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male toys (suggestions needed)

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male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cloxis » Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:22 pm

About ~8 years ago, I purchased a male sex toy, kind of like a "pocket pussy", but a bit larger. It's no longer sold anywhere and I don't remember the name/brand, but it was perfect until it eventually needed replacing. It consisted of a hard, clear plastic tube and a soft artificial material that looked like a vagina on one end and was more open at the other. The tube was not firm, and held its shape by being secured to the inside of the hard plastic tube. (It could freely expand within the tube.) The inside of the tube had little projections for stimulation, and for me, it was the perfect diameter--nice and loose! Because it was open ended, it didn't create any suction, which I didn't want anyway.

Since I can't find this toy any more, I've looked around for replacements. The Fleshlight and similar products look interesting, but unfortunately the sex shops in my conservative, Southern town mostly just carry girl toys and little else, so I can't look at them before buying... aside from pictures online. I recently purchased a black Tenga Flip-Air... which would have been nice (especially since it's so well made and durable), but there were two problems. First, it's not open-ended, and I don't enjoy the suction... despite having the button to relieve pressure. Second, I've apparently got a lot more girth than most guys. Most condoms are far too tight for me, and even with this Tenga, I've resorted to using it "sub sandwich" style (not closing it and leaving it half-open so it's not too tight). However, it's just not the same without the 360-degree stimulation, plus the edge of the hard plastic exterior sometimes rubs against me, which isn't pleasant.

I've tried pocket pussies before, and those are all too tight. They usually just have a small hole that expands as you insert yourself, but that's still too tight for me. Unfortunately, it's far too much stimulation for me and ruins the experience, regardless of how much lube I use.

I was wondering if there are other guys in the same boat as me, and if so, can you suggest any good Tenga-like toys? Again, I'm looking for something like a pocket pussy, ideally open at both ends (no suction), easy to clean, durable, and most importantly *loose* (for someone with extra girth).
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cearul » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:49 am

I HIGHLY recommend a Fleshlight I own one, and it is the most amazing thing ever!
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby Shovel_racer » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:27 pm

Fleshlight feels amazing no doubt. BUT it's a pain in the ass. You need tons of lube to keep it going nicely, you have to warm it up, and then there's the cleanup afterwards. Oh and you have to let it air dry. That's real discreet.. It's a whole long process. I have one but never use it.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cloxis » Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:46 pm

So I'm assuming the Fleshlight is open at the other end (to allow a release in pressure)? I can never tell from the the online pictures. Also, assuming I get the original or one of the textured ones, how tight is it for someone with extra girth?

Otherwise, I don't mind the clean-up.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cearul » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:55 am

The end-cap is adjustable for increased or decreased "sucking" type feeling, you can even take the end cap off if you don't like the sucking feeling at all. As far as girth, I've never had any problems with fitting myself into a Fleshlight...although I've had issues with other similar toys. I've never had problems cleaning it either, although it is a good idea to have a place where you can lay it on a towel to air dry out of sight.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby Slivers » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:12 pm

I'm looking for a toy as well. Will be my first sex toy but from what I've heard, the Fleshlight is the way to go? Are there other male toys that are worth mentioning?
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cloxis » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:19 am

Well, I took the suggestion and bought the Fleshlight with the "Original" and "Wonder Wave" sleeves. I have to say that this brand of toys is very likely what evolved out of the toy I described above. Unfortunately, the sleeves they use now are still a bit too tight. does have a buyer's guide (accessible through the FAQ), which helps a lot in making the proper selection for sleeves, but sadly even 3/4" diameter feels just a bit too tight for me. Even with lots of extra lube, I don't get much of a sliding sensation and I feel like I'm just getting jerked off. :( (Btw, using their buying guide, I measured my girth at ~5.5" ... not "huge", but definitely larger than average according to that page.)

Anyway, I wrote to the people at asking if they might produce sleeves with larger openings and tubes. If any other guys out there have the same problem as me, I encourage you to write to them as well.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby mark520 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:23 am

I can highly recommend a Muffie super real pussy. Feels amazing with flesh like material and a ribbed inside with nodules make it feel very, very good. Less then a tenner too! It's only 5" long but very stretchy so you can make it longer if you want. Cleaning is easy because it is open at both ends.

Also want to try this but not got round to buying one yet:

EDIT: Just seen the age of this thread after replying DOH!
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cock o the north » Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:40 pm

The fleshlights are excellent. Try the clear one, you can watch your cock sliding in and out. Check out my vids on yuvutu - zirvania :)
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby Slivers » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:15 am

Just ordered my first sex toy.


I can't wait for it to arrive this weekend. Been stroking myself for quite some time now in anticipation.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby kr77 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:05 pm

While I agree with Shovel- the fleshlight is kind of a pain it can be really worth it. I got my first original fleshlight about 5-6 yrs ago. I did use it fairly frequently at first and then just kind of put it away. About a year ago I ordered the fleshjack mouth (clear) because I was looking for something to replicate a blow job since the girlfriend has kind of forgotten that I really enjoy that.
Both the fleshlight and my newer one do totally feel awesome. It is hard for me to last and truly feels real. The original totally feels like you are inside a pussy and the mouth feels like you are getting a bj.
You can order from the fleshlight website- my guess it would definitely satisfy what you are looking for and you would be happy. It's probably not something you would use for every day masturbation. If it is the weekend and you have some time to kill it might be a fleshlight day. And yes you do want to clean it and air dry it for a bit.
I've been curious about the Tenga flip and the autoblow but not purchased either.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby Slivers » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:19 am

Slivers wrote:Just ordered my first sex toy.


I can't wait for it to arrive this weekend. Been stroking myself for quite some time now in anticipation.

I just received it and I'm sad that it isn't working for me. I picked it up at the post office, returned home, stripped down naked, lubed up my hard cock and was ready for some fun. Unfortunately, but cock is too thick. So as soon as I stick my hard cock in the pussy part of the sex toy, the edge of the casing scrapes my shaft. More painful then pleasureable and I don’t want to end up with a bleeding cock.

So damn you thick penis. Oh well. It wasn’t that expensive and maybe I can take the pussy part out and stick it in something else and still use it.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby jalebibai » Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:04 pm

Hi friends I am pretty new to using these toys. I am in a kind of dilemma about the right toy suitable for my requirement. Reviewing the comments of experienced people I could not derive any conclusions as such. Of course Fleshlight has been the most talked about toy but there are people who seem to think otherwise. Also there are so many online adult stores now offering various toys claiming their supremacy. Just for the sake of masturbating preferably that would help me retain my orgasm I would love to get simple suggestions about the best toy in the market. Please guide me a little bit.
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby sdick675 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:48 pm

Has anyone tried the Tenga toys, like the Tenga flip? If you don't know what they are look them up, saw a few vids on xhampster. They seem like they would be real fun!
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Re: male toys (suggestions needed)

Postby cock o the north » Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:56 pm
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