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new story

Postby foxy1downtown » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:32 pm

Earlier this week during the day, I went for a massage. I used to go to this place all the time, but haven't been there recently. I got a very nice greeting from the older Chinese man that owns/works there. I like this place because you don't have to get undressed but they give you a very good acupressure massage. Anyway, I got on the table (on my stomach) and he gave me an incredible and intense back/head/arm/leg massage. This guy is amazing. It hurt like hell, but I knew how much better I would feel afterwards. He told me to turn over, then proceeded to massage my face and neck. Then he moved to the top of my chest, then his hands moved between my breasts. A little strange, but nothing inappropriate. Then he started rubbing his hands in circles over my stomach. The circles became larger and included my vagina. Nothing technically sexual, though I was becoming quite aroused. He then did my legs and feet. I was fully clothed, but wearing a dress with bare legs. He was once again very thorough, then he started on my pelvic bones. After that, his hands ended up on my inner thigh were he massaged my inner thighs very deeply, with his fingers ending underneath the elastic of my underwear massaging just next to my vagina. After that, the exact same movements on the other side. Never any actual direct touching of my vagina, but I don't believe that is the standard massage practice. I discovered afterwards that my 1 hour massage actually lasted closer to an hour and a half. I was so incredibly turned on afterwards, but had to proceed with my day. It was several hours until I could fully deal with my arrousal...
Corporal Cum-dumpster
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Re: new story

Postby kgwolves » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:07 am

lucky girl! thats hot I wish I could be the guy giving you the erotic tension! Why can't this happen to me when I get a massage? By a girl that is haha
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Re: new story

Postby Ranger1 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:44 am

Do you want him to take it further? Slip his fingers inside you? Why not wear your sexiest panties next time? Or do some subtle hip movements when he's close to your cunt. Or be really daring and offer to take your panties off when he's under the elastic. If you do take it further, get back to us and tell us how it went.
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Re: new story

Postby foxy1downtown » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:57 pm

I went back and the experience was much the same. Next time I'm going to keep my dress on but take off my bra and panties and see what happens. The way this man touches me I suspect he could do some amazing things if his hands wandered a little bit. I'd love to have his fingers inside me. So strange, because I am not attracted to him but just so turned on by the idea of being touched in such an inappropriate way. I love the idea of walking out afterwards like nothing at all has happened. There is almost no privacy in this place, so I would have to work so hard not to moan.
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