
anyone had a frenoplasty carried out, where the frenulun is snipped allowing the foreskin to move freely up and down the shaft.
its either that or a circumcision for me at the age of 37.
i d prefe r to keep my foreskin, Anyone any advice, esp guys that had it done.
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Re: frenoplasty. Anyone had it done?

Postby Lexi » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:11 pm

So I will describe my method times as I've removed my Frenulum. Everyone must of course know what he wants.
The Frenulum Praeputii removes (frenulektomie) I can only recommend. The advantages are:
1. The foreskin can move further back, it is a major hub for the possible and masturbation, the foreskin is moving.
2. The penis looks better, because the foreskin folds almost pull it backwards.
3. The penis is a much better clean.
I have the Frenulum with three interventions themselves completely removed by the following method.
Prerequisite is clean and sterile, Hands and penis thoroughly wash and sterilize the intervention agency.
First, I have the penis for about 5 min in ice water bath, then you notice the cut not. After the sterilization of Frenulum I used a sharp pair of scissors (With a pair of scissors cannot slip) the Frenulum in the middle up to the glans (glans) lower passing through.
It bleeds a little, do not panic. Next, I have sterile gauze rolls inserted into the wound and the foreskin closed (wound glued otherwise). Then I took the foreskin with a sticking plaster strips and a sealed condom pulled over, if still little blood comes out (which was not the case).
The next morning, I cautiously opened the foreskin, (the bleeding had stopped) and urinates after further disinfect the wound, a new gauze rolls and brought back the foreskin closed. But as I patch the booklet easy to urinate can open. After a week the wound has healed so well that I could resist gently masturbate. Incidentally pain are limited is easily bearable.
After a few months after the wound had healed well, I have only the rest of the Frenulum on the Glans bottom
, and after the well was healed on the inside of the foreskin in the same way away. Ultimately, I have, so to speak, a triangle cut out. With the result, I am very satisfied. The operation is now 30 years back, so I think this can be assessed.
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Re: frenoplasty. Anyone had it done?

Postby goldentony111 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:06 am

i have
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